Julien tiptoed towards the closet, looking right and left, but forgetting to take a look back.

He opened the wardrobe's door, picked up one of Lucius's shirts, and sniffed it.

Julien only smelled the typical scent of freshly laundered clothes. He felt quite disappointed over the unfulfilled expectations, clenching his hand on the black shirt and trying to squeeze another fragrance out of it.

[System: Your fantasies are showing again, Host.]

Julien muttered under his breath: "It is a test of might, here I found my challenge."

[System: See, that's what I'm talking about.]

Julien narrowed his eyes darkly: "I will never surrender, all that matters is victory!"

He didn't want to believe that he might be defeated and won't find out what Lucius's pheromones smelled like, he couldn't give up that easily.

Out of the corner of my eye, he saw a bed with a high-quality satin bedsheet that was very inviting to touch or even do something else therein.

[System: Are you really going to do it?]

In the next second, Julien jumped on the bed, his nose down and his butt up, sniffing and trying to use his powerful sense of smell.

In the eyes of others, he was resembling a dog.

Lucius stood at the door with a tilted head and saw all of that.

What was his omega doing? It was a little hard to guess.

Lucius's eyes suddenly lingered on Julien's butt. His throat moved with swallowing, and his lips felt slightly dry.

Julien felt shivers run down his spine and he looked up at the air conditioner. It was off, and the room wasn't cold at all. But then he had an ominous premonition, and when he looked back, he saw that the door opened a bit and there was a man standing outside.

It freaked him out.

Julien yelled in a high-pitched voice: "Lucius?!"

He didn't know how long Lucius had been standing there. Did he see that behavior just now?!

Why did this man always catch him on the back foot?

Lucius wore golden rimless glasses and a tint of light flickered in his eyes. He stared straight at Julien through his glasses with an expressionless face.

Lucius said: "You didn't close the door, I didn't mean to peek at you."

Julien giggled nervously: "Are you looking for me? Come in and make yourself at home, hehe."

Lucius walked hesitantly into the room, looking at him strangely: "You… What were you doing here?

Julien suddenly shifted into a sexy posture on the bed. He used his acting and dubbing skills from the previous life to change his voice into a sexier tone, and after licking his lower lip said: "I'm waiting for you, my love."

Lucius suddenly felt his lower abdomen tightened, and with a flushed face, he instantly looked away.

Julien fell back onto the bed laughing.

Hearing it, Lucius felt he was teased by his little boyfriend. With his remaining dignity, he walked towards the omega who was about to die from laughter and almost rolled off the bed.

Julien was startled by his sudden closeness and his laughter stopped abruptly: "What?"

Lucius's expression was grave: "Someday you will pay me for this."

Julien blinked, and when Lucius was about to retreat, he suddenly wrapped his hands around alpha's neck, leaned close to sniff him, but still, there was no trace of pheromones.

To cheer up a little, Julien breathe into Lucius's ear and whispered: "Come on then!"

In the next moment, Julien's view was blocked out by a handsome face pressing down on him. Lucius slowly tilted his head and covered omega's tender and warm lips with his own. His tongue slipped inside Julien's mouth, gentle but demanding, and it was nothing like Julien experienced before.

Unlocking his lips from Julien's, Lucius pulled him further up on the bedding to immerse himself in another kiss under omega's dilated pupils. Julien felt like melting because every square inch of my body dissolved into this pleasure. His fingers gripped the man's hair, pulling him closer. Lucius pushed him backward so they were lying down, the weight of the alpha's body on top of his was extraordinary and being under him brought a lot of satisfaction.

The alpha hands were everywhere. Lucius's heart skipped a beat, cuffing omega arms with a hand above the head, taking Julien's tongue into the warmth of his mouth, but despite his instincts, he let the other take control of the rhythm and pace. It was a long kiss. Lucius released Julien from his embrace after he kissed him deeply and firmly from last time, making omega's head dizzy at the lack of oxygen.

Julien leaned on the bed as he gasped for air. The alpha stared deeply at his slightly red lips and then tilted his chin upwards with a finger.

Lucius smacked his lips and said: "So tell me now, what were you doing here before I came?"

Julien quivered when he heard him ask about that again.

Looking at Lucius's serious and earnest gaze, he was somewhat uncomfortable and questioned him instead: "Why aren't you releasing your pheromones?"