Julien evaluated this phone call as absolutely meaningless. He was a bit disappointed that the villain didn't tell him the meaning of the gift he received today.

Julien also felt that he was really quite drunk. His head swimmed uncomfortably as he shuffled with the line. The object of going out was to have some fun so one mission was accomplished. He had succeeded.

The line had moved and it was his turn. When Julien entered the cabin his mobile phone started ringing. It made him jump and yelp in surprise.

He answered it in a fright: "Hello?"

Lucius said and immediately hung up after that: "I'm coming to get you."

Lucius sounded calm and threatening at the same time.

Julien's heart was thumping: "Oh no."

[System: You didn't tell him where you are.]

Julien calmed down: "You are right! He can't find me here."

He thought that the villain just wanted to mess with his head. Julien washed his hands and checked his face in the mirror. He looked flushed and slightly unfocused.

When he eventually returned to the table Etienne scolded him: "I was starting to worry, you have been gone so long."

Julien waved his hand: "The line for the toilet was long."

Etienne measured him with his eyes: "You don't look well. Maybe we go get some fresh air?"

Julien brows squished together in a frown: "I'm not okay, but you are. Something is not right."

Etienne pointed his finger at his chest: "Because my omega genes are not dominant and I'm not so sensitive like you."

Julien said in a sulky tone: "I thought I was the stronger one."

He was feeling wronged and held a grudge against System who told him all the things about being powerful.

[System: I was talking about your pheromones and not about your body! Can you blame me for not listening properly?]

Etienne was looking at him with a questioning expression on his face: "What did you do at school when they were explaining these things? Well, never mind, let's go."

They made their way through the crowd while Julien was beginning to feel hot, his head was spinning uncomfortably. He was a little unsteady on his feet. More unsteady than usual.

How could he be so drunk after drinking that much?

[System: There's a lot of people who can learn from their mistakes, but you aren't one of them.]

His vision had been affected, and Julien was seeing double of everything. The System was right, he shouldn't let himself get this messed up, but wasn't able to resist the temptation of the next glass.

The wine was velvety red with no real sign of ageing, still very youthful, heavily Cabernet in style, blackcurrant leaf with a cedar wood and cigar box spice coming through, concentrated fragrance was followed by rich fruit. Overall, it was a classic Medoc from a top chateau in a great vintage.

He was no saint.

Outside two alphas had joined them: "Are you okay?"

Julien smiled weakly at them: "I think I just had a bit too much to drink."

One of them said: "We too."

They stepped closer, putting their arm around them: "We can have a good time, the four of us."

Etienne was frightened. The other alpha was holding him in his arms, pulling him close: "What are you doing?"

Julien tried to push him and rescue Etienne: "Get your hands off him!"

He felt panicky, drunk and out of control. The feeling was suffocating.

Thump, thump, thump—

Julien thought he was going to be in heat in a moment.

The cold and sinister voice split the air: "Oh that's how you wanna play it when I'm not being around?"

Lucius struggled to contain his anger.

Two alphas glanced anxiously up at him and released omegas. They quickly slinked off back into the building.

Julien jumped to hide behind Etienne. He was crying inside: "System, you said that he can't find me!"

[System: I said, and I quote, 'you didn't tell him where you are'. According to my data at that moment he actually didn't know, but things are changing, aren't they?]

Julien glanced at Etinne who looked pretty intimidated by Lucius: "What are you looking at? Save me!"

Then he risked a peek at the villain. Lucius was staring down at him, his face composed, giving nothing away.

Etienne spotted the taxi stop which was opposite them: "I think I'm looking in the wrong direction. I will be leaving this way!"

He knew that they had a complicated relationship and didn't want to meddle in their affairs.

Julien was taken aback: "What?"

Etienne just shrugged and said: "I, it's nothing, Julien. I just remembered something urgent came up."

Julien frowned: "Something urgent?"

Etienne was thinking hard about the excuse: "Oh, the piano I left at home is sick. No, that's not right. I mean, I was going to meet up with someone and I forgot. Unfortunately, we will have to part ways!"

Julien's jaw dropped: "You really got nothing to do here?"

His pupils narrowed and seemed to flee from the expanding whites of his eyes: "So you are going to walk away? Ok! I see how it is!"

Etienne would run if he could, but that would make him look too suspicious.

Julien was on his own with Lucius. He couldn't bring himself to look at him swamped with shame.

What should he say to him?

Julien muttered, staring at his fingers: "I'm sorry."

Lucius asked dryly: "What are you sorry for, Julien?"

[System: He he. The villain wants his pound of flesh.]

Julien's face was very white: "Apologize for the phone call and for being rude."

Lucius even in the dark you could see him, like a shining beacon. The white creamy tone of his skin reminded him of whipped milk. He couldn't help but wonder if he reached out, would he only graze air. As if he were nothing but a ghost.

Lucius grabbed his wrist and pulled it out and gently led him over to the edge of the parking lot: "If you're going to be in the heat again, do it the car."

The alpha tugged his hand that he was still holding hard and omega couldn't help and fell back against him. Lucius had one arm around him, clasping Julien to him, while the fingers of his other hand softly traced his face, gently probing, examining him. His thumb brushed his lower lip.

All Julien could hear at this moment was Lucius breath hitch.