Ariellas mom explains how she knows Jin

"Well I know you because your parents are my best friends and we met in middle school."

"Wow that's cool I didn't know my mom had friends from so long ago."

Yeah just that we haven't seen each other in so long but on the phone we talk all the time

"So that's they're on the phone so much." Said both Jin and Ariella

Yeah, well me and Ariella have to go now so go and say bye so you can finish packing and I can make something for you to eat.

Ok mom

Ma'am is it ok that I stay to go leave Ariella at the Airport

Yes you can, it's fine with me since you are her boyfriend.

Ok mom I'll go quickly change my cloths take a shower to freshen up since I've been out all day and I'll finish packing. It's almost 9:00 in 5 minutes

Yeah we'll hurry up when taking a shower you usually take forever

Sorry I like to spend time in the shower because I get to relax and sing

True but you always take forever when you hear music

Excuse me can I use the bathroom first

Sure go upstairs since the bathroom down here is dirty

Whispers to mom

But mom didn't you clean it today when I called you

Yeah I did but I want you to show him your room and spend some time with him since you just became boyfriend and girlfriend today.


So can anyone tell me where the bathroom is please.?

Yeah sure let me take you there, sorry I had to tell and ask my mom something

Ok great

Here you are when you're done my room is here.

Wow your house is really nice

Oh thank you


After him using the bathroom

Knock knock

Come in

Wow your room is really big

It is?


Oh I thought it was small

Probably because it looks like you have a lot of clothes.

Umm yeah mostly


Yes mom

Your dads here

Coming!! I'll be right back or you can come to say hi

I'll come down


Hey papi

Hi Ariella

How was your day?

It was fine. Who is he

Hi sir I'm Jin

Oh I've heard of you but I don't know from where

From me remember he is Jina's son and Mark's son

Oh wait your parents are my friends

Yeah I know Ariella's mom told me

Please call me Mrs. Anabel

Ok Mrs. Anabel

Oh and also call me Mr. Logan

Ok Mr. Logan

Also may I ask what are to Ariella

Sure. I'm her boy-

He's my friend

No I'm her boy-

Stop both of you Ariella let him talk


I'm Ariellas boyfriend and I would like to ask you for your consent

Yes you have my consent

Wait a minute it's that easy

Yes it is, well the only reason is because he's just like his parents and I know they taught him right I don't doubt that

Wow so if it was someone else what would you have said

Most likely no

Wow dad

Thank you sir

No problem. Now both of you can go back upstairs and help Ariella pack since she leaves in a few hours and we have to leave soon

Ok dad

Mr. Logan may I talk to you

Sure, Princess please go upstairs and wait for Jin there


Sir, I mean Mr. Logan can I go with her

What do you mean.

I mean I got a full ride scholarship to where she is going for so many school over there

Kid so you're telling me that's you don't want to leave her and go to school over there to get close to her

Yes mostly I was going to school in New York my dream school I also got a full ride scholarship but since she is going to Ohio I want to be with her so I'm going to apply for my school in Ohio

Wow so you're mostly sacrificing your own future for her

Yes I am because I care about her

Wow my daughter did find someone who will care about her and be with her.

Hey dad can you tell me where you put my favorite outfit

It's right here

Also Ariella I washed your shoes and your favorite outfit because I know you everywhere you go you take that outfit

Thanks mom and dad

Jin giver Ariella her outfit


No problem

Jin you can go upstairs with her don't worry

Ok sir thank you and excuse me


So Ariella


Will you miss me?



Yes I'll miss you

Oh ok good then


Why are you laughing

Just because that doesn't matter. Can you help me pack my cloths just like I have them on the bed inside of that suitcase please


(10 minutes later)

I'm done

Great now time for me to sleep and get in a plane in a few hours

Well let's go for a walk and then I'll bring you back home

Ok sure as long as we get back here in 1 hour to sleep even though I can sleep on the plane

Okay, I'll go tell your parents


(When there out for a walk)



Oh sorry you can go first

It's fine you can go first

Well I was gonna say so I hope we can keep in contact and I will come visit you when I can

Aww that's cute. Well obviously we'll keep in touch and I hope so

I have a question for you

Sure go ahead

Well the thing is what do you want to be when you're older?

What I want to be? Well I want to ver successful businesswoman. Also make my own company

Oh wow that's a very high dream and I'm sure you will get there

Thank you and I also know I will

Well do you want to run or jog to get a least a little bit of exercise in?

No how about you?

I wanna jog why not

I mean about what do you want to be? You didn't let me ask you because you asked about something else I also want to know

Oh sorry I'm not used to people asking me just me asking them

Oh ok but still don't avoid my question

I'm not

You are because you aren't telling me

Well when I'm older I want to become a business man too but also a lawyer and a heck of a good one

Wow that's very impressive


Your welcome

How about I buy you ice cream

Sure, also can we also get cookies?



I'll only get you cookies if you can beat me in this race and if I win I'll only get you ice cream but if you win I'll buy you ice cream and whatever you want. How does that sound?

Ok I'll make sure I beat you because you said you get me whatever I want

Ok then

We're going from this pole to the other

Ok, let's start then

Okay I'll win


I will

Ok if you say so ready 1- 2-

Hey stop I didn't say go

Well I'll beat you

Ok here I come


You lost

Dang It

You even had a head start and I still won

Fine then let's get my ice cream

Ok even if you won or lost I will still buy what you want come let's go

For real?

Yes let's go get your cookies and ice cream. Do you want anything else?

Can I?


Ok then I want noodles and that's it

Ok let's go then

(Phone rings)

Bzz bzz

Give me one moment someone is calling


Are you Ariella

Yes I am how can I help you

Your parents