Several weeks had already passed, and the day came that my girlfriend had to return to her country. We have spent the best days together, we have laughed and gone out with my friends. But now she has to go, and I'm afraid I won't see her again.
-You know that I love you very much, and stop crying because otherwise I am forced to imitate you and I don't like that- I tell Maia that she keeps crying.
-I love you too, take care of yourself, yes? Do you promise to always be in contact with me? - she asks.
-I promise, cute
We give each other one last hug and many kisses, until she walks through that door where they check your suitcases. I hate this damn feeling of wanting to cry and go into depression.
As I am leaving the airport a message arrives.
Maia 😍
I miss you ☹️
and me, did you pass the reviews?
Maia 😍
no, this will be my last message to which I am entitled because they found drugs in my suitcase, I will go to jail ⛓ nooo!!
HAHAHAAJ you're crazy, I told you to keep that well
Maia 😍
oh no, the hideout failed
sjsjs I love you crazy little girl, do you promise to come back here soon?
Maia 😍
I promise, but you could come too, I swear you'll love Honduras
my love, just enough for my father for school
Maia 😍
then I buy you the ticket
that never, apart I have other options, like selling an organ, you know, it's the best way ;)
Maia 😍
ahaha NOO, omg I think I'm dating a psychopath and I love it 🤩
that's me baby ;)
Maia 😍
hell, I already have to address
:( have a good trip love, I love you
Maia 😍
and I, I will write to you as soon as I arrive 😘
here I will be waiting for you