The night passed
Brooks got up in the morning and packed up his stuff before walking to the door of the apartment. Carmen saw him and said "Brooks, no breakfast?" Brooks smiled and said "No thanks Ms Diaz. I've been mooching off you for a night now. I don't feel comfortable taking advantage of you like this."
Carme shook her head and said "You're not taking advantage of me, it's my pleasure. Just eat, then you can go, okay?" Brooks sighed and sat at the table, he started eating and noticed an old man walking out of apartment No 2. He frowned and said "Thank you Ms. Diaz. I have to go." before she could say anything Brooks walked out of the apartment and closed the door.
Brooks walked over to the old man and said "Who the fuck are you old man?" The old man looked at Brooks and said "Who's brat are you?" Brooks frowned and said "What were you doing in there?" the old man said "I don't think that's any of your business, kid."
Brooks was about to say something when the door opened and the blonde haired man said "Brooks, come inside." the old man said "Brooks? The little brat?" the blonde man was silent and Brooks said "Shut up, old man. I'll put you in a retirement home." the old man laughed and said "Like father like son. Rhonda! Let's go. These two losers need to talk."
Brooks clenched his fist and said "What did you call me?!" the blonde haired man grabbed his wrist and said "Brooks! Inside! Now!" Brooks shook him off and walked inside with a snort. The old man laughed and left.
Brooks sat on the couch and dropped his bag. He picked up the remote and started flipping channels. The door closed and the blonde haired man sat in a single person couch chair. They were both silent before Brooks said "You don't have any good channels?"
The blonde haired man said "I look like a thriving rich man to you?" Brooks chuckled and stayed quiet for a moment before finally saying "So you're my dad? Mr Houdini? Crazy disappearing act you pulled." the blonde haired man was silent for a second before saying "Its Johnny, not Houdini."
Brooks looked over and said "Oh! Not gonna deny that you left?" Johnny grabbed a beer and said "Does it matter?" Brooks lit a cigarette and said "I guess not." Johnny grabbed the cigarette and said "What is this? No smoking." as he threw it into an empty beer can.
Brooks said "Hey! I paid for that!" Johnny held out his hand and said "No more smokes. Hand 'em over." Brooks glared at him and said "You're day drinking and I can't smoke? What kind of bullshit is this?"
Johnny said "My house, my rules!" Brooks was silent and Johnny suddenly said "Why are you here? Where's your mother." Brooks grit his teeth and said "That whore sees a different guy every night. I left." Johnny frowned and said "That's your mother."
Brooks sneered and said "I was taking care of Robby and her. Do you know how much I had to work just to pay HER bills? What does she do all day? Absolutely nothing! She goes out every night all dressed up and comes back with some loser who just gave her a free meal."
Brooks clicked his tongue and added "I'm not a woman, I can't honey trap anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if she catches a big fish and locks him down with a pregnancy." Johnny said seriously "Brooks. That's your mother. I know you're angry, but she still gave birth to you."
Brooks waved and said "Whatever. Why you acting like a dad now anyway." Johnny was silent before sighing and leaning back in his chair, evidently giving up. Brooks sneered and grabbed a beer before propping his feet up on the table.
Johnny just watched tv and they both stayed silent for the rest of the day.
A while later
Johnny saw a Larusso commercial and threw the beer in his hands at the Tv, breaking it. Brooks watched and sighed "Great, no more Tv..." Johnny got up and said "I'm leaving. See you later." Brooks said "Hey old man! Can I crash here?" Johnny said "You're my son." Brooks grinned and Johnny suddenly said "You got rent?" Brooks' smile stiffened.
The next day
Johnny came back and went to the bathroom. Brooks was sitting at a table and eating cereal as he watched. Johnny came out with a fresh shave and said "Wanna learn Karate?" Brooks looked up and laughed, Johnny stayed quiet and Brooks choked "You're serious?"
Johnny nodded and Brooks said "You know Karate?" Johnny nodded again and Brooks suddenly narrowed his eyes as he said "Family discount?" Johnny smirked and said "I'll cut you a deal." Brooks chuckled and shook his head as he said "Whatever. Don't have anything else to do."
Johnny swung his keys on his finger as he said "Let's go. I got another student!" Brooks washed his bowl and went to his room. When he came out his dirty blonde hair was slicked back and he was wearing a black t-shirt with a mechanic jumpsuit and sneakers. The jumpsuit sleeves were tied around his waist.
He walked towards Johnny and said "Cool?" Johnny said "Mechanic?" Brooks replied "Quit school to keep your other son and that slut alive. I had no choice." Johnny shook his head and said "Whatever. Let's go." Brooks grinned and followed him out of the house.
Miguel was sitting outside and saw Johnny and Brooks as he said "Hey! Are we going to the Dojo?" Brooks said "You're not serious." Johnny had a grin as he nodded and said "Hell yeah I am!" Brooks sighed and said "Let's go, Rhea." Miguel choked and grumbled as he followed along.
A while later
The three showed up at a 'Rented' building in the strip mall where the Mini Mart is. Brooks got out of the car and looked up as he said "Nice place." Johnny said "It's gonna need some work." Miguel said "Some work? More like a complete redo!"
