But the Mouths of Fools Pour out Folly.

A man scurried between huge monitors overlooking some dynamic, numerical data, while equipped with a pair of headphones that had a microphone. He was noting on a pad, and double-tapped his one headphone to accept an incoming call.

"Oh, good of you to get back to me so soon. Listen... Regional data suggests we have tipped over, and I have to urge you to take action. Perhaps we have to make use of the new communal building downtown", he said, while studying the data on one screen closely. He grew increasingly concerned with the response he got from the person on the other side. "Please listen, sir. The UVI forecast suggests levels remaining over 11 on most spots, some going well over in the middle of the day. Sir, we are approaching levels where it is advisable not to go out in the sun at all, unless you want severe sunburns and God knows what else. Maybe people should not even be in their own, regular housing", he sternly affirmed, running his fingers through what he had of hair on his head.

They soon agreed to meet up in the new Complex downtown. The scientist asked an assistant to monitor further changes in the weather and radiation, and he put on a pair of extremely bulky sunglasses, ran out of the research facility to his car, and jumped in as fast as he could, almost hitting his head in the frame of the car door. Tall metal doors opened to let him out, as he waved to the guard in the security shack overlooking the passing in to the facility. He raced into town, and soon pulled up by the Complex. It had executive suites and meeting areas in the second and thirds floors, and they met around a conference table with the town's mayor.

"Who is this, mr. Hansen?", the mayor asked his companion, as the scientist entered the conference room, looking flustered. They straightened up, and made the setting formal - they had probably gone to college together, he thought, as they had been talking loudly and laughed at something as he had approached them.

"This, sir, is our senior analyst, mister Thormund Alsen", mr. Hansen noted, and pointed to the seat across from himself - the mayor seated at the end of the table, fiddling with his livery collar while studying the scientist closely.

"Tell me, mister, what it is that you have found that is so urgent?", he asked, putting on an overly formal tone. Thormund adjusted his glasses, and tried mustering up some extra courage.

"Mister mayor, we will be experiencing UV radiation this coming week that will make inhumane living conditions, and people could get immediate sunburns - and this, not even talking about an increased risk of melanomas, damage to eyes and so on. People should most likely not even be in their regular housing", he repeated from his conversation with his boss from earlier. He stopped, and decided he had provided enough information to underline the seriousness of the situation.

The mayor took a sip from his cup of coffee, considering matters unknown to Hansen and Alsen.

"What do you suggest? That we open the Complex to all inhabitants for an entire week? Do you know how many rooms we need to have ready? How much food we have to stock our stores with in here? The construction work has just concluded", he said. "We will never get the approval in time from the town hall or any of the boards. To much is yet to be done. We have not even started running the solar panels. It is impossible, it cannot be done", he concluded.

The men all stood up, and the mayor nodded his head slightly at the other two, and left the premises. Thormund the scientist sat back down after the mayor had slammed the door to the exec areas shut behind him, and took to rubbing his forehead, closing his eyes to compose himself. Mr. Hansen went to the door, and asked if Thormund also wanted an espresso from the machine down the hall. "Make it a double, please, sir", he grunted, checking his phone for any messages from the office. Nothing yet.

Mr. Hansen reentered with a small espresso cup in one hand, and a huge mug in the other. "Listen, Thormund. He is a strange man, already under huge pressure from the expenses from building this place we are currently sitting inside of - trust me, I know", he tried assuring him. "He is not exactly known for taking advice from anyone, whatever grounds they have to assert something", he moaned, looking down in his teeny, tiny cup of black, hot, caffeinated liquid. "You know, some say he has ties to 'GoLT'. Imagine if those guys got these news", he said, while shaking his head in disbelief.

"Don't jinx it", he laughed. "I've heard they sacrifice people to 'Mother Earth' to 'satisfy' her, whatever that means. Can you believe that?", he asked mr. Hansen, half joking and half intrigued at what he thought.

"Beats me. I just know it is difficult trying to give him advice he will listen to, or even consider at all. The question is what we do next, who we go to in order to make something happen. We can't let people walk around shopping, or let children play in parks when things will look like what we know", he said, sincerely. "We can't let a doomsday cult control what we do next, this much I know. Maybe we will have to take it to the press", he groaned.

Mr. Hansen's phone rang, and he looked at it. "Unknown number. I have to take this, sorry", he apologized, and went out in the hall. The glass walls around the conference room left nothing to the imagination, though Thormund could not make out the entire conversation, other than the "What?!" mr. Hansen let out. A series of animated movements and annoyed ranting, soon followed. He ended the call, and came back in.

"So... The press is already ahead of us, for some reason. We have to make an announcement, but who knows what we should say", he complained, while walking in oval circles. They decided to step out of the Complex, and to the city hall. As they went down the escalators, a blue siren blasted past the glass doors and windows down in the lobby, soon followed by another, and a third one. They checked the newspapers to see if anything had gone viral.

And there it was, in 'The Daily Flare': "Doomsday cult connected to recent abductions! Warehouse full of abductees discovered by police!"

The two men looked at each other, baffled and in disbelief. "What... Did I jinx it?", mr. Hansen asked rhetorically. "We have to go, now!", he said, while making haste towards his car.