The Month Training Break

Day 5:

Suki ducked under a kick before grabbing the leg, spinning, and using her leverage to slam the person attached to it into the ground, causing a poof sound to go through the area.

She then jumped in the air, just barely dodging ninja wire that tried to ensnare her feet.

She grabbed a kunai from her pouch before throwing it to the side, clanging against two other kunai, causing all three to either go into a tree or into the ground.

She braced her hands next to her face, just stopping another kick which sent her flying back a bit since she was in the air.

She backflipped, pushed herself off the ground with her hands before sticking to a tree with chakra on her feet.

She then started blocking, deflecting, and attacking against her opponent before kicking them away. She quickly grabbed a shuriken before throwing it.

She performed signs quickly.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone!"

The one shuriken quickly grew to become 12 before hitting the target, making another poof sound.

She breathed a little bit before barely dodging a lightning enhanced kunai that cut a few strands and went through the tree.

She pulled out several shuriken before infusing Fire Chakra into them, making them start to turn orange.

She threw them at the sources she could feel before using the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu once more.

Each the the shuriken multiplied by twelve before quickly cutting through a few trees and going through the intended targets.

Three forms shot forward before she charged forward to intercept them.

A poof went off a her side before revealing a familiar blade in her hands.


She quickly slashed through one of the figures before blocking a strike from a purple claw.

The blade and the claw clashed before Suki pushed to the side and quickly made a seal-less chidori and stabbed the figure.

Having done so, that left only one left.

"Fire Style: Fireball Storm!"

The figure shot out several fireballs at Suki before going through more signs.

"Wind Style: Cyclone!"

Suki smirked before making signs.

"Time to try it out. Wind Style: Tornado Thrust!"

Suki gathered wind chakra to her arm before wind seemed to rotate around her arm. She then thrusted her arm forward, sending a large amount of wind forward that dispersed the flames and canceled the cyclone.

Suki charged forward before shooting her arm forward.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!"

Wind shot out from her palm before slamming into the figure, blowing it backwards until it slammed into a tree and poofed.

Suki took in a few deep breaths before resealing the Raijin.

She looked around and saw that the area was starting to spread the fire.

She activated her eyes before using Homusubi.

The fire quickly moved towards her, leaving all the trees and ground looking burnt before the fire collected in her hand.

She jumped over to the nearby lake and placed her hand in it, extinguishing the flames before deactivating her eyes.

"Tornado Thrust works better than I thought it would." She spoke aloud. "Now, I just need to do the exercises, make more clones to practice, and finish the day off with more Taijutsu."


Day 12


Suki ducked under a wind jutsu before moving behind a clone and placed a palm onto it before pulling away and dodging another jutsu, leaving behind a seal on the clone.

The clone noticed it and went to place its hand on it before it couldn't move.

It then dispersed.

Suki grabbed a hand before throwing the clone over her shoulder and into the ground, causing it to dispel.

'The Chakra Draining seal is working just fine. And an added bonus, the new paralysis feature seems to work if they aren't quick enough to notice it.'

"Level 3: Release!" A clone exclaimed before they dashed forward, seeming a blur and landed an elbow into her side, sending her flying and rolling on the ground.

She pushed chakra into her hands before forcing it out quickly, sending her away from the area she used to be, just as the clone punched the ground, creating a small, fist-sized hole in the ground.

"Level 2: Release." Suki commented before she started a fight with the clone.

The clone had the obvious advantage due to having half the pressure on her body compared to Suki.

The clone grabbed Suki's fist before sweeping her leg under Suki, causing her to fall. The clone pulled back it's other hand before throwing it forward.


Suki quickly grabbed the fist, broke her other hand away from the clone, and slammed it into the clone's chin, instantly dispelling it.

Suki took a few quick breaths before groaning.

She had remembered something that Gai had told her before he had to take a team.

She had trouble against anyone who was faster than her.

Sure, her Sharingan definitely helps with that, but she didn't want to rely on it too much and eventually need it for every single fight forward.

She got back on her feet before placing her hand on the seal again.

"Level 6: Seal."

She had managed to improve her Resist. Seal up to level 8, but it wouldn't allow her past level 6 yet.

She felt the pressure return before going off and continuing her training.


Day 19


Suki is seen meditating on top of a moving river. She had moved on from practicing chakra control in different ways with trees and still water and decided that moving water was the next step.

Off to the side, there were 4 clones working on a seal.

All of them have been doing the same thing for over 3 hours.

"Hey, check this with our Sharingan." One of the clones spoke, causing two clones to stop working before making their way over.

The three clones were looking at a seal, all of them with their Mangekyou activated.

"Takes chakra directed at it-"

"While always having a set max amount-"

"So it doesn't suck the user dry."

"Also, it is connected to the chakra pathway-"

"To allow the seal to continue growing."

"Looks like it would take around 3 years to be completely full if we don't adjust the intake level."

