Chapter 7 - Registration

Chapter 7 - Registration

The Public Guild, just as the name suggested was a guild opened for the public in Dodgeball Master. The guild belonged to the game where anyone could visit. Any missions posted by the guild could be completed by anyone. No discriminations.

There were other guilds available in the game and they belonged to the players. Since the players were the ones establishing the guild, it was a no brainer that only the guild members were allowed to complete the missions the guild got.

Berry walked into the city and before he got out of the park, he referred to the information board located at the park to determine the Public Guild location. Once he knew the direction, Berry walked leisurely in that direction.

As Berry entered the city, he was met with many people. They were players and NPCs of the games. It was easy to determine if they were players or NPCs.

Players usually wore unmatched or exaggerated equipment. This happened because the players needed the best equipment they could have. Equipment with high additional stat and many effects were the best choice. Whether the equipment's color matched each other did not matter to them.

As for NPCs, they were the ones that wore matched and not exaggerated equipment. They were the ones who look good with whatever they wore.

"The park did not have this many people," Berry mumbled. He was unaware of it but the park was the place where new players arrived and nothing was interesting there. So, the players did not bother to go there. The city was a place with many things to do.

The city that Berry was currently in was called the Bigin City. The park was the place where new players arrived but the city was not. In the city, players of different levels and rank could be located.

Thanks to the limitation setup with the rank made by the game developer, if a fight broke out in the city, it would be a fair fight based on their rank. So, it was not a problem even when the city was mixed with this many players of different levels and ranks.

Berry walked to the Public Guild and could see that there were many shops available but all he saw was a shop selling clothes, foods, armors, accessories, stones, and balls. There were no shops selling weapons like a sword, bow, and spear.

Even so, Berry dismissed any weird thoughts as his focus was the Public Guild. While walking to the guild, the players were staring at him because he was a new player. His attire said it all about being a newbie. Berry ignored all the stares and went to the Public Guild.

After a few minutes of walking, Berry arrived at the Public Guild. It was a massive four-storey white building. The building had the size of a stadium and many beautiful glass doors adorned the entrance and they were automatic.

"Whoa~ this building is more modern than I thought," Berry was amazed. People were going in and out of the building while Berry was amazed by the building.

Berry got inside the building and it was a massive hall with many counters at the front. He looked around and saw a counter for registration. Three people were lining up and they all wore the same outfit as Berry.

Berry got in the line and waited for his turn. A few minutes later, it was finally his turn.

"Welcome~ Are you going to register too?" the beautiful receptionist asked while smiling.

"Yes," Berry replied while smiling.

"Please fill in this form," the receptionist handed a piece of paper to Berry.

Berry glanced at the paper and it was a simple form asking for his name, age, ability, and so on. Berry filled it in with his information and handed the form to the receptionist.

The receptionist processed the paper and she frowned.

"I am sorry. Your registration failed because you put in a wrong name," the receptionist informed Berry.

"Ha? Wrong name? That is impossible. I write the right one," Berry spoke and he took the paper back from the receptionist. He checked the name and it was his name, Berry on it. The spelling was not wrong and he was correct.

"This is the right name," Berry spoke to the receptionist.

"I am sorry but that is the wrong name. The machine is not wrong in this matter," the receptionist replied while smiling.

"Game bug?" Berry scratched his head. He was clueless as to what had happened. Suddenly, someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Bro, first time playing a game?" a man's voice was heard from behind Berry. Berry looked at his back and a man who looked to be a few years older than him smiled at him.

"… Urm, this is my first time playing this game but I have played other games before," Berry replied.

"Pfft!" the man was holding his laughter. "The receptionist asks for your in-game name, not your real name," the man was trying hard holding his laughter.

"…" Berry was silent as he came to the realization. His face turned red and he changed the name on the form into Berryier, his in-game name. Berry handed the form back to the receptionist and the process continued without any problem.

Berry glanced at the man behind him and he was extremely embarrassed. "Thank you…" Berry thanked the man embarrassingly. The man smiled at Berry.

'That is so embarrassing!!!' Berry wanted to hide somewhere. He never thought he would do something that stupid.

"Your registration is complete but you are not yet officially a member of the guild. Complete this mission first and you will officially become our member," the receptionist informed Berry and she handed out a piece of paper to Berry.

Berry touched the paper and the floating screen appeared in front of him.

[Mission: Guild Test

Rank: F

Details: Hunt three horn rabbits and collect the horn as the proof

Reward: Officially become the Public Guild's member]

The mission was mandatory and thus, it was registered in his Mission menu immediately.

"Since you are a new member, our guild will give you a few pieces of equipment for free," the receptionist smiled and she gave a white card to Berry.

"Go to that room and give this card to the receptionist inside and she will give you your equipment," the receptionist smiled. Berry took the white card and headed to the room pointed by the receptionist.

Before Berry left, he gave the man another nod to thank him for the blunder he did earlier. Berry got inside the room and it was a small room with another door behind the counter. He gave the white card to the receptionist and she went behind the door to take the equipment.

A few minutes later, the receptionist came back with a few basic pieces of equipment for Berry.

"You can unequip what you wear and wear them physically without inserting them in your equipment slot. However, the effect of the equipment will not be applied to you. You can assign these to your equipment slot," the receptionist spoke and handed the equipment to Berry.

There were three things the receptionist gave to Berry. First was a leather chest plate. The chest plate had a Def+1 effect and a durability of 20. A super-weak armor.

The second equipment was sports shoes with the Spd+1 effect and a durability of 10.

The last item was five football balls. Each ball had Atk+1 and durability+10 effects. Even so, only the chest plate and sports shoes could be equipped. The ball was a separate item.

"This ball is your weapon. Use this to hunt the horn rabbit," the receptionist spoke. Berry nodded and he understood why the ball became the weapon. He was playing the dodgeball game and it was obvious that the ball would be the player's weapons.

This was the reason why there was no weapons shop in the city and many ball shops could be found instead.

Berry took the equipment and stored them in his storage. He got out of the room and headed to the toilet. He needed to change to his new equipment.

Berry unequipped the white t-shirt, white pants, and slippers from the equipment slots and he went naked. Berry immediately took out the white pants and wore them physically like what the receptionist had said. Same with the white t-shirt.

After that, Berry clicked on the equipment slot and equipped the leather chest plate and sports shoes. Once he equipped the two equipment, he felt his body became stronger. Berry checked his status and his defense and speed had increased by one.

Berry decided to throw away the slippers because he wanted to free his storage space. At the moment, two of them were filled with items. The first slot was money and the second slot was the five football balls.

Berry looked at the mirror and he looked like a beginner which was true. He got out of the toilet and headed to a small computer at the side of the guild's hall. There were a lot of computers in the hall for everyone to use.

Berry could use the computer to search for some information. He did not know about this but overheard it from the other new players when he lined up for registration.

Berry turned on the computer and searched for the information about the horned rabbit.

The horned rabbit had many species. There were different colored horned rabbits, multiple horns horned rabbits, and many more. However, when one said the horned rabbit, they referred to the white horned rabbit.

The white horned rabbit was the most common and basic. They could be found almost everywhere around the city. They were not rare, not strong, and easy to hunt by newbies like Berry.

Berry remembered the picture of the white rabbit with the single horn and readied to search for the rabbit. Berry left the guild building and took a bus to the city's gate.