Voldemort sighed, itching his "nose".
He narrowed his eyes, glaring in the direction of Bellatrix.
Her expression was emotionless, but she was still suspicious.
He rolled his eyes and scratched his nose again.
He snapped his head in her direction. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Curses!" He threw his arms up in the air, shouting; "Fine, if you're going to laugh, might as well shop for noses!"
She was now concerned.
He grabbed his phone and searched "nose" in the search bar. Then, he clicked "shopping".
"Darn it, they're all out!"
They both turned around and saw Harry Potter on the floor. It appears he was the one wheezing inside the vent.
"Avada Ke- CHOO!"
His wand backfired, and he was turned into a chew toy.
"Oh my, this day has been the best!"