7 --- 3

"We shouldn't have done that; we shouldn't have left him alone." Brian shouted at Anna as they raced through empty streets and alleys.

"He told us to leave and that is what we are going to do." Anna shouted back at him.

"And who the fuck put you in charge?" Samantha said.

"Don't fucking start with me." Anna warned the blonde girl. "Nate can handle himself, he will be okay." She could hear a bit of uncertainty in her own voice.

They continued to run with Anna in the lead, even though she had no idea where they were or where they were going to. If Victor could track them, there were fucked but she couldn't bring herself to tell the others.

She wondered what Nate would do if he was here and she knew he would tell the bitter truth even if it killed him. Just as they were about to reach a corner, she took deep breath. "Guys--"

A sudden sensation ran up her spine and prickled the back of her neck. She looked back but she saw no one, the feeling intensified, they were definitely in danger. "Stop, everybody stop."

But she was too late; Kurt who was running too fast to stop overtook her and rounded the corner. Anna saw in slow motion as a large double edged axe came from  her blind side of the corner and nailed Kurt to the wall through the chest, he was dead instantly.

They looked in shock for a second before Samantha gave an earsplitting scream, Caleb rounded the corner in his hulking form and removed his axe and Kurt dropped to ground like a wet fish.

Anna's heart was hammering away in her chest as she looked at Caleb's glowing eyes; it was like staring into the face of death. She was just about to tell everybody else to run and scatter in different directions and like an answer to his prayers, Brian ripped open a portal.

"Everybody get in." He shouted. Samantha and Roger wasted no time as they dived through. "Anna c'mon." he called out to her.

She looked down at Kurt's body and then back to Caleb, who made no move to stop them from escaping.

"Anna, what are you waiting for?"

Caleb's glowing eyes were fixed on her; his lips were stretched in a tight smile, almost like he was daring her. Instantly, her fear was gone and replaced by blinding rage. "Go and seal the portal behind you."

"What the fuck are you doing?"

*No idea.* "I said go." She snarled