A Smoke With Patty

"So you wouldn't read a book he wrote?" Miss Patty asked as she stood outside of her dance studio. Usually her cigarette breaks weren't that distracting, but this morning was definitely different. During her 10 o'clock beginners ballet lesson, there was a visitor on her studio step.

Lucy. Distraught and peeved in a mixture of teenage angst.

Patty knew this was a story that couldn't be turned away. (And she was thoroughly concerned for her well being, of course).

"Yes." Lucy nodded, "I couldn't read it."

Miss Patty raised her brows, "I'm not really following you here, sweetheart. This boy, who just a few years ago had no real motivation to do anything worth his future, suddenly writes a whole book to get published, and you wouldn't read it." she said.

"Couldn't read it." Lucy corrected, "And don't give me that, Patty..." While Patty was somewhat right in giving her that look, Lucy wasn't going to be persuaded. But Patty was onto to something. Jess was making something of himself. An author, for crying out loud. And Lucy was more than proud of him for it. He was a brilliant writer, and definitely wicked smart.

"Why my story, though..." she sighed thinking aloud.

"He's writing about you?" she blew her smoke; almost choking that time out of surprise. Lucy nodded. "Lucy darling, you're his muse!"

"His what?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"His muse! You speak to him!" she exclaimed.

"Muse.." Lucy looked down confused as if just hearing the word. Why didn't that make her feel any better about the situation. Did he find her story entertaining? Was she just some quick story to fame?

"I can't just let him tell that story, though."

"You don't stop an artist from painting a Mona Lisa, do you?" she smiled excited for her. Lucy crossed her arms over her chest. "Patty, it's all out there if he publishes that book. Everything we talked about together. Personal things..." she looked down, "It's like airing out dirty underwear for everyone to see. Don't you think that's a little.. weird?"

"Honey, you're asking the wrong person." she giggled as she recalled back wen she was twenty, and airing out her dirty laundry was the best way to finish an audition.

Lucy sighed. She looked over at Miss Patty for a minute and then looked down at her pipe. "Can I bum one of those off you?" she asked. "Lucy. You don't smoke." Patty said as she pulled the box from her pocket. She knocked her knuckle on the bottom of the open box, and a cigarette popped up like a weasel.

"No, I don't. But now's a good a time as any." Lucy replied and took a breath. Taking the cigarette, she lit the flame Patty had graciously provided.

Lucy took a puff before blowing it out. It burned in her throat. The ease was short lived as she coughed up the smoke from her lungs. Miss Patty smirked as she took her own puff. Coughing again, Lucy handed the cigarette back to Patty. "I-I guess I can miss out on that pleasure a little wh-while longer-" she coughed in between speaking.

Patty smiled sympathetically. She stepped back up a step to her studio entrance, "Have a nice day sweetheart. Don't think to hard over the book, okay? I think that Jess has good intentions with it." she smiled.

Lucy gave a small wave to Miss Patty; walking on her way over over to Luke's.