Chapter 22 - Battle Facility Second Battle

Chapter 22 – Battle Facility Second Battle

Berry got out of Daisy's office and he sighed. "The offer is tempting and the pay is better too but…" Berry frowned.

"If I become a Professional Player, it will be hard to retreat once I have enough money to attend college. I will not be working for a long time here because I promised dad," Berry mumbled.

Berry went to his desk again and his coworkers were curious about what had happened. Berry had nothing to hide and told them about the offer.

"You should take that offer. The pay for Professional players is high. Even if you become a reserve Player, you still get pays a lot," one of Berry's coworker spoke.

"That's right. You should take that offer," another spoke.

"Since Daisy is offering you the chance, you must have a lot of potentials," Kenny, Team 4 Leader as well as the main coach for Team 4 spoke. "How about you show it to me?" Kenny was curious.

"I am just so-so," Berry replied.

"I trust Daisy. She rarely disappoints me in seeing potential," Kenny spoke and Berry just smiled. They talked for a bit more before they continued with their job.

The day ended and Berry went home. He got a lot more work that day because they were preparing to receive the Players on Spring 7th. The next day would be the busiest.

Berry, Hardy, and Pierre went to dinner at a stall nearby before they went home. After they had dinner, Berry sat in front of the desk and browsed through the internet. Berry checked on Dodgeball Master's forum to read on some info and news.

After that, Berry logged in to the game. He appeared in an inn he used to log out the day before and decided to try battling in the Battle Facility again. Berry registered for another battle and was led to the waiting room.

"RedFile, Level 3, 3 loses, 1 win," Berry read on the data for his next opponent. "He only won once but he may have met a strong opponent that causes his loses," Berry spoke.

"There are a lot of situations where having many lose does not mean you are weak," Berry added while looking at the winning statistics of his opponent, RedFile.

"That's right, there is a feature where I can view the video of his previous battles in the Battle Facility," Berry clicked on the menu and found the button to view the battles.

Since he needed to wait for a bit before his turn, he decided to view the videos. He could learn something from that video and that would help him win the battle.

The video was turned on and Berry could see RedFile on it. He had an average appearance and nothing was striking or memorable about him. RedFile wore the same beginner equipment as Berry.

Berry continued watching and found out that RedFile had the fire ability and his skill was Fire Ball which made the ball he used was engulfed with fire.

Berry continued watching the video. "He focuses on the attack but his speed is too lacking. He causes a lot of damage but receives a lot of hits instead. I think he is the type that focused on firepower," Berry made his analysis.

Berry continued watching the video and there was not much difference between them. RedFile loses because he was slow. The one that he won was against a slow opponent like himself. Thanks to his high attack, he succeeded in winning.

"I should use my speed to win this battle. Considering his high attack, my Barrier will break without doing much," Berry planned for his strategy. A few minutes later, it was time for his battle. Since Berry had a lower winning rate than RedFile, he got the chance to choose the battlefield.

Berry chose the Grassland, the same field he had against Shin. Berry had wanted to choose a swamp or underwater field but he decided against it because if RedFile was at a disadvantage in those fields, he would be the same too.

Both of them were beginners and choosing an advanced field like that was calling for a problem. It was better to choose a basic field like Grassland.

Moreover, Berry wanted to utilize his speed against RedFile and an open field like the Grassland would make it easier to move and evade.

Berry entered the teleporter and was teleported to the Grassland.

Over at the viewing area inside the Battle Facility, a small screen at the corner of the area was showing the battle between Berry and RedFile. Since both of them were not popular, their battle was shown on a small screen at a place where there were not many people.

A spectator walked around to see if he could see any interesting battle and saw Berryier's name on a screen.

"Hmm? Where have I heard this name?" the guy thought deeply. He knew the name but it was hard to dig it out from his memory. After forcing it a bit, he remembered.

"That's right! He is the guy fighting KOA2468 yesterday. So, he has another battle today," the guy nodded and he remembered the moves that Berry had showcased in that battle.

"Will he use that kind of moves in this battle?" he was a bit interested and sat on the bench in front of the small screen to view Berry's battle. He was the only person there viewing the battle.

"Will Berryier win today? RedFile…" the guy tried to remember if he knew RedFile. "Hmm… I don't know him," he ended up not knowing the man. Even so, he sat there to see Berry, not RedFile.

Berry and RedFile appeared on the battlefield.

Berry stared at RedFile and he frowned. As for RedFile, he was smiling when he saw Berry.

'He did not upgrade his equipment and that means I have the chance to win,' thought RedFile. 'He is good in close combat and as long as I keep my distance, I can win this battle,' RedFile smiled.

'His equipment gives off the same feeling as when I was fighting Bestie,' thought Berry. Berry stared at the Leather Chest Plate and the sports shoes RedFile bought.

'That's right, I read on the forum that all equipment can be upgraded. I just need to find NPC with crafting ability and pay them for upgrading my equipment. The cost is lower than buying a piece of better equipment,' Berry thought.

'Low-level players or poor players usually used this method to have better equipment,' Berry recognized that RedFile's chest plate and sports shoes were upgraded.

Equipment could be upgraded. Each equipment could only be upgraded by five times. After that, if a player wanted a piece of more powerful equipment, they needed to buy a better one.

Buying a piece of better equipment was a better choice but they were quite expensive compared to upgrading them. Moreover, a piece of weaker equipment would be able to rival better equipment with a successful upgrade so, many players went for the upgrade choice.

'Then, this battle will be harder than I thought. My equipment is still the same but this guy has become stronger with the upgraded equipment,' Berry thought.

"Hmm… Berryier is still with the previous equipment. Why did he not buy or upgrade his old gear?" the guy who was watching the battle alone mumbled.

"It will be hard for him to win if he used weak equipment like that. Not only that but his opponent wear upgraded equipment and he is higher levels too," the guy was a bit dissatisfied with Berry's choice.

"RedFile had been in four battles so, he has more experience too," the guy mumbled. He had a feeling that Berry would lose again.

"He must be a super beginner or just playing for fun. Not even a casual player. Even casual player wants to win and will do their best to become stronger. This guy… he does not even try to change," the guy mumbled.

[RedFile VS Berryier. Time Limit – 5 minutes]

[Battle will start in 3…] the countdown started.

Berry took out his best ball, the high-quality football from the start. He learned his lesson from the fight against Shin.

As for RedFile, he took out two ping pong balls but it was the normal quality one. Berry saw it and realized that RedFile might have spent his money on upgrading his equipment.

'The same balls as in his previous battles,' thought Berry.


Berry took a fighting stance. He was prepared to dash forward and used his speed to his advantage. RedFile took a stance too but he did not look like he would run.


"Wait! That is a high-quality football. Ah~ So, he spent his money and buy better balls," the guy's opinion of Berry changed. Unbeknownst to him, Berry got that for free and he had it since his battle against Shin.

If he was to find out about that, his good opinion on Berry would go down the drain.

[Battle Start!] the system announced the start of the battle.

Berry dashed forward towards RedFile with the high-quality football in hand. As for RedFile, he waited patiently for Berry to get closer but he did not stay idle as the two ping pong balls were engulfed with fire.