I looked across the table of gathering to the supposed man that is meant to be my mate, Zeus the king of giants' kingdom. In this table of gathering, rulers' of the different kingdom gathered around trying to find the possible solution towards our common enemy Kronos. Kronos was beyond evil, evil was an understatement. Kronos is responsible for the annihilation of previous existing kingdoms that are now non-existent; she single-handedly destroyed many planets and brought kings and queens to their knees and killed her mate and children without a blink of an eye to gain more power. A confirmed and trustworthy source told us that recently she is growing an army of the undead and has joined forces with the coven of witches of unknown origin. Gathered around this table are:
Ares the monarch of the southern part of our planet Gaia, the leader of the giant race beside him was his mate, Ophelia.
Luther the monarch of the northern part of Gaia and leader of the vampire race is yet to find his beloved. Beside him was his fiancée he recently got engaged to, he got tired of waiting for his mate and got engaged to his first love Amanda
Lilith the monarch of the eastern part of Gaia leader and leader of the demon, Besides her was her chosen beloved Samuel. Being a demon one does not get a mate but chooses one, whom they spend the rest of eternity with.
Zeus the monarch of the western part of Gaia and leader of the werewolf race, beside him sat his heavily pregnant chosen mate Catherine.
There were 5 monarchs which are now four due to Kronos annihilation of the monarch middle part of Gaia. The fifth monarch being Theodore and his mate Matilda the leaders of the witches and wizard clan who were wiped out centuries ago.
I glared towards the man that is meant to be MINE! He could not control the thing between his two legs and knocked up the woman beside him. He kept on a neutral face and kept discussing with other rulers while occasionally rubbing his wife's belly.
Snapping out of the trance I was in, I turned only to see my queen Lilith looking at me with her eyes narrowed.
"Amethyst stop glaring at Alpha Zeus it is becoming too obvious and you could get in trouble for it." My best friend Annabelle scolded me in a hushed tone while keeping her head down to not get noticed.
Annabelle is like my sister, the only person I consider family. She has been there for me through thick and thin, even with her shy and quiet personality she still went out of her to do everything that she could to help and protect me. I might not know my roots having been dropped off on the boundary of the demon clan by 12 years and having no memories only knowing my name and age but since the first day I met Annabelle there was an instant connection that I could not explain, she might be younger than me by 3 years but she is much wiser and mature than I am. We become best of a friend when I was 15 years, a memory I can never forget
"Hey hey do not cry, I am sure they do not mean what they said" Annabelle continued consoling crying Amethyst
"They keep saying mean things about me, that my parents did not want me and that is why they wiped off my memory and abandoned me here... and...And...and... that ... am....ugly....and....stupid....they.....e...ven.....tri...piped....m.e.....and....p...poured.....s...s..soda...on....my....m...y...j..my.....h...a....i...r...and... you know....th....that.....t...h....e.....orphan....age....do.....n...don't... have.....w.....a.t...er." Amethyst sniffled still trying to control her tears
"Just because I am not a demon and I do not have parents they keep insulting and bullying me for things I have no clue about and cannot control. What do people benefit from emotionally abusing someone? I get they are kids but that doesn't justify their behavior, I am also a child, someone's child at that. What does one get from seeing one hurt and sad?" Amethyst sobbed hugging her knees to her chest, hiding her face in between her knees and chest
Annabelle listened to Amethyst attentively while rubbing her back in a consoling manner while in deep thought
"I will not tell you that you would be fine... that will be a lie. I can only tell you that it would get better and with time the words they said to you which to them are just words but to you are like a deep cut made by a knife. Just like a wound, it will heal and along the healing process you will feel pain at first but later learn to live with it, later it becomes a scar something you might forget but remember once in a while, my point is with the time you will feel okay. The man who holds the knife hiding behind the bluntness but chooses to point the sharpness towards the other man does not know how it feels to be on the other end or the impact of it until he is at that same
end and sometimes to survive you have to stop being the victim switching the end you are at, that doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a survivor and shows that you won't be known as a victim but a person who survived."
At this point Amethyst tears were already dried up, she came out of the embrace she was in with Annabelle looking up to her with bewilderment for having such wisdom at a young age
"What... d-o.... y...o...u mean?" Amethyst hiccupped while trying to put her sentence together
Annabelle looked deep in the eyes of Amethyst with all seriousness
"Will you continue being the victim or will you be the person who persevered and survived? I can't fight for you, I won't always be here when you need me to be and this is not my fight. This is yours, will you be known as Amethyst the victim? Or Amethyst the survivor" Annabelle explained, kissing Amethyst's forehead, she got up and left Annabelle to her thoughts.
Amethyst could not help but think about what Annabelle said to her
She could not help but ask herself, was she being a victim? No, she was allowing herself to be a victim of bullying, she did not sign up to be bullied but since she has found herself in the situation she would get out of it one way or the other. Amethyst felt tired of crying and seeking comfort and making Annabelle fight for her, yes Annabelle was weaker than her physically but she was emotionally stronger thus no one in school dared to be bullied for reasons unknown.
From that day on Amethyst swore to herself to never be at the end of the knife's sharpness but to be the one holding the knife and deciding when and who is worthy to be stroked.
To this day Amethyst remains grateful to Annabelle not only for her advice but for being with her through thick and thin and fighting for her even though she still gets beaten up.
"Yes, I believe that Kronos is after something that is the only reasonable explanation as to why for so long she did her evil deeds by herself but now she is joining forces with witches? Witches those are extinct? This is the same person that can destroy a whole kingdom, planets, and an entire race at the snap of her fingers. Why now will she need to join forces?"
King Luther reasoned while other rulers listened and pondered on what he said
"He does have a point. We have nothing on this coven of witches but we do know that Kronos works alone, she doesn't like working with others. This is the same person that killed an entire race because I quote "they were wasting oxygen" Queen Lilith explained furrowing her brows in confusion and anger
Mumble chuckling could be heard in the room due to everyone having enhanced hearing. The rulers turned their heads curiously to see who was laughing over such a sad matter
Amethyst could not help but laugh silently, she could not hold it in. she felt herself being nudged by her fellow maid standing beside her. She glances up to see what is it about and found all eyes on her except the maids who wouldn't dare to look up. Amethyst would not call herself a maid, but in reality, that is what she is. Having worked hard to be Queen Lilith's right woman and second most trusted in the demon clan for someone who was incredibly intelligent and smart, she behaved dumbly.
Amethyst could not help but blame her dark humor for putting herself in this mess.
"Would you be kind enough to enlighten us as to what is funny about an entire race being annihilated?" Lord Ares questioned raising his brows in annoyance
Curious eyes looked awaiting Amethyst answer
"I rather not" Amethyst answered without giving a second thought about the words that slipped off her mouth, her eyes widen in surprise at her sudden display of boldness. She just opened her mouth gasping for air like a fish out of the water trying to find words to compensate for the words she just said
The rulers' eyes widen in surprise at the maid's rudeness and boldness to laugh and talk back to Lord Ares who has a short temper and is known for his brutality.
Zeus kept on rubbing his wife's belly while she laid on him half asleep due to being pregnant. He could not help but feel a strange feeling towards the supposed mate's behavior she was outrageous.
In an instant, before anyone could stop him Lord Ares withdrew his sword raising it and moving forward intending to strike the maid's head that spoke rudely to him
Amethyst could not react on time, knowing that her time was up she closed her eyes in acceptance of her fate.