The Talk

The session ended and all the new kids along with Aisha left, leaving Johnny, Tory, Brooks, and Miguel in the Dojo. Johnny gave Miguel a look and Miguel smirked before saying "Hey Brooks, can you show me something on the dummy?" Brooks was talking with Tory and turned around to say "Uh, okay." he turned back to Tory and said "I'll be right back." Tory smiled and nodded. Brooks smiled and walked over to Miguel, who started asking him a series of questions, making Brooks dizzy.

Johnny looked over at Tory and said "Tory, right? Come to my office." Tory tilted her head and followed Johnny to his office, Johnny sat down at his desk and said "So you're Brooks' girlfriend?" Tory was startled and said "I don't think that's your business, Sensei." Johnny chuckled and said "He's my son. Of course it's my business."

Tory made an 'O' with her mouth before saying "Oh! Sorry. I didn't know.." Johnny shook his head and said "It's fine. I just want you to keep him out of trouble for me. That kid.. Well you saw it. He didn't exactly have the best life." Tory smiled a bit and said "I will." Johnny smiled and said "Good. You're pretty good at Karate, you're a natural fighter. How about joining Cobra Kai for real?"

Tory said "For real?" Johnny nodded and said "Those nerds from today.. They're not fighters at all, but you. You're different, you have potential. What do you think?" Tory looked awkward and said "I don't really have the money.." Johnny smirked and said "I'm sure the kid will fight me if I even charge you." Tory blushed and fiddled with her hair.

Johnny added "Brooks and Miguel both aren't paying. First of all, Brooks is my son and Miguel doesn't really have the money either. Since there were so many new students today. I can probably milk them out to cover the loss. What do you think?" Tory smiled and said "Alright. I'll join." Johnny grinned and tossed her a Gi as he said "Welcome to Cobra Kai."

Tory caught the Gi and smiled "Thank you, Sensei." Johnny shook his head and said "Get out of here, killer." Tory smiled and left the office happily. She walked over to Brooks to show him the Gi.

Brooks was looking at Miguel with a tired expression, listening to him spew bullshit like a machine "Then I said 'How could you possibly know that' but my Yaya just said that she knows every, which I highly doubt because how could someone know every, you know? So I told her that it was impossible to know everything and she just said-"

Brooks clamped his lips with his fingers and said "Aren't you tired? How much nonsense are you going to say? I've been listening for 5 minutes now." Miguel snickered and scratched his cheek, Brooks shook his head and turned his head to see Tory holding out a Gi and looking at him with a big smile.

Brooks looked at Miguel and then Tory, before looking over her shoulder at Johnny, who winked at him. He grinned and hugged Tory before spinning around and laughing. Tory slapped his shoulders and said "Put me down, I'm gonna puke!" Brooks stopped and laughed "Don't worry, Migs will clean up." Miguel, who was smiling, immediately coughed with an ugly expression.

Tory giggled and shook her head. Brook whispered in her ear "Where do I pick you up tonight?" Tory said "My house? I'll text you the address." Brooks nodded and said "Do you need a ride home?" Tory shook her head and said "I'll see you later, killer." she kissed Brooks on the lips before leaving the Dojo.

Brooks watched her go and let out a breath, Miguel swept his feet under him and said "Wake up!" Brooks fell to the ground and reached his hands out quickly, before doing a handstand and spin-kicking at Miguel, who's eyes widened and took a kick to the shoulder, sliding across the mat.

Brooks pushed off his hands and landed on his feet as he laughed and said "You're too green to get me, Migs." Miguel groaned from the floor and Brooks chuckled as he walked over, he picked Miguel up off the floor and patted his shoulders.

Miguel smirked and slapped his arms away before saying "Oh right! I almost forgot!" as he walked into Johnny's office. Brooks followed after him, because he had something to say to him too. Miguel walked inside and said "Don't you think you're being a little too hard on them?"

Johnny said "Why? They're losers." Miguel sighed and said "Yeah but they're my friends." Johnny nodded and said "That tracks." Miguel rolled his eyes and Brooks interrupted as he said "Yo, old man. I'm borrowing your car for tonight. That cool?"

Johnny looked up and said "Do I have a choice?" Brooks nodded and opened his mouth but Johnny added "That doesn't resort to criminal activity?" Brooks closed his mouth as he rubbed his nose with a wry smile. Miguel chuckled on the side and Johnny sighed "Take it." as he tossed the keys over.

Brooks caught them and grinned, Johnny said "Where you going, bro." Brooks swung the key around his finger and said "I was gonna break into a racetrack and drive around in there.." Johnny's face fell and Miguel was stunned as he said "Isn't that illegal?" Brooks said "Yeah, so?" Johnny said "No illegal activity. Especially not on the first date."

Brooks sighed and said "Then where am I supposed to go?" Johnny said "What about Golf and stuff?" Brooks said "The mini golf place?" Miguel said "I heard there's also an arcade." Brooks looked at him before going back to Johnny, who said "Trust me, the dopest place on earth. That's where I took..." he paused before sighing and continuing "Just trust me, kid. I know these things."

Brooks sighed and said "Alright. Golf and Stuff it is." Miguel said "Can I come?" Brooks flicked his forehead and said "It's a date. Uhh No tercero personas permida. Capiche?" Miguel wilted and mumbled "Maybe next time.." Brooks chuckled and nudged him as he said "Maybe you can ask that girl and go to Golf and Stuff with her."

