How beautiful it is to wake up with Maia, she is beautiful, her skin so soft, just like her lips that have me in heaven.
-Hey, good morning- she says waking up.
-the best good morning of my life- I say approaching to kiss her.
-Gina!! It's late for school, hurry you have to go- she says getting up.
-I won't go today- I say, approaching her.
-why? You have to go ok?- Maia
-I want to stay with you, at least for today, yes?- I say of her as I hug her around the waist.
-Your little face melts me- she says and kisses me.
Maia and I decided to start a relationship, we know how soon it is but we don't want to waste time, the days go by and she will have to return to her country. Still we want to try from afar.
Now we meet at Pop's.
"Message from Maia💜"
There is no what you want ☹️
okay, better fries
ok baby 😁
by the way my love, you look very pretty from there or rather always ;)
Gina! Don't make me blush just when I'm about to order food 😳
aww that smile, but how beautiful you are
hahaha I swear I don't buy you your fries 🍟
it doesn't matter, I just want to keep appreciating my girlfriend
🥺🥺🥺 I love you baby
In a few minutes, Maia appears with the food.
-your request miss- Maia
-thanks beautiful
-for making me blush I'll steal a few fries- Maia
-hahaha I'll steal some kisses from you- I say approaching her.
Maia and I spend the whole day together, we are just getting home. We go in and I see Daddy asleep on the couch.
We go up to my room and I feel someone calling me.
-what happened?
-you are alive? You didn't come to school- Dante
-I am not alive, I am Gina's soul
-Gina, stop bothering, you should be happy that I care about you- Dante
-ok idiot, I missed to spend all day with Maia, my girlfriend
-IT CAN'T BE!- Dante
-Don't scream damn you will break my eardrums
-You tell me everything eh, but tomorrow, at least I already know that you are alive- Dante
-lol of course yes, well take care of you piece of poop, kisses
I hang up and return to Maia who is lying on the bed. I go with her to hug her.
-Good night beautiful- I say kissing her nose.
She smiles and we fall asleep.