Chapter 27 - Vincent

Chapter 27 - Vincent

"Berry?" A male voice was heard calling Berry's name. Berry and the senior looked behind them and saw two people were there. A girl and a boy.

The girl was beautiful but that did not matter much because there were many beautiful girls at the company. Even so, the girl had this aura of authority surrounding her. Berry did not know her but his senior recognized her as the company's founder's granddaughter, Dianne.

Dianne was also the girl who was with Daisy while watching Berry fighting Shin at the Battle Facility. Not only that but she was also the one snooping around recording when Berry and Bestie had a battle together.

As for the boy, he was a handsome young man and looked to be around the same age as Berry and Dianne. He gave off a high confidence aura and also the same authority aura that Dianne had.

Even so, Dianne appeared to be more authoritative while the boy appeared to be arrogant although he was smiling while looking at Berry.

As Berry looked at the two of them, his sight fell immediately at the handsome boy and not Dianne. Not because he was attracted romantically towards the boy but he knew the boy personally.

Berry was silent for a few seconds before he spoke, "Vincent." His tone was plain and straight without any emotion. He did not sound depressed or happy or angry. Berry just sounded indifferent and what he currently showed was not something the senior had seen before.

'???' the senior was confused. They were talking alright just now but Berry's tone changed immediately when he saw Vincent. The senior looked at Dianne and greeted her, "Miss Dianne." The senior glanced at Vincent and bowed lightly to show his manner.

Since Vincent was with Dianne, the senior had a sense that Vincent was someone important too. He did not want to be rude to this unknown boy in fear of getting fired.

"Whoa~ this is unexpected. Why are you here?" Vincent ignored Berry's senior's greeting and asked Berry playfully.

"I am working here," Berry replied directly and he added, "You are working here too?"

"Me? I am not working here. I just come here to look around the place with Miss Dianne," Vincent smiled and he looked at Dianne who seemed to knit her eyebrow at the mention of her name.

"Your friend?" Dianne asked. She did not recognize Berry because he looked different in-game and in real life. In the game, he had a different hairstyle and did not wear his glasses but now, he wore a mask. In real life, Berry looked like a nerd with his glasses.

"Not just a friend," Vincent glanced at Berry and smiled before he added, "My best friend," Vincent announced it happily.

Dianne looked at Berry and she saw Berry's face did not change at all. More than that, she could feel that Berry was a bit unhappy with Vincent's remarks although Berry did not show it in his face.

The senior felt that the mood was not right too. Vincent was happy but Berry was not. Sensing that something was not right, the senior decided to talk.

"Miss Dianne and Mister… Vincent, right?" the senior spoke while looking at Vincent.

"Hmm?" Vincent looked at Berry's senior.

"Urm, we have a lot to do and need to move on now. We will not disturb the two of you," the senior spoke while smiling.

"Sure, you guys can leave," Dianne let them go.

"Huh? Dianne, it's been a while since I meet Berry and I want to catch up a bit with him. Big brother here can go but we will take a bit of Berry's time," Vincent spoke while smiling.

"…" Berry's senior was silent. He did not know how to reply to that and glanced at Berry.

"Senior, you can go first. I will talk to Vincent for a few minutes and catch up with you later," Berry spoke. Berry had seen the way his senior treated Dianne and since Vincent was with her, he knew not to be disrespectful to Vincent. Berry had common sense too.

"Then…" the senior did not want to leave Berry alone but he had said that they had a lot to do. If he stayed there, that would mean he was lying and would cause more trouble later.

The senior left Berry, Dianne, and Vincent alone. At the same time, he knew that the atmosphere was wrong. He did not feel like Berry and Vincent were friends. The senior gave Daisy a call. For this kind of matter, Daisy was his best choice.

After the senior left, Vincent started talking, "Why are you working? Shouldn't you be preparing to enroll? I bet you passed a lot of the entrance exams."

"Family circumstances. I will take the entrance exam one more time at the end of this year or next year," Berry replied and he looked at Vincent and asked, "What about you? You should be preparing for the same thing too."

"I did not get any of the courses that I want and I thought I will just enroll and change my course later but similar to you, I have a family circumstance and halted my plan," Vincent smiled.

"By the way, do you know what is funny?" Vincent continued while smiling. "My family's story is just like a drama," Vincent added. Dianne raised her eyebrows.

'Is he going to tell his family matter to an outsider?' Dianne was not a fan of that. Although Vincent said they were close friends, Dianne did not believe it based on Berry's reaction. He did not look happy at all meeting his best friend.

"Do you know that my mom is one of the Thunder Tiger's founder's daughter?" Vincent spoke excitedly but Dianne was not excited about that. However, that was not her family and she decided to not stop him.

"My grandfather dislikes my dad and he cut ties with my mother. My parents never told me about this but grandfather missed us recently and came to get us back to the family," Vincent continued excitedly.

"Grandpa promised to get me into a course that I like and now, I am waiting for his effort," Vincent spoke. "Hahaha, you see now right? My family story is just like a drama. A rag to riches story? No, no, my family is not poor," Vincent shook his head.

"A rich to the richer story? Hmm~ that's right! That's it! My family is a story of how a rich family becomes richer," Vincent nodded.

"So, you can say that now, I am part of the super high-society. A very rich man," Vincent added and he continued, "I am also part of the VVIP of this company." Vincent looked at Berry while smiling.

"…" Berry did not say anything but he knew what Vincent was implying. He had known him for a long time to be able to guess what Vincent was doing.

Dianne looked at Berry and she gave him a signal if he needed her help but Berry did not see it. Berry was looking at Vincent waiting for everything Vincent wanted to say. He wanted to end this as fast as possible.

"What is your job here? Seeing that you have to work and you cancel your enrollment because of family circumstances means that you lack money," Vincent asked.

"I can ask my grandpa to increase your pay or maybe give you a promotion," Vincent smiled. He wanted to help Berry with his problem.

"Stop it, Vincent," Dianne decided to interfere. "Your grandpa may be the founder and one of the stockholders in this company but he does not have any power in managing this company. He may be able to do something for his family but not for an outsider," Dianne spoke sternly.

"I am sure he will be able to do something about Berry. Berry is his grandson's best friend after all. My friend needs my help and I need his help to help my friend. I am sure he can ask your parents to help," Vincent smiled.

"There is no need for that. I thank you for your offer but I will be fine with my current position," Berry spoke. "Thank you, Vincent, for that offer. That was nice of you," Berry spoke and he gave a light smile at Vincent and Dianne.

"I want to help you but it looks like you don't need my help and Dianne hate to help too," Vincent pouted. Dianne glared at Vincent.

Dianne did not have the power to help Berry. Moreover, she did not know anything about Berry and there was no reason for her to help him too.

"Anyway, you know I have ties to this company. If you need any help, give me a call. You have been ignoring my call lately and you don't even reply to anything in the chat group," Vincent spoke.

"Thank you for the offer," Berry smiled.

"By the way, what is your position in the company again?" Vincent asked one more time.

"I think that is not 'young master' Vincent business," a female voice disturbed their conversation. Berry, Dianne, and Vincent looked in the direction where the voice came from and they saw a chubby woman walking towards them while smiling.

"Sister Daisy," Dianne spoke.