The Battles Concludes

"Ah, so I'm still known?" He asked, with no sense of surprise in his tone. He sounded as if he was taunting her. "So you know who I am. Since you managed to wound me, go ahead and tell me your name."

Suki's eyes narrowed, not truly understanding why he wanted to know her name now.

"I mean, how else will I tell those two boys who I killed?"

While he tried to provoke her into charging at him, she focused on the information from the bingo book that she could recall.

'Aoi Rokushō. Somewhere in his late 30s early 40s. Left Konoha as a Chunin who should have been able to take a Jounin test. Known for using Senbons coated with poison to immobilize or kill his targets. Proficient in Water Release, unknown Kenjutsu level, and Senbons. Last known as joining Kirigakure before Zabuza's failed coup.'

She then focused on the little information she knew about the Raijin no Ken.

'Created by Nidaime, can cut through chakra and jutsu, can shock opponents, able to cut through swords easily, and requires lightning chakra to work.'

"-Gunshot!" She heard.

She crouched down, allowing the jutsu to take off a strand of hair.

"Since you don't want to play..." He dragged on. "Let's do an experiment!"

Her eyes widened at seeing the Raijin's blade descend towards the water.

Quickly forming signs, she exclaimed, "Wind Release: Wind blade!"

She shot air out from her mouth that took the form of a flat disk that sped towards him.

He swung it upwards, cutting the blade of wind in half and causing it to release its energy and turn back into harmless wind.

He then stood there with a cocky smirk.

She was put on edge, just before she felt the water under her move.

She glanced down, only to see a Senbon heading towards her neck and it had already reached the middle of her chest.

She moved her body as best she could but still got hit. However, instead of getting struck in the neck, it cut against her check before flying away from her.

She jumped backwards, fully intending on getting as much space in between her and Aoi.

She reached down into her kunai pouch and grabbed several shuriken. She threw them, each arcing in a different direction.

He went through signs again. "Water Style: Shuriken!"

He shot out enough water shuriken to cancel out the ones she threw.

She quickly made 2 additional shadow clones.

All at once, the three of them made signs before exclaiming the name, "Water Style: Shuriken!"

The three of them made 15 shuriken each, sending 45 water shuriken towards him.

He growled before performing another jutsu.

"Water Style: Shield!"

He spat water out before it took an oval shape and took the hits from the shuriken.

He charged forward where her clones went to meet him, their arms blazing with fire.

Suki fell to a knee.

'He uses fast acting poison. Based on what I feel, its designed to attack the target's chakra and throw it off balance. With no where to go, the chakra tried to find an escape but can damage the chakra system.' She thought. 'It gets worse when I use chakra but it seems to be getting taken care of by my chakra.'

She watched as the clones didn't land a hit on him before one struck the water, causing it to erupt with a little bit of steam as well.

She felt her clones pop due to her unstable chakra at the moment.

"Seems it is taking effect." She heard. She continued looking in the same direction as her vision constantly changed, her sharingan fluctuating. "I'll admit it once more. You had talent. Unfortunately, you decided to fight me."

He was only ten steps away from her.

He raised the sword and had the end pointed at her.

In that moment, Suki made a decision.

"Kyumon [2] open!"

Instantly, her chakra surged, causing a small ripple in the water she stood on.

She grimaced as she could feel the poison spread quicker.

Aoi raised an eyebrow before lightning started to spark from the sword. "Die!"

She forced her chakra to her right arm.

"Ha!" She exclaimed, forcing all the lightning chakra out from her arm.

Lightning cried through the air, quickly followed by a blinding flash and a boom.


Sasuke grinned for a moment. How couldn't he? He and Naruto had managed to trick a Jounin and rescue their trapped sensei.

Seeing Kakashi had reengaged his opponent, he quickly looked around, trying to find where Suki went.

'It's been too long. She should have come back several minutes ago by now.' He thought.

"We did it!" Naruto exclaimed as he got back on land.

"Have you seen Suki?"

His cheerful mode dropped before shaking his head and joining him in looking around.


"Before your death, you will tell me what happened to my student." Kakashi declared.

Zabuza growled but couldn't stop his body from shaking slightly.

'It's almost like he can see the future.' He thought.

Earlier, he copied the exact jutsu he was performing at the exact same speed as him.

"The little girl? She's likely dead by now."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed. "You have an accomplice." It wasn't even a question but a statement.

"Wonder what's taking him so long." Zabuza muttered.

Just before Zabuza was about to start preparing for a jutsu, a cry went through the air.

Kakashi looked in its direction with a slight shock.

"Chidori?" His eyes narrowed not long after. "No, just pure, unfocused lightning chakra."