Miguel's eyes brightened before he shook his head and said "She won't say yes." Johnny looked over and said "Miguel's got a girlfriend?" Brooks shook his head and said "A crush." Johnny said "What are you waiting for, man. Strike first. Where is all my teaching going?"

Miguel hesitated and said "What if she rejects me?" Johnny frowned and said "Hey. Defeat doesn't exist in this Dojo. Don't take no for an answer." Miguel said "I don't think that's.." Johnny added "Not in the physical sense. Obviously." Miguel hesitated and Brooks gave him a thumbs up with a grin, Miguel finally took a breath and nodded as he said "Okay I will." as he pulled out his phone.

Brooks stopped him saying "Woah, easy there, El Chapo. You just broke out of jail and you're taunting the warden?" Miguel was confused and Brooks said "You gotta play it cool. She doesn't even know I gave you her number. What happens if you randomly text her out of the blue."

Miguel was silent and Brooks clapped his hands and said "Boom! No more princess. You are officially blocked. Do you want that?" Miguel shook his head and Brooks nodded as he said "Then do it tomorrow in person. Much easier." Johnny nodded and raised his beer as he said "Atta boy." Brooks chuckled and left saying "See you guys tomorrow... Or well later."

Brooke returned to the apartment and showered. He got dressed and looked himself in the mirror before mocking himself "What are you getting all dressed up for? Business as usual, play it cool." Brooks clapped his cheeks and nodded before looking at his phone and leaving the complex.

Brooks drove through town and stopped in front of another apartment complex. He parked the car and walked into the housing area to see Tory clenching her fist and glaring at a man with a gold chain and slicked back hair. Brooks frowned and walked forward to hear "If you can't pay you can do other things to make ends meet."

Brooks stepped in front of Tory and looked at the guy before saying "You got a problem, ponyboy?" The guy smirked and said "Who are you? Her boyfriend?" Brooks had a straight face as he said "And what if I am?" the guy sneered and said "She can't pay rent. If you leave her with me, I can let her go without it."

Brooks smiled and said "Yeah? How long you want her for?" Tory looked at Brook in confusion and the guy said "I don't know.." he grinned and said "A week, maybe two? Or how about when I'm tired of her." Brooks laughed and said "Yeah.. Hey Tory, how many days are in 6 months?" Tory said "183?"

Brooks grinned and said "Want her for 183 days?" the guy smiled and said "I like talking with smart people." he reached for Tory, but Brooks stopped him with a smile that was as cold as ice as he said "You have to pay a price if you want her man. The human body has 206 bones. Everyday you pay me a bone." he grabbed the man's wrist and squeezed as he said "I only accept advance payments."

Brooks' eyes glowed in rage and he crushed the man's wrist, making him fall to his knees and cry out in pain. Brooks kneed him in the face and sent him to the ground before stomping on his chest and smiling harmlessly, but in the eyes of the guy it was the smile of a devil.

Brooks closed his eyes and smiled as he said "How about you leave her alone from now on, how does that sound?" the man nodded wordlessly and Brooks chuckled before stomping on his hand, crushing the bones in it as he said "I don't think I heard you agree. I have trouble seeing, my bad." The man cried out in pain and said quickly "I'll leave her alone! She won't even have to pay rent!"

Brooks stomped on his other hand and said "Sorry, I didn't hear you, I'm deaf in one ear. What did you say?" the man shouted "I'LL LEAVE HER ALONE! PLEASE LET ME GO!" Brooks opened his eyes and the man shivered under his cold gaze. Brooks said coldly "Next time you think of even touching a hair on her head, I'll put you in a wheelchair permanently. Understand?"

The man nodded quickly and Brooks raised his foot before stomping it right on his crotch. Tory winced and could've sworn she heard a crack. Brooks listened to the man's blood curdling scream with a completely blank face. He crouched near the guy's head and whispered in his ear "If I find out you pulled something behind my back..." his tone turned extremely vicious as he finished "You'll find out what it feels like to have every bone in your body broken... One.. by.. one."

He stood up and kicked the guy in the chin, knocking him out. Brooks turned to Tory and gave her a bright smile, completely opposite of the one he had just now, as he said "Ready to go?" Tory looked at Brooks and sighed before nodding. Brooks saw her expression and said nothing as he went to the car.

Brooks opened the door for her before getting into the driver's seat. He started the car and drove slowly.

As they were driving, Brooks spoke first "If sorry if I went a bit too far, I ju-" Tory cut him off and said "I'm not upset about that. I'm happy you did it. That guy is always giving me a hard time and taking extra money from me for rent every month." she turned to Brooks and smiled beautifully as she added "Thank you, Brooks."

Brooks was dazed a bit and just said numbly "No problem, Tory. Really anytime." Tory giggled and pinched his cheek saying "Watch the road, killer." Brooks chuckled and turned to the road as he said "So what's bothering you?" Tory sighed and said "My mom is getting worse." Brooks looked at her and said seriously "Do you want to go back? If you're really worried about your mom, we can stay at your house and I can help you take care of her."

Tory shook her head with a smile and said "It's okay. I need a break anyway." Brooks grabbed her hand and drove with one hand on the wheel as he gave her a reassuring smile. Tory smiled to herself and squeezed Brooks' hand tightly.

Brooks grinned and said "You know I'm here for you." Tory teared up and looked out the window with a small smile. Brooks smiled softly and focused on the road.