"By then, we could have placed another one."

"Not likely. Too many of these could result in too much stress on the pathways." One clone argued.

"Thought of that already, that's what this part," The clone who worked on it pointed to a section of the seal. "Is for."

"Ah, once full, the seal enters an inactive state, acting as if it isn't even there."

"Thus, allowing the second or more seals to start collecting."

The three spent another half hour studying the seal before coming to the conclusion that it was ready.

The clone who made it dispersed, sending its memories back to Suki.

Suki's eyes snapped open before grinning.

She jumped over to the clones before dispersing them, getting an additional 9 hours of memories of working on the seal.

She then made her max amount, 16, before they nodded.

Even with 16 people, it took another 2 hours before the sealing matrix was set up completely right with how she planned to use it.

"Fuin!" 16 voices declared.

Suddenly, thousands of Kanji moved toward the original before moving over her shoulders, back, sides, and even her head. They all went into her shirt before settling over the area near her heart.

The process took an additional 10 minutes [an eternity when it comes to seals] before it finished.

Unlike when her curse seal was sealed, this didn't hurt so she remained conscious and only a few breaths being taken.

She smiled once more.

'Operation Storage complete.'

There, just above her heart, was an empty sphere that looked like it was just an odd circle.

But over time, it would start to turn more and more black.

As the amount of chakra it stored increased.


Day 27


"Release: Level 2." C1

"Release: Level 4." C2

"Release: Level 6." C3

"Release: Level 8." C4

The voices belonged to Suki's four clones.

Since she only has 3 days left, she's spending the last two days letting her body rest.

So, for her final day of training, she's fighting four clones, each with two levels released while she would release her own when she needed to.

The only thing on her side is that only she has her Sharingan activated.

One of the clones appeared in between Suki and another.


Suki watched as C1 went towards her, seeming like normal as she blocked the first few strikes before shooting her arm forward as wind spiraled around it.

"Tornado Thrust!"

The clone almost managed to dodged it, only getting hit in the foot.

However, due to the nature of the attack, it would have blown the foot clear off, causing it to disperse.

'That was me when we left the bridge with my weights.' She calculated. 'At least speed wise.'


C2 quickly appeared in front of Suki who short jumped over a leg sweep before making a yellow claw.

C2 followed up with her own bright yellow claw as they began to slash at each other with Suki largely blocking before releasing a seal and a ninjato appeared in her left hand.

She sent fire chakra through it, causing it to heat up before it clashed with the claw.

Seeing that it blocked the strike, Suki jabbed the claw into the chest but only caught the side, causing it to dispel.

'An actual person would have survived it and could do a counter attack at this speed.' She determined. 'My speed after the bridge without my weights.'

"Match 3," C4 called out. "Begin!"

Suki couldn't block the kick to the side of her head before she was followed up by a quick punch to the gut, sending her away.

"Release: Level 3." Suki spat out.

Now, her body with her Sharingan were just keeping up with C3.

C3 swung a fist to the side, sending ninja wire screeching through the area as it tried to wrap her up.

She quickly made a claw before slashing through it, making it go slack.

Only to get a strong punch to the side, causing her to crash into a tree before she gripped her side.

'Held back on the punch to prevent any bone damage since it would be too late to heal at this point.' Suki thought. 'Not unless I want to be 'informed' about me becoming the exact reason why the hospital don't have punch cards.'

"Release: Level 4."

Suki could now keep up with the clone before managing to slide the claw across the clone's neck.

Taking a quick breath, she prepared herself against the fastest of them.

"Release: Level 6."

"Match 4," C4 told, dropping into their stance. "Begin."

C4 could be seen with her eye, but it didn't help prepare her for the difference in strength.

C4 quickly broke through her guard before trying to bring a knee up into her chin, Suki just fast enough to move her head to the side.

She shot a punch forward, only for the clone to deflect it to the side and land a palm strike to her left shoulder, nearly dislocating it.

Using the power behind the strike, she used it to spin herself around and ram an elbow into the clone's side.

The clone felt it but grabbed her by her shoulders before slamming her knee into her chest.

Suki dropped to a knee before gripping her left hand.

And pulled.

A screech sounded out with a slight whistle before stopping suddenly as the clone lurched.

Suki looked up and saw the blade of her ninjato sticking out of the clone's chest.

The clone dispersed, causing the blade to hit to the ground. Suki then grabbed the blade before resealing it.

She grabbed her side before standing up.

'Now, to spend the rest of the month sending chakra to the seal.' She thought, heading back to her apartment.

'Earlier, I told Gaara to bring his best,' She thought before remembering her last trump card. 'Now, he'll have to bring out the Ichibi to kill me.'


What she's done this month: She can now reach Lv. 8 on resistance [about 12-16x her previous weights from Gai], she made a chakra seal, learned/improved a wind jutsu, is faster and stronger, and learned a few more seals.

Next up: Chunin Exams: Third Exam