I left the house and the sky was still cloudy, but the rain had stopped. Walk to where Ruby's father told me and get to the mini-market, though it looked just like a grocery store. I went to the back of the store where the employees went out to smoke and managed to buy the drugs without getting hit, now I had to hurry in case Ruby woke up earlier, what I least wanted was for her father to end up devouring her father.
—Open the door is me —McCreery says as he knocks on the door.
—Did you get it? —Ruby's father asks as she carefully opens the door.
—Yes, now we have to wait to use it —McCreery says as he enters the house.
—Do you think this is going to work? —The worried man asks.
—All I know is that I won't die without a fight first —McCreery replies as he smiles.
—Thank you very much, without you I would have been imprisoned in this place until she killed me —the man says as he watches McCreery.