A message woke me up at 6:00 in the morning again.
Good Morning!! ☀️
I was going to get up in an hour not NOW
sorry i'm changing for school, uwu
can you let me sleep, please?
you must thank me because if you get up early, your brain will be active for classes
good, thanks 🙏🏻
AHH you used an emoticon!!! I am happy 😁
just today, that will never happen again
then I'll make a screen to remember this day, I'll go have breakfast, bye 👋
ok girl i will sleep for sure
I locked my cell phone, but they opened my door.
-daughter, who are you chatting with? Lately I see you wake up early and stay late at night texting- Cecilia
-How many damn times have I told you that I am not YOUR DAUGHTER, why do you come to screw up my life all the time?!!- I started screaming.
Dad came into the room to calm me down.
-daughter calm down- dad
-nono, tell your girlfriend to leave me alone and not to get into my life
-your daughter is a damn spoiled- Cecilia
-Cecilia!! Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that- dad
They leave the room and I calm down, now that I am wide awake, I choose to change at once.
I went down to eat some bread. I found Cecilia talking on the phone.
-I need to travel now, get that ticket at once, yes, for today- Cecilia
I walked in and stared.
-Everything is your fault damn lesbian- Cecilia
-How dare you, get out of here- enter dad.
She's leaving, I guess she'll pack her suitcase. I think this day is the best, no more Cecilia.
-Are you okay?- Dad
-better than ever
After Cecilia left with her things, Dad took me to school because it was the first day.
-have a super first day of school darling- dad
I get out of the car and say goodbye. I start to walk towards the entrance and Dante appears next to me.
-Don't you know who I'm talking to now- Dante
-with whom?
-with your dear friend Maia- he says making quotation marks in "friend".
-wait, what?
-as you heard it, look in your followers for the name Maia, I found it and sent her a message, now we are getting to know each other- Dante
-you are like a spy
-Guys, I can't choose between twins- Abby appears to my right.
-To start with, Max is gay and he's with Nathan, you have Mateo, but remember that now he talks a lot with Nina- Dante
-I always forget- Abby
-Abby as always talking about the twins, don't we have another topic to talk about?- Sol asks, appearing.
-New ones will come today- Dante
-like all years
We got to our classroom, we sat down and since the teacher was not coming, we continued talking.
-Will they be handsome?- Abby asks, looking in her small mirror that she always carries.
-You only care about that- Sol
-As nobody pays attention to you, you don't like talking about boys- Abby
-So? What happens is that ...- Sol
I got to school, I'm a bit nervous, now that I don't have friends😟
Think of anything other than the ones who hurt you, okay?
Vale, now I'll be Spanish ahahaha😂😂
Yes, sure
I met a friend of yours, his name is Dante
he told me that he spoke to you
I like him 👍🏻 he's funny
Yes it is
very different from you, at least use emojis
how great is your love for emojis
I feel that with them I can express how I am at the moment, for example I am like this 😎 I feel cool
ahahajaj well, my teacher came who is crazier than a goat, see you
I put my cell phone away and looked straight ahead.
-Good morning students, did you miss me? I know that yes, they love me, today we will introduce the new boys- says the teacher with such a happy face.
3 guys came in.
-they are, Chad Anderson, Enzo Lambert, and lastly, Jack Hall
-Now choose your seats, everyone to turn off their cell phones, we will start with a game- teacher.
-with a game?- Sol
-Are you deaf? he said a game- Abby
-I know what he said- Sol
-Girls enough fights- Dante
-We'll, start with Matthews- says the mad professor.
-Great- Sol rolls his eyes.
The teacher throws a toy ball at Sol and she catches it.
-What was the last theme we did last year?
-What will I know, teacher Rigoberto, I have a chicken head- Sol
-well then take your chicken head to detention
-Just for not knowing the answer?- Sol
-for calling me otherwise young lady, now get out of my class
Sol growls and leaves the room.
-anyone know the answer? Go ahead Pierce
-The Cold War- Nina
-very good Pierce, that's the answer I want, now Stone
Can not be.
the teacher asked me a question but I did not answer it
Too bad, I was alone all day, but I felt good 😊 I think sometimes I couldn't stand my friends
good to read that
now I have to do homework 📚, do you have something to do?
I have the first task, on top of math, I don't understand anything
MATH is my fav subject 😍
and what was missing to complete that you are a nerd girl
only when it comes to school 😉, well, I help you with your math homework
not necessary, then I see how I manage
It was not a question miss
I will not write every exercise
we will make video call, silly 😉
I'm sorry but I don't think so, I have to go, we'll talk tomorrow
I turned off the cell phone and got ready to sleep. I didn't want her to see me yet, it would be weird or something, but I know it would make me nervous and I still don't understand why.