
The next day

Brooks was sparring with Tory in a circle of students, when the door opened and Daniel walked in angrily. He walked on the mat with his shoes and Johnny said "What hell are you doing?" Daniel said "Like you don't know."

Johnny said "Take your shoes off the mat you're disrespecting my Dojo!" as he walked forward, Daniel scoffed "You're seriously going to talk to me about disrespecting Dojos after what you did to mine?!" as he stepped forward, Johnny said "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do anything to your Dojo."

Daniel almost laughed and said "You know, part of me actually felt bad for you, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a Sensei but you don't even know what a Sensei is!"

Brooks shouted "Hey! Watch your mouth, Larusso!" as he stepped forward, but Kreese held him back. Daniel smirked and said "A Sensei mentors, a Sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect!" Brooks struggled and Kreese pinned him to the ground, Johnny said "I already said I don't know what you're talking about, and you don't know what you're talking about either."

Daniel said "Yeah well I know you don't.. You don't earn the medal of honor by stealing it." he looked around and continued "Let me tell you something about your Sensei. He might teach you how to fight, but he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselves before it's too late, the doors to Miyagi-Do are wide open."

Johnny frowned and said "Hey! You trying to poach my students?" Daniel said "Yeah, what are you doing to do about it?" Brooks snarled "I'll do something about it!" as he struggled violently, Kreese pinned him down with his knee and said "Shhh, let Sensei Lawrence take care of it." Brooks grinded his teeth in anger and looked up.

Johnny said "I'm gonna be a bigger man." as he stepped back. Daniel smirked and said "Yeah, we'll see about that." as he left the Dojo. Some of the students started packing up their stuff, Brooks growled "Where the fuck are you losers going?" they hesitated before picking up their stuff and walking to the door.

Brooks said "Hey! Leave your Gis here. You don't deserve to wear it." Kreese picked him up and said "Easy. Look at those who left, they were traitors from day one." Brooks shook him off and fell back in line, grinding his teeth in anger.

Johnny looked at the door before shouting "Fall in!" the class got in line and Johnny said "Burpees! Now!" the class started doing Burpees and kept going.

A while later

Johnny said "This could all be over in an instant! Who trashed the Miyagi Dojo?!" as he walked around "You all know I'm not a fan of Larussos but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here." he looked at Kreese and added "At least not anymore." a fat guy, who had joined the class and was at least 30 years old, said "It wasn't me Sensei, I would never disrespect a Dojo-"

Johnny cut him off and said "Shut your cake hole, Chubbs. I'm not looking for excuses! I'm looking for answers!" Miguel said "Sensei, we really don't know who did it." Kreese spoke "Somebody knows something, the question is... Who's gonna break." Johnny's phone started ringing and he said "Keep going!" before going into the office.

Assface walked over to Kreese and said "Sensei, we need a water break." Kreese looked at him for a moment before saying "2 minute break! Get your bearings." Brooks stood up and pushed past the group before walking into the back room and slamming the door.

Kreese looked over at the door in thought.

Brooks started beating on the punching bag, venting out his anger. He was extremely angry because although he might not show it, he still respected his dad. He didn't like Larusso and hearing him disrespect his dad like that only made him angrier.

He shouted and kicked the punching bag off the stand and sent it flying to the wall. He wiped his forehead and heard a voice "Mad about the punishment?" Brooks looked over and saw Kreese, he said "I couldn't care less about the punishment, nor do I give a fuck about Miyagi-Do's Dojo." Kreese crossed his arms and said "So then what are you mad about?"

Brooks clenched his fist and said "That Larusso guy, disrespected my dad. Who the fuck is he to judge my dad?" Kreese was silent and Brook added "Maybe, Mr. Miyagi or whatever was a good teacher but Larusso is definitely not a good student." Brooks walked to the door and said "He's just a self-righteous prick."

He walked past Kreese and went back to the main Dojo. Kreese stopped him and said "Everyone! Back here, now!" Brooks looked at Kreese, who nodded with a smile. Brooks stepped back and leaned on the wall as the rest filled in.

Tory walked next to Brooks and said "Are you okay?" Brooks gave her a smile and said "Frustrated." Tory smiled and said "It's okay, Killer. I'm here." Brooks smiled warmly and kissed her, Tory kept her smile and Kreese set up the room up before saying "Everyone grab something! Start working!" The class grabbed the work out things and started.

A while later

Kreese said "Keep going! I can do this all day." Chubbs said "Hey is it okay if I puke in here?" Aisha said "Don't puke!" Chubbs retorted "Navy seal puke all the time!" Brooks chuckled and Miguel said "We gotta figure out who did it!" Lily said "It's probably shit breath over there." Assface got up saying "Hey, you want some?"