Suddenly, the mist was blown away, only to be replaced by a blinding light.

"Gah!" Zabuza exclaimed, not expecting the light.

Kakashi, seeing his chance, quickly formed signs. "Water Style: Giant Waterfall!"

A giant amount of water shot forward and slammed into Zabuza.

Normally, he would have tried to pin him to a tree or something to get a little bit of information.

However, he's got a student missing and quite likely, in serious danger.

He threw several kunai, each going for a vital spot.

They were a few feet away from him before they were all struck with Senbon.

Surprised, he got his guard back up, only for the newcomer to grab Zabuza and quickly dash away.

He had two choices: Follow after them and eliminate the enemy, or find his student.

The choice was easy.


Suki groaned before trying to stand, only to regret it as her arm pulsed with pain.

She moved her arm to instinctually grab it before stopping, already knowing that that would likely make it hurt as well.

She could already feel the drainage from the brief 2nd gate. She was lucky that she used it for less than 10 seconds, otherwise she may be passed out from potential energy loss.

She lifted her head and looked around.

She found herself on the edge of the lake. The air smelled like lightning had struck nearby.

"YOU!!!" She heard yelled.

She looked in the direction and saw Aoi.

Instead of looking fine like before, almost all of his shirt looked burned with electrical burns on his left arm up to his shoulder.

She tried to bring her chakra forward, preparing to continue, only to find very little left.

'What? But how-' Then she remembered.

That last moment before her mind went black, she forced almost all of her chakra into her arm, unknowingly charging it with lightning.

She glanced at her arm and winced. From her palm, there was a massive electrical burn down to her elbow and it looked like it wrapped around half way down.

He about stepped forward towards her, only to stop and cut through several shuriken and kunai.

She suddenly found several bodies beside and in front of her.

"You're not taking another step!" Naruto practically roared.

Aoi growled before jumping backwards, dodging a fireball.

Sasuke quickly landed beside her as well.

"Even if he does, he's not getting through us." He growled.

Aoi seemed to be debating if he should continue fighting or retreat.

"Watch out for his sword." Suki grunted out. Turns out some lightning chakra had traveled farther in but only strained the muscles.

Just as he seemed to make up his mind someone else spoke up.

"So this is where my lovely student went off to."

Aoi looked over his shoulder and saw Kakashi on a tree branch, his sharingan still showing.

"I suppose I have you to thank for watching her?" He asked.

Aoi growled, looking between Suki and Kakashi. He reached down into his pouch on his hip before crushing whatever was in it, releasing a massive smoke cloud.

Sasuke, Naruto, and his clones got closer to her as the smoke went past them.

What felt like hours to the three of them was a few seconds before the smoke was forcibly blown away, revealing Kakashi behind them.

"Looks like he fled." Kakashi stated, causing Suki to release all tension in her body.

Kakashi looked her over for anything major injuries. "Are there any wounds we need to know about this moment."

"N-no. Slight Chakra poison from Senbon but is now almost gone." She started but started speaking more slowly the longer her sentence went.

He seemed to noticed. He nodded. "Let's go meet up with Tazuna. Naruto, support Suki for now. She looks like she's about to-"


"-collapse." He finished.

Suki had, as such, collapsed.

"Suki!" Both boys exclaimed.

"No need to worry too much. Suki is likely exhausted and her adrenaline likely went away."

Naruto picked her up before maneuvering so he could carry her on his back.

"Sasuke." Kakashi started, getting his attention. Kakashi eye smiled. "My turn."

He collapsed as well.


Little fun fact, Kakashi's original team was first shown in chapter 16 of Naruto! That means that we knew what they looked like since 2000 [Japanese] or 2003 [English]!

Now, just to clarify why Suki lost here.

Suki is a taijutsu main ninja with skills in ninjutsu as well. However, her body is not at peak condition just yet and lost her strongest ability, the 8 gates. Due to that, at best, she was low-mid Chunin level with high being the limit with her Sharingan. Lastly, she is fighting someone who has been a ninja with at least 10+ years of experience.

Aoi had a blade that made ninjutsu next to useless, had weapons that had poison that disrupts someone's chakra, and the blade could potentially cut through anything making close combat difficult. Aoi was almost Suki's opposite in this fight.

Suki may be strong, but she's strong for a Genin.

Next up: Healing, Training, A Decision


"We'll likely be back at full capacity by the end of the week."

"Yeah, and next time, Aoi's going down."

"Just give up." A small voice said. "You won't win."


Suki watched as the two boys sparred on top of the water.

"Suki, how would you like to learn one of my original jutsus?"


She looked over a large compound, filled with thugs.

"You'll be dead before the week is up. That's a promise."