Julien and Leila entered the building, the reception staff checked the list then led them to the recording booth on the 20th floor.

Julien will start to sing as soon as the previous program ended. He put on his headphones and quietly listened to music to recollect the text of his song one last time.

Ten minutes later, the program officially started, and the host skillfully read the opening line, "Hello everyone, this is HighNote446. Welcome to Lunch Song, this is your radio host Baby Bluez and the star of this show is Julien Baume."

Baby Bluez continued after a slight pause: "I'm so willing to meet him and talk about his music, but before let's hear his new song 'I am who I am'."

This song was especially important to Julien, he felt that its a beginning of a new chapter in his life. But despite this, he wasn't nervous about performing in a new environment at all, calmness and peace overwhelmed him.

Before the music started, Julien made an opening monologue:

Hello, how are you?

I am Julien Baume.

Do you know me?

Are you doubting me?

Do you agree with me?

Actually, it doesn't matter.

I just want to smile brightly.

Perform to bring you warmth.

Grow and develop freely.

Love and be kind in my entire life.

I am who I am.

After saying this, the music production crew began work and Julien finally started to sing. His voice was quiet and tentative:

I am who I am

I will always love the way I am

It may seem that I love to smile

Yet I feel disappointed and melancholic at times

It may seem that I am confident

Yet I still yield and evade at times

It may seem that I try hard

Yet I am still rejective and indolent at times

It may seem that I am strong

Yet I am still vulnerable and confused at times

It may seem that I am persistent

Yet I may give up and stay detached at times

It may seem that I am brave

Yet I am still fearful and timid at times

This was the breaking point in Julien's song. His voice became light in terms of vocal weight, and clear, giving off a sense of optimism:

Those disappointment and sadness are also in my heart

Those surrenders and avoidances I don't really mind

Those refusal and indolent moments do not matter

Those vulnerable and confusions have their own significance

Those abandonments and detachment let me be me

Those fears and timidity do not have the power to make me hide

Julien's voice changed again, was filled with confidence, sounded full and comfortable in the upper chest register:

I am who I am

I will always love the way I am

I am not longer silent because you have chosen to listen to me

Julien was able to sing the song beautifully and ended up shocking everyone who had been listening to the broadcast, they were sucked in by Julien's hypnotizing voice.

After Julien finished singing, the computer blew up with many messages popping up from the listeners.

[Vinegar Gallon Bucket: To accept ourselves as we are means to value our imperfections as much as our perfections. Your delivery is fantastic which really separates you and makes you stand out from your peers.]

[Golden Fish: Every time you act in harmony with your authentic self and your heart, you earn our respect! You stand out as an individual performer, Julien!]

[Cross Storm: Vocally you have a great tone and really good control on the high notes, a great overall performance.]

Lucius who had just finished an important business call, suddenly glanced at his watch. Unfortunately, he has missed the beginning of the podcast in which his boyfriend participated today.

Lucius was looking at the time frowning, his expression didn't look good. He put documents in his hand down, picked his car keys on the desk, canceled all of the meetings for the rest of the day, and headed to the underground garage. Sitting in the car, he turned on the radio.

Meanwhile, Lelia rushed to Julien with a bottle of water and said: "You did great! Now, it's time for the interview, the radio host is already waiting for you in the next room."

Julien drank some water and smiled: "Good, I am ready."