Julien in his circle of friends on the phone had only three people: Etienne, Ioan and Lucius.

Soon Ioan saw that his brother posted a message this afternoon. The message was accompanied by a video of the omega singing and playing the piano.

It was followed by one like - Etienne Emond.

Ioan of course already knew of Julien's friend, but never gave him the second glance.

This time he swept his deep gaze across his face on the profile picture. The omega had dark, willow-like eyebrows and also a pair of big sparkling watery eyes. His eyelashes were thick and long like a small curling fan. With a small smile on his face, the alpha couldn't help, but use his finger to trace the other rosy lips, chin and then all the way down to the slim and fair collarbone of omega neck…

When Julien came home, he saw his brother staring at his phone and was a little surprised by it. He and raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

Ioan put the phone away and smiled: "I'm not doing anything important. How was your day?"

Julien responded with the truth: "Actually, today's been pretty fun. How about yours?"

His brother nodded his head and concluded: "Yes, he is pretty..."

Ioan's expression was strange for one second after he said that, and then turned silent.

He tactfully switched the topic: "Sleepy?"

Julien closed his eyes and like an old man said: "The thing that tires a man the most is life without good rest."

After a bath, Julien changed clothes and kept staring at himself. The young man's reflection glared back at him out of the mirror. He probably thought Julien was doubting whether the reflection looked manly enough, and, to be honest, he was. Julien morosely muttered to himself: "Where is my manliness? Come on."

Julien turned sideways, and the reflection turned with him, thrusting his chest out at the exact same moment he did. It looked flat as a board, but his nipples had a hint of femininity. Julien's body made a right angle and his butt was especially obvious. He felt embarrassed but took another look.

Julien couldn't help and touched his butt, which was extraordinarily soft. Throwing a last, discontented glare at the well upholstered and young man in the pink puppy pajamas.

[System: No man would look manly in those clothes.]

Just as Julien was thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly, which scared him. He saw that the contact's name shown on the mobile phone was "Demon King".

He coughed and picked it up: "Hello?"

The low magnetic voice spoke: "It's me."

Julien laid on his bed, with one hand on the back of his head. His eyes stared at the ceiling. His tone was not subtle: "I know."

Lucius lit up a cigarette and then placed it on the ashtray. White smoke began to fill the car slowly and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Bringing a perverse sense of nostalgia, he touched his chin and contemplating, said: "How is the kid?"

Lucius carefully listened to Julien, occasionally asking more questions. It was the first time they spoke for so long.

Julien during the conversation slowly become more comfortable and started to talk about things besides the point. As he remembered his friend, his tone rose up a bit: "I have a favor to ask, but I don't think it's suitable to talk about it on the phone."

The other side of the phone was silent for three seconds and then Lucius suddenly said half serious, half jokingly: "If I said that I am underneath your house right now, would you believe me?"

Julien's mouth responded: "Don't joke around."

But his body had already risen up from his chair and grabbed a bathrobe before quietly heading down the stairs. He didn't even need to confirm by looking out the window. He just knew in his heart that the other must be underneath his home.

The thick layer of mist obscured most of the entrance of the villa at this time of the night. Julien didn't know exactly where he was going.

That might, however, have had something to do with the thick fog that let one see clearly for only a few yards. Everything beyond that was just a hazy outline.

What was he doing? What was it to him if the villain fellow came here?

Nothing. But then, Julien couldn't restrain himself to meet him. He chastised himself that he is doing it for his friend.

Before Julien could think better of it, he plunged forward, into the darkness, towards his goal.

Not looking right or left, he marched down towards the driveway, trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. Every second, Julien expected Ioan to appear and raise an accusing finger then start shouting 'Where are you going!? Grab and capture the vile crime!' and then scolding him for a long time.

Julien felt that his actions were secret, solitary and illegal.

That explained why he was afraid. That explained what was dangerous about his plans. That explained everything.

[System: No? It doesn't? Not to you, anyway.]

Julien's eyes seemed to flash with laughter in their depths: "Don't you feel like we are in the spy movie? The stage is set. You are my audience that awaits."

Suddenly, the mist before him parted and slowly shapes appeared out of the dark.

Lucius started the car and was about to leave, but in the next second, he changed his mind, because a few steps away from his car window was a familiar shadow.