Chapter 3

Everyone stopped staring at the alien on the floor and began running away. Screaming was all you could hear for miles. People ran frantically, trying to find their children and make their way safely back home.

Police officers ran out of the buildings trying to restore order but, there was nothing that they could do. This whole town was in chaos and soon the whole world would be if they didn't get rid of this creature soon.

Leo Winters stood by the front desk of the police station shocked. In a matter of seconds, the whole town had gone from calm and peaceful to mayhem. All of a sudden, the creature that was still lying on the pavement finishing the child's body, stood up on its tail and started to scan the area for its next victim. This snatched Leo out of his state of shock and he quickly ducked behind the desk and hoped that the beast didn't see him.

While under the table, Leo began to think about how he could get out of this mess and how he was going to protect himself. He knew a simple gun wouldn't work as he had seen the way it bounced off of the Alien's skin when the police officer had shot it. He rummaged through the weapons and other equipment until he found a rather sharp knife. Leo didn't know whether it would be sharp enough to cut through the alien's skin but he took it anyway. Looking through more boxes, he found a backpack and placed the knife into it before deciding that he had given the creature enough time to clear off and that it was all safe for him to go and find a safer hiding place. He was wrong.

As soon as he stood up, he was met with the sight of the alien slithering along the floor amongst all the paperwork that had been scattered over the floor when the police officer had climbed over the desk. 'Shit' Leo whispered. This small noise didn't go unnoticed by the creature and it began chasing after him bearing its teeth. Panicking, Leo clambered up onto the desk and desperately looked for anywhere higher to climb onto. In the corner, he spotted a vent.

Leo lifted himself up into one of the open lockers above his head and the stood up, resting his foot on the base of the locker. He then noticed a loose tile in the ceiling so, reaching over, he tried to push it out. As the fingers touched the tile, it slipped out of place and fell onto the floor. Suddenly, his foot slipped and he lost his balance. Luckily, he managed to grab onto the empty hole in the ceiling before he could fall to his death in the mouth of an alien.

Fingers going red from the weight of holding up his body, he desperately tried to swing his legs trying to build up enough momentum to hook his foot onto the lock of the vent. With one big swing, he managed to hook one of his feet onto the lock of the vent but alas it wasn't going to move so he brought his foot back down and managed to kick off one of his navy blue shoes. As it hit the ground, it made a loud noise which alerted the creature to Leo's whereabouts. 'Oh no, if I mess up this it it' Leo said to himself. With the foot without a shoe, he swung it up again and managed to push one of his toes into s crack in the vent, he moved his toe to make it bigger and eventually managed to make a hole that was big enough to fit his whole foot in. He pushed his foot inside the vent and hooked onto it before ripping it from the ceiling and onto the floor. He swung his other foot up so that it was nicely inside the vent before pushing the other foot up there as well.

Once both his feet were inside the vent comfortably, he slowly pushed himself further in. When he was almost all in, he released the ceiling with one hand and quickly grabbed onto the side of the vent soon doing the same thing with the other hand. Now fully inside of the vent, he positioned himself so that it would be easy to crawl through the tunnels ahead. Inside the vent, it was extremely hot and Leo found the head unbearable to he took off his jacket and tied it around his waist. After a while of crawling through the maze of vents, he found an opening to another room. He peered into the room and at first glance he couldn't see anyone and aliens so, he unhooked the latch of the vent and opened it. He lowered his head in so he could scan the room for any sign of life. There was no sign of movement or life from inside the room so he carefully turned himself around and climbed into the room.

Inside the room, it looked as if it was used as an office. There were shelves with pictures on them. The walls were painted a musty yellow colour. There was a trophy cabinet and two large desks pushed together in the middle of the room. On the desks were two large computers, one phone and two pots of pencils and pens. Piles of paperwork were stacked up in the draws of the desk and on the floor nest to them. Leo went to one of the big computers and tried to turn it on. A blue screen popped up and he tried to find the log in password. He rummaged through the desk's drawers and eventually came across a piece of paper with two codes on it, a username and a password. Just then, he heard a noise outside so he quickly got up and locked the door to buy him more time in what he was doing.

He went and sat back down in one of the worn out chairs next to the desk and tried the codes he had found.

They worked!

Words : 1.026k

I'm still working on the new covers for this book.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this book. I will try to update as regularly as possible but is getting difficult to do it every few days so my updates will be slower from now on. There wont' be any more updates until after Christmas now.

Merry Christmas !!!