The Academy I

Slowly, 3 days had gone by, and in that time, Magnus and Jin had gone through the many places in the Academy. The fact that there were countless Formations installed all over the Academy that performed various functions made all the spaces much larger than they should be, made Magnus in awe.

Magnus and Jin had received their uniforms and all necessary stationaries.

Magnus asked Jin a question, "Wait a second, what courses have you taken?"

"Oh, me? The same as you."

"What? Are you saying you have the exact same classes as me? How do you even what courses I have?"

"Don't worry about it, I have my ways. Hehehe." Saying this, Jin had his signature evil giggle, which made Magnus twitch a bit.

Considering Jin was strong enough for Magnus's appraisal to not work, Magnus accepted that he was really strong. So Magnus wondered what Jin was doing in an Academy like this, did he really just come for him? Magnus wasn't sure whether to be touched or disgusted. But he knew that if he were to ask Jin, he would respond with that 'Fate' bullcrap again, so he didn't even bother.

Currently, it was 7 am in the morning, and Magnus and Jin were heading towards the main auditorium for the opening ceremony for the new students, after which they would finally begin their education.

They entered the gigantic doorway entrance into an incredibly loud, and large room. In fact, it was so large, that it was wider and longer than multiple stadiums put side-by-side, Magnus was once again astonished by the magic of Formations.

Somehow, Magnus had heard his name being called, when he had walked forward into the auditorium. At first, he thought it was him just imagining it, but he was sure he heard it being called multiple times. He looked around, and he finally found where the calling was coming from.

"Heyyyy Magnus!!! Oveeer heeeeeere." It was Remus. He was standing next to Estelle, who was waving her hand. Remus had to scream for him to hear them and even then, Magnus barely heard them, due to the effect of dozens of thousands of first years talking at the same time.

Magnus brought Jin along with him to meet Remus and Estelle. After introducing Jin to the twins, and vice-versa, they had hit it enough fast enough, and they were now a group of 4 friends.

"So, what's up with this ceremony? What are they gonna be doing?" asked Magnus, to which Estelle replied, "From what I know, they are going to bring up all of the professors and important staff as well as the valedictorians of each section, the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. And they'll also introduce important people from other departments.

It'll take an hour or two, and then they'll give out basic information that everyone should know. After which, we will be guided by our maps to the classrooms we are to go to, based on the courses we've taken." Replied Estelle in her regular, smart fashion.

Magnus decided that it'd come in handy to know the names and faces of all of the people that came to be introduced and made up his mind to pay attention to the ceremony. So he went forward a bit to get a good look at the main stage.

In the next hour or so, Magnus saw the faces of dozens upon dozens of people. All of whom had an important position in the Academy. He even saw the two invigilators from the admission test, Instructor Erik, who was his 'Physical and Mental Training' instructor, along with the beautiful woman, who introduced her name as Lilith.

While Magnus was trying his best to memorize the faces of every single person appearing in front of him, he also appraised their status, or well, he tried to anyway. The appraisal failed every single time, with zero exceptions.

Sighing about how he needed to get stronger. Magnus went back a couple of steps to his group of friends.

But just as he was leaving, there was one last person coming.

It was a young man.

That person took a step forward, and the entire world seemed to bow down to his might.

Even though Magnus felt as though all the people who came so far were hiding their Aura, and the pressure exuding off of them was minimal, this person seemed to hide around 99% of his aura, but even that was enough to exude a suffocating pressure upon all the students.

Sweat dripped drown from Magnus's forehead. He was surprised at how powerful this person was, he literally exuded strength.

He was introduced as the Head Master of the Academy.

'I expected the headmaster to be special, but not to this extent. My senses are numb just looking at him.'

Jin, who was seemingly unaffected by the pressure, slowly approached Magnus from behind and whispered in his ear,

"See that man, the one with such an aura? He's the headmaster. Have you ever wondered how the Academy is so much ahead of all the other institutes in the world? It's all because of that man. He literally founded the Academy. Every accomplishment in the Academy is practically due to him.

Even though it's wide-spread that the Academy was co-founded by the Alliance, the truth is that the reason the countries all over the world agreed to support the Academy was all because of this man. In fact, even though not all of them found it, every single country in the world supports the Academy, as a government organization. He individually visited all the countries all over the world and built a branch of the Academy in every major city all over the planet."

"What? That's amazing. Wait, but didn't you say there are Academies all over the world? How come he's here?"

"Oh, that. You see, the headmaster is one of the strongest humans on Earth, even though he has long since retired from the tower. In fact, don't let his looks fool you, he is actually pretty old and sly, in fact, he is one of the [First Generation].

