January 16, Next day ( I'm a Junior, 11 grade and I'm 16 years old )
"Ariella are you coming to eat breakfast?" Said mom
"I don't think so, I have to go over my review guide and study for my exams coming up in February 8 and I want to pass so I have to study hard" said Ariella
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I'll bring your breakfast up because you can't study without an empty stomach." Said mom
"By the way mom I'm not going to work on the weekends until February 13 because I told them I have exams coming up so they said I can have weekends off to study more."
"Ok baby, rememberers you hardest but don't spend to much time easing books spend a little bit of time a least with friends don't be here bored."
"Thanks mom for understanding."
"No problem I understand because I was you are too and I know how it feels."
"Ok mom well excuse me."
"Ok I'll bring up your food and then me,your dad, and little brother will go to the mall, you sure you don't want to go?"
"No mom I'm fine but can you buy me my face care things from the mall because I always buy a new set since their cosmetics take care of my face and my face is so smooth."
"I'll buy it don't worry."
"Thanks mom."
"No problem."
2 hours later
I'm bored I'll go buy some food since I forgot to tell mom she needs to go buy food.
(Ordering Online)
Well looks like my food will be ready in 25 minutes so I'll go change, brush my teeth, and wash my face since I took a shower this morning.
(20 minutes later)
I should go since it takes me like 5-10 minutes to get there.
Finally I'm here I'm so hungry
(Bumped into stranger)
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine"
"I hope I did t hurt you."
"You didn't your fine by the way I feel like I know you, do you go to Pikesville high?"
"Yes, I do I'm a sophomore and you?"
"I'm a Senior nice to meet you"
"Same nice to meet you excuse me I'll be right back"
"If you are trying to leave you can just say so"
"No I'm really getting my food I ordered it online"
"Order for Ariella Please"
"Her you go." Said lady working there
"Thank you."
"You see I did get food."
"What's your name?"
"My name is Jin"
"I like your name."
"Thank you, and your name must be Ariella right"
"Yes it is"
"Well it was nice seeing you I have to go home and study"
"Ok will you like me to send you back."
"No thank you."
"I have a car we can get there fast I can leave you near you house so I don't know where you live so that I doesn't feel weird."
"I don't know, fine I'll go because I have to get home fast."
"Ok put your seatbelt on, Ok ready to go."
" Yeah."
Ok let's go then.
(5 minutes later)
"Thank you for driving me here since you drove me here would you like food?"
"Umm, sure."
"Ok well park your car in our drive way you will be thankful later."
"Well because if you park it in someone's spot you car will get trashed and what I mean by that is they will destroy you car."
"Wow ok thanks for warning me."
"It's because they're old fashioned people they did that back then and still do now."
(Someone yells Ariella come here)
"Who is calling?"
"Ms. Robinson I made the cake you wanted and the flan" ( Hispanic putting)
"Thank you Ms. Robinson I'll be there in a moment I just have to get some money."
"Ok I'm back with the money here you go"
"Thank you Ariella for buying my things"
"I buy you putting a and cakes because they are are actually good."
"Well excuse me I have a guest"
"Ok bye"
"Well sorry I took long."
"It's fine."
(After eating)
"Thank you for the food."
"No problem, thanks for the ride."
"No problem well bye I have to get going now"
"Ok bye."
"Well time to get back to studying"
(2 hours after studying)
"Done studying finally"