Brooks shouted "Quiet!" the class looked at him and he said "Shut the fuck up and keep going, bunch of pussies blaming each other is getting on my nerves." the class was silent and went back to working. Kreese smirked and said "You want to know who did it?" The class stopped and Kreese said "It was Hawk."

The rest looked at Hawk, but Kreese continued "And it was Brooks, and Diaz, and Nichols, and Mills, even Chubbs!" Chubbs gasped and said "Even me, Sensei!?" Kreese gave him a look and said "Even you, Chubbs. When one of you makes a move, you all make a move. You live and you die with the consequences of the spoils because you are all Cobra Kai."

He paused and scanned the room as he said "Main Dojo, 5 minutes. You're real training starts now."

A while later

The class was sitting in a circle and Brooks was fighting with Tyler, A.K.A Little Demon. Brooks kicked him to the ground and stood above him, Miguel threw up a flag and said "Point!" Brooks looked at Tyler on his knees before kicking him in the face, ending the fight. Kreese nodded and said "Next!"

Tory started fighting with Assface and brought him to the ground easily. She stepped back and MIguel said "Point!" Tory didn't move and Kreese said "What are you waiting for? Hit him again." Tory looked over and Kreese said "Do you have a problem with that? A fight isn't over until your enemy is finished. You show your enemy no mercy."

Tory nodded and went to knee Assface in the face, when Miguel shouted "Wait!" Tory stopped and Miguel added "This isn't what Sensei was teaching us. There's no honor in being merciless. Tory scored a point, it's over."

Kreese sighed and said "Sensei Lawrence is right, of course. In a tournament, the fighting stops when you land a point. But in the real world, it' not about scoring points. It's about being a winner or a loser and there are no losers in this Dojo." Miguel was silent and Kreese said "Finish him!"

Tory followed through and kneed Assface in the face, ending the fight. Brooks looked at Tory, who shot a glance at him and smiled, Brooks smiled in return and patted next to him. Tory walked over and sat down next to him.

The class ended

and Miguel and Brook went to the back room to continue for a while. Miguel was kicking while Brooks was holding pads, Miguel said "Man. Don't you think Sensei Kreese is teaching us wrong?" Brooks looked at Miguel and said "Take it in moderation, Migs. Despite what it sounds like, no mercy is true."

Brooks was silent for a moment before continuing "Let me tell you something. You judge when or when to not show mercy." he looked at Miguel in the eyes and said "Because when you show mercy, not everyone appreciates it."

Brooks got serious and said "One bad judgement can send your life. Understand?" Miguel nodded, Brooks took off his upper Gi and pointed at all his scars as he said "You see these?" Miguel nodded and said "Your enemy doesn't show mercy." Brooks turned around and showed a big long scar on his back as he said "This is the result of mercy."

Miguel looked at the scar and clenched his fists, they both heard a voice say "Where'd you get that?" Brooks and Miguel looked over to see Lily and Tory standing in the doorway. Brooks looked at Lily and said "None of your business, fake princess." Lily snorted and turned away, Tory smiled and walked over before saying "Are you ready to go?"

Brooks smiled and nodded before looking at Miguel and saying "You know what I'm trying to say Migs?" Miguel nodded and Brooks patted his shoulder before saying with a smile "Not all the time, only when necessary. I believe you know the difference." Miguel smiled and Brooks whispered in his ear "I'll leave you two alone, the mats in here are pretty soft so you know.. Strike hard."

Miguel's face reddened and he pushed Brooks away with a chuckle. Brooks grinned and walked toward the door with Tory, he passed Lily and said "Try not to make a mess, Rebel." Lily rolled her eyes and said "Try not to be an asshole next time I see you." Brooks chuckled and Tory whispered to Lily "You know that's not possible."

Lily giggled and shook her head before walking inside. Brooks grumbled "Collusion.." Tory hugged his arm and said "I was told seduction tactics worked." Brooks smirked and said "Ah as long as they're only used on me, it won't work on anyone else. They're all gay." Tory laughed and said sweetly "Of course, I'm YOUR porker, nobody else's."

Brooks smiled and pulled her in before kissing her and saying "Wanna come over? I uhh wanted to show you a new move." Tory rolled her eyes and said "A new move huh?" Brooks nodded seriously and said "Yeah. It's super secret and can only be showed to you." Tory laughed and said "Sure." Brooks smiled and changed before driving Tory to his house.

The next day

Brooks was warming up with the class. They were in line and Kreese was standing behind them saying "Cobra Kai is not a hobby! It's not a club!" Kreese paced through the group and said "Cobra Kai is your brothers... and your sisters..." he looked at the class training before continuing "You're all Cobra Kai for life..."

He walked to the front of the Class and grabbed the inner edges of his black Gi as he added finally "Because Cobra Kai... Never dies."