Brooks chuckled and walked inside, Johnny shook his head and followed along with Miguel.
Johnny said "Alright. Let's get started." Brooks and Miguel sighed before starting to work.
Time slowly passed as the 3 kept working day after day
A few days later
The Dojo was decorated and cleaned. Johnny stood in front of the mirror and wrapped his black head band around his head. Miguel had gone home a while ago and only Brooks was with him. Brooks was sitting on a metal chair near a dummy, he calmly lit a cigarette and watched his dad do whatever.
Brooks didn't really feel like his dad was a good dad. Well considering he abandoned him and Robby, it was safe to say he wasn't a good dad. But spending some time with him, he's not a bad guy. Just a little... 'rough' around the edges, also he was slowly getting his life back on track. He even cleaned the house.
Somewhere deep down inside of Brooks, there was a happiness to be able to stay with his dad. Unknowingly, Brooks smiled to himself as he smoked in the corner, his beautiful thoughts were interrupted with a loud yell "Brooks! No smoking!" Brooks was startled and fell off the chair.
The next day
Miguel was standing in front of Johnny, who was wearing a black Gi. Brooks was sitting behind Johnny and looking at a pamphlet in his hands. Miguel said "Hey Teacher, when can I get a karate pyjama?" Johnny suddenly shouted "Quiet!" Miguel was startled and stood straight.
Johnny turned around and said "Brooks! Fall in!" Brooks looked up and pointed at himself, Johnny nodded and Brooks said "I don't think I ca-" Johnny shouted "Quiet!" Brooks was startled and stood next to Miguel.
Johnny paced back and forth as he said "You will call me Sensei! This is a Gi, not a pyjama and you will get one when you deserve it! Understood?!" Miguel and Brooks shouted "Yes, Sensei/Dad!" Johnny said "Sensei only in the Dojo!" Brooks said "Yes, Sensei!" Johnny smiled and nodded before flipping Miguel to the ground and kicking Brooks in the stomach.
Miguel and Brooks spat out air and groaned. Johnny said "This is the first lesson of Cobra Kai. Strike first! Never wait for the enemy to attack." Miguel said "You could've given me a warning, I-" Johnny shouted "Quiet!" Brooks stood up and Miguel followed him.
Johnny continued "You should always strike first." Miguel started using his inhaler and Johnny stopped before saying "What are you doing?" Miguel said "I have Asthma so, I-" Johnny grabbed the inhaler and threw it against the wall before saying "Not anymore! Leave all the made up bullshit outside of the Dojo."
Brooks covered his mouth and chuckled as Miguel said "It's a real medical condition.." Johnny shouted "Quiet!" Miguel shut up and Johnny said "Cobra Kai isn't about Karate. It's a way of life. Take that first lesson, let's say you're at a party and you see a hot babe. You're not just going to let someone else make a move are you?"
Miguel said "I've never been to a party.." Brooks said "Can't I just beat the shit out of the guy later?" Johnny rubbed his face with his hands and said "Oh my god... Alright listen up. Striking first is about being aggressive. If you're not aggressive, you're a pussy and if you're a pussy you have no balls."
Miguel said "Aren't you genderizing a little?" Johnny said "What?" Miguel realized and said "Aren't you genderizing a little, Sensei?" Johnny deadpanned and said "Wha- I don't even know what that means."
Miguel smiled and said "My guidance counsellor said that if you're using derogatory-" Johnny shouted "Quiet!" Miguel shut up and Johnny said "You're not going to listen to your guidance counselor anymore, you're going to listen to me. Now get down and give me push-ups, understood?"
Miguel nodded and said "Yes, Sensei." Johnny looked at Brooks and said "You too." Brooks got down and started doing push-ups on his knuckles. Miguel couldn't even do one, but Brooks was going strong. Johnny sighed as he looked at Miguel.
Suddenly the door opened and a man with a suit came in. Johnny said "Do sit-ups, Miguel. Brooks, help him." he walked over to the suited man and talked to him.
Brooks stopped and looked at Miguel as he said "You can't even do a push-up?" Miguel chuckled and rubbed his head. Brooks shook his head and pressed on his feet as he said "Sit-ups, kid. Let's go." Miguel started doing sit-ups.
The suited man said "Hey you two. Are you customers here?" Brooks looked at him and said "Fuck off." Johnny said "That's my son and an illegal I picked up." the man let out a breath and said "Well, you need to clean this place up if you want customers." as he walked out, he looked at the logo on the wall and said "Nice snake!"
Johnny said "It's a Cobra." the man said "Ah! Yeah wow, I'm an idiot. Cobra K. Nice." before leaving. Johnny sighed and shook his head before saying "You two. Start fixing this place up. I'm going to buy materials." Brooks and Miguel sighed and Johnny said "You guys got this! Strike First!" Brooks grumbled and Johnny chuckled before leaving.
Brooks stood up and lit a cigarette as he said "Alright, Miguel. Get started." Miguel said "What abou-" Brooks shouted "Quiet!" Miguel tensed up and Brook laughed, Miguel chuckled and gave him the finger before they started fixing the Dojo up.