
Well then, let's get on with it!

If you, one of my dear readers, has watched grand tour, you will remember Jeremy Clarkson's The Excellent. If you do, then you also remember that it wasn't really... excellent. The interior was shit, the engine lost most of it's power, basically it was The Rubbish. They tried to sell it. Appauling mistake.

So two young people by the names John Prescott and Jaqueline Barclay decided to help Herr Commandant Clarkson to help to make Ze Excellent excellent. So the three met up at a workshop near a offroad course and a short racetrack.

After having some afternoon tea, they decided to start with the guts of the car, the chassis was stiffened, the body was properly mounted on the chasis, the 5 liter V8 was repaired and tuned to perfection. It was already 8:00 p.m. and everyone decided to call it a day, after having some evening tea. I really feel compeled to write about them having tea litterally every single moment in their life, except John, who had coffee.

The next morning they came back to the workshop and decided to get themselves busy with the exterior. What they have done is repainted the body, removed all the useless chome, but not all of it. Then they took out the multi-horizontal line radiator grille and put a chrome single-line radiator and again it was 8:00 p.m. and after having some afternoon tea... again, they called it a day.

The next day at 5:00 p.m. they all gathered up to mend the interior. It was a mess. They removed the discusting mess that Herr Comandant Clarkson has created with his engineering genius that knows no bounds. Anyway they managed to finish the interior by 9:00 p.m. which would have lasted 1000 years if the blokes and gals hadn't ordered the parts in advance.

They did some tests on the racetrack and spent time smelling burnt tire and done some tests on the offroad course and got mud on their faces. Then they washed it and put it on an auction. Wanna know how much it sold for...

Any idea?





1 pound...



JK it sold for a very unexpectedly 30,000 pounds. That is 43,250 dollars for the people living on the land of the free. So there we are. Auction. Now the author must excuse himself to sleep.