Chapter 2 - Job Opportunity

Chapter 2 – Job Opportunity

{Thunder Tiger Company is recruiting!!! Don't lose your chance and become one of us}

"…" Berry was silent. He knew about the company, but the ad that he saw might be a scam.

Thunder Tiger Company was one of the biggest and strongest E-Sport team in the country. The company started small seventy-years ago with a team for the Final Legend game. The Final Legend team racked out achievement upon achievement, thus helped grew the company.

A company with only one E-Sport team grew to two and three. Then, the company branched out to other games and gained more achievement and the same formula continued afterward until the company grew to the size it had now.

Many Thunder Tiger Company's players became a celebrity, and even after they retired from the E-Sport, they were as popular as actors, actresses, and idols. Many of them even entered the entertainment circle and became a full-fledged celebrity.

"If this ad is true, I can try my luck," Berry spoke. He typed in the company's name in the browser and went to Thunder Tiger Company's official website. If there were indeed recruitment happening, they would post it on the website.

Berry found the website and clicked on it. Immediately after that, a new browser tab appeared, and it immediately loaded the website.

A second later, a logo of a silver tiger's head with thunder in the background appeared on the screen. The logo was Thunder Tiger's official logo. They looked cool for the first timer but Berry had seen the logo many times and he did not bother much about it.

Berry scrolled the screen, and just below the logo at the top of everything else was the announcement for the recruitment.

"The ad is not a scam," Berry mumbled.

The truth was, not only the Thunder Tiger but many other E-Sport companies were recruiting at this time of the year, every year. The reason was that many players quit or retired from the team every year, and thus, recruitment happened every year. Berry was just unaware of it.

Berry clicked on the announcement and the list of positions the Thunder Tiger company was offering appeared.

Recruiting Gun Wing Barrage Players age 18 to 30 years old

Recruiting Baseball Players age 18 to 30 years old

Recruiting Tennis Players age 18 to 30 years old


Berry read the list, and the top was mostly recruiting for players from age 18 to 30 years old except for a few games that asked for a smaller or bigger age range. The list of jobs that did not involve any games such as assistants and managers were at the bottom.

Berry was not a gamer. He did play games but casually. He usually played games a few times and stopped playing after that. Berry was more interested in studying academically and spent time with his martial arts hobby.

Among his family, Bendy and Bestie loved games the most. Bendy had lowered his playtime when he entered University, but Bestie was at that age where games were the most interesting things to him.

Since Berry was not a gamer, he skipped the recruitment for players. He clicked on the other jobs offered by the company and searched for a position that accepted high school graduate like him.

Out of the many jobs offered by the company, only the junior assistant position accepted high school graduates. Berry read the job descriptions, and the junior assistant job mainly had to do with assisting the players.

"Let see... 10 Teco per hour for my current part-time job equal to 2400 Teco per month if I work eight hours every day. As for the assistant job…" Berry checked the income offered for the job.

Teco was the world currency.

"3500 Teco per month. 1100 Teco more than my part-time job. This is not including allowance and many other things. I guess this is good enough," Berry nodded.

Berry decided to apply for the job. Berry did not need to fill in any form or sent any resume because the company would do an open interview. He just needed to appear at the company with his resume and went through some interviews.

Berry noted the date of the interview, and it would be on the Winter 27th, Month 3. "In two days? One day if not including today," Berry mumbled. Since he decided to apply for the job, he got up from his bed and went to his desk.

Berry switched on something, and a hologram screen appeared in front of him, and on the desk was a hologram keyboard. This was the desk computer in the world.

Techian was a world where technology had advanced quite a bit. All doors around the world used a simple card as a key. Their phone was a transparent plate, and their computer was the hologram desk computer. The laptop was combined with the phone, but Berry preferred to use the desk computer.

The Artificial Intelligence or AI of the world had advanced further as what was shown at the elevator for the apartment Berry's family was living in. Many things in Techian applied the use of AI such as the elevator, rich people's home, cars, train, and many more.

There were flying cars too, but the world had yet to be able to travel in space. So, there was no space travel in Techian.

Berry started typing and prepared his resume for the Junior Assistant job at the Thunder Tiger Company. Two hours later, Berry finished his resume. He printed the resume and put it carefully inside an envelope.

After that, Berry practiced his martial art for a bit and took a shower. He lied on the bed and went to sleep.

Winter 26th, Month 3, the Year 2300.

Berry woke up early that morning. His part-time job would be in the afternoon until evening. So, he exercised and practiced his martial arts. After that, Berry went to the kitchen, took the cold food prepared by his mother from the fridge, and heat it in the microwave.

While waiting for the food to heat up, Berry set up the table with plates, spoons, and cups. A few minutes later, he heard the 'ding' sound from the microwave indicated that the food was heated.

Berry took out the food from the microwave, and it was fuming with hot steam. Berry inserted another frozen food in the microwave and continued the heating.

While Berry was busy heating the food, Bestie came out of his room and sat at the dining table. It was the year-end break, and there was no school. Bestie was 15 years old, and next year (in a few days), he would start high school.

Bestie had a dark circle, probably from playing the game until late at night. Berry saw Bestie's eye and said, "Don't spend too much time gaming. You will affect your health if you always sleep late like this."

"I know. Stop nagging. Mom is not home, and you are going to replace her with the nagging?" Bestie talked back.

Berry glared at Bestie, and he looked down. Bestie knew he could not defeat Berry in a fight, so he was a bit scared of Berry. Even so, Bestie was at that age where he rebelled a lot. He could not help but talk back to Berry, but once Berry glared at him, he came to his senses.

Among the four siblings, Berry was the strongest because he practiced martial arts. Luckily, he was not a hot temper person, or fights would break out every time. Even so, Belinda, Bendy, and Bestie knew not to mess with Berry. Berry was nice all the time, but when he was angry, it was scary.

Be that as it may, Berry never hit them when he was angry. His siblings only assumed that and when he was angry, Berry only glared at them and spewed some words. After that, he would leave them alone.

"Don't talk about mom like that. She is nagging you for your good. Do you think she likes to nag you all the time? She is worried about you. Stop taking her nagging as something annoying," Berry spoke while glaring at Bestie.

Bestie kept silent. He knew it was better to stay silent than talked back.

"Eat," Berry spoke. The duo started eating. Bestie finished eating and ran to his room to continue gaming again, leaving the dish he used at the sink without any intention of washing them.

"…" Berry was silent, and he sighed. He washed the dishes and cleaned the house. Berry knew his mom would be tired coming home later and cleaned the house to lessen her burden.

A few hours later, Berry finished cleaning the house. He did not stop there but went out for some air. It was too stuffy at home, and he went for a walk.

Another hour later, Berry got home. When he got in, his mom and sister were on the couch in the living room.

"You are at home. How is brother Bendy?" Berry asked.

"Same as before. No change. We don't even know when Bendy will wake up from the coma, but Dad and the doctors said that his chance of waking up is high. All we need to do is wait," Belinda replied. His mom stood silently on the couch with a tired face.

"Mom, I am sure brother will wake up soon," Berry spoke, trying to lift his mother's mood. Mom glanced at Berry, and she smiled.

"Did you clean the house?" mom asked, and Berry smiled. "I knew Bestie will not do this. Is he playing games again?" mom asked, and Berry forcefully smiled.

"That kid! He knew that everyone is tired! Can he be a bit more helpful!" Belinda was mad. "BESTIE!!! ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP PLAYING GAMES!!!" Belinda shouted in anger.

There was no response from Bestie, and Belinda's anger increased. She got up and went to Bestie's room. The scene of their fight was a common occurrence in the family, and Mom let them be. She was too tired to stop them.

"I will make you some hot drink," Berry spoke and went to the kitchen. While he made the drink for his mom, mom came to the kitchen.

"How is the result of the entrance exam?" Mom asked, and Berry stopped in his track.