
"Can you hurry up?" Jess leaned into the table.

"Don't rush me." Luke grunted; flipping the page. Jess rubbed his head. "It's important."

"So you've said." He replied and continued to read somehow despite Jess' griping.

"Well I've re-written it just about a thousand times and I want to make sure that it does her justice." He said urgently. Luke's eyes finally peered off the page to him at the mention. "The character." Jess quickly clarified. Luke looked back at the manuscript. He sighed softly.

"Are you finished yet?" Jess asked.

"Only about a page sooner than you asked two seconds ago-why does it have to be right away?"

"Look I gave you six hours didn't I?" He pressed.

"Six hours to read an entire novel Jess. I'm touched you think I can do that, but also confused to think I could accomplish something like that. I'm a slow reader and this is some heavy reading. Especially with all these words you've come up with here. They're bigger than any vocabulary I thought you ever knew. Than I even knew." He said exasperated.

Jess crosses his arms shifting his weight of his legs repeatedly side to side, "What so is it hard to read then? Too dry, needs more interest?" He asked quickly.

"Well a sword fight here and there wouldn't be terrible." Luke said sarcastically.

"It's a present day piece." Jess rolled his eyes.

"Could still have swords."

"Hurry up and read old man."

"I'm trying but there's this person who keeps hacking my ear off." Luke sighed before silencing. Jess hushed himself still shifting around nervously. Luke finished and shut the manuscript before handing it to him.

"So?" Jess asked.

"You did good."

"Honestly though.." he waited.

"I mean it Jess. It's really good ." He said getting up from the table and giving it back to him. "She'll really like it." He commented before leaving him to go to her.


Jess walked in quickly to the diner and hurried up the stairs to their apartment. Luke was meaning to get a word in on how he skipped out on his shift but couldn't seem to about how fast he had gone. Luke quickly let Caesar take over before he hurried upstairs. He hadn't seen him like that since high school.

He went up to him and sighed. He looked at him just laying on his bed. He looked in deep thought but Luke couldn't help but pry. "So.. you didn't come back till late last night.." he spoke up.

Jess stayed quiet and unmoving.

"Did...something happen?" He asked awkwardly. Jess looked at him before sitting up and sighing. "Why didn't you tell me what happened to her and Dean..." he said and looked at him.

Luke sighed and sat down in front of him rubbing his head. "I don't know. I didn't think it involved you." He said and looked at Jess. "Does it bother you? What happened?"

"Of course it does-I wasn't there." He sighed and ran a hand through his mess of a head of hair.

"So she told you?"

"Not outright but..yeah." He shrugged and he sighed once more exasperated and exhausted. "What should I have done."

"There's nothing you could've done Jess. Dwelling on it isn't going to change anything either." He assured him and looked at his troubled nephew. He'd never really seen him like this since he was blazing for Rory.

"What about the manuscript?" He asked.

Jess shrugged and pulled it from behind him. He handed it to Luke. "She didn't take it."

"She didn't read it."

"Between running away and yelling at me she didn't really get the chance no." He said.

"Is that where you were this morning?" Luke looked up from the pages at him. Jess looked down before nodding. Luke looked up at him before seeing Lucy's iPod behind him. "Did you swipe that out of spite."

"No, she gave it to me." He sighed. "Maybe she's right maybe I'm stuck in high-school."

Luke laughed at that dryly, "You?" He scoffed, "You outgrew high-school before you started it. Your mother could testify that, even with her aloofness." He waved his hand slightly. Jess looked at him. "You we're ready to be out on your own for years, it's just one of those things. And you turned out to be a good adult even without that schooling." He said. "Jess you're writing a book." He emphasized.

Jess look down at his hands. "I just wish she at least looked at it." He admit quieter.

Luke looked at him and nodded softly. "Wanna beer?" He said awkwardly. Jess looked up at him smiling smally, "No thanks."

"Wise answer." He breathed out. "Okay. Well. Um.." he got up and heaved another breath. "Maybe you should write about something else?"

Jess gave another shake of his head as he looked at his uncle.

"No didn't think so." Luke nodded awkwardly, "Okay.. maybe just give her time." He shrugged. Jess nodded silently, "Maybe."

Luke nodded before looking around and going back to his job and helping Caesar with the morning rush. He went down to find Lorelei pestering Caesar for more coffee.

"You know, Lorelai, other people need coffee too, you have to wait for a refill." The stout man insisted.

"I'm shocked Caesar that you treat a loyal customer in such a manor. You know I could take my money else wear." Lorelai waved her empty mug in her crazy antic way.

Luke sighed "Lorelai." He said plainly. She looked at him. "Stop tormenting my employees."

"How do you know he's not tormenting me? Denying my coffee-a paying customer." She said in a fake shock tone.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Caesar leave the pot there, I'll make a new one." He surrendered exhuastedly before going to start a new pot of coffee.

"That's okay Caesar," Lorelai softened smiling immediately, "I'll wait for the new one."

"You just said-"

"Well now that you're offering a fresh pot I don't want the other." She said childishly.

Luke sighed.