Anyway, he has various abilities of all types, one of which includes being able to clone himself. The person you're looking at is actually just a clone of the headmaster."

"Clones? That's possible? Oh, and what's the first generation?"

"Wh- Wait, are you serious? You really don't know anything about anything do you, Magnus?"

"Well, I had to educate myself and also didn't interact much with other people, so yeah, I might not know much about things like this." said Magnus, retorting somewhat spitefully.

"Oh. Anyway, this ceremony is ending, so I'll tell you after when I get the time to." feeling apologetic, Jin decided he would brief Magnus again on some important basic as well as not very well known information.

The headmaster was introduced with the name, Tristan Ashray. Magnus made a mental note to remember his name. A couple of minutes later. The ceremony concluded, and the maps that were given to the students displayed different instructions, depending on what courses that individual had taken.

Since Jin somehow took the same courses as Magnus, they went together. The first class Magnus had, was in 'Combat'. Even though it was just called so, it was arguably the most important course for anyone interested in the fighting field.

It had the most number of sessions, and basically, just taught the students all the basics of combat and necessary information. Most fighter aspirants, usually went with Combat, along with 2 or 3 other courses they were interested in. In fact, students could take only 1 course if they wanted to and could focus on that course alone, but that was a rare case.

Magnus took Combat, along with all the other combat-related courses he deemed to be important. He was currently walking towards the combat hall, along with Jin, Remus, and Estelle.

The map he had been given, was pretty convenient, it showed the locations of himself, in real-time, along with the surroundings, and any points of interest. It also had multiple other features, like a schedule and timer, telling him what time it was and what class he had to attend.

Once he had gotten into the room that was titled, 'Combat Hall', Magnus looked inside and saw the huge field it was. Even though they were indoors, they were standing on solid Earth, and there was a sun above them, along with a slight breeze and some refreshing weather.

Magnus marvelled at the applications of magic and then stepped forward into the huge crowd of 100s that was in this classroom.

The second the time for class to start arrived, the instructor arrived into the hall. It was a tall, lean, yet muscular man, who had a model-like appearance, rather than one of a fighter.

Magnus remembered his face, "Oh, I remember him, that's... Zach. Instructor Zach."

"Yeah? How the heck do you remember that?"

Before Magnus got the time to answer, Instructor Zach had signalled for everyone to quiet down.

"Good morning everyone, for anyone who doesn't know, my name is Zach, but feel free to call me professor, instructor, teacher, etc. I will be taking this class's 'Combat' class.

To introduce myself, I am... a former Hunter, Ascender, and now Professor for the Academy. And for the next year, you will be taught all the fundamental and some advanced concepts and practicals of combat and fighting.

For the next year, you are required to follow my instructions, and I, along with the other instructors, will mold you fledgling freshman into veteran fighters who will become a force to be reckoned with.

I will give it my all, but the only way this will work is if you give this your all as well, since this concerns all of your futures."

And Professor Zach concluded his introduction with that. For the first class, he didn't really do any teaching. What he did do though, was go through each and every single person in the class, and inspect the condition of their body.

If he found any problems with their stances or any internal or external damage caused by the techniques or skills they used, he pointed it out immediately. He gave out valuable information and pointers that, even though were addressed to a certain individual or two, actually helped out the entire class a lot, if they reflected on it.

However, he gave Magnus an odd look after noticing that Magnus wanted to become a fighter, with literally zero injuries on his body, which was obviously due to the system, but Magnus was couldn't be bothered explaining, and just gave him a slight smile.

After exiting the class, after the time was up, Magnus approached Jin, who was looking around for him. Jin, also spotting Magnus, went along with him to their next class.

At one point, he mentioned, "By the way, it must be fate doing its thing again, but it looks like our class has gotten the best possible teacher for Combat."

"What? Really? How can you tell?"

"Like I said before, I have my ways."


Magnus sighed and kept walking. He was actually really hyped for the next class, and was looking forward to it quite a bit. It was 'Mana Training and Utilization'.

He would finally be able to use, arguably, his strongest suit. Aside from the fact that he would be able to finally cast magic and use mana, Magnus was excited about it for another reason.

He possessed quite a number of skills and traits designed to the use of energy, especially the Aether element.

However, he had no way of utilizing it other than the fact that his traits allowed him to gather it onto his body. Magnus hoped that he would be able to find a unique way of utilization, using the same principles of mana.

So, he trotted along to the classroom with an eager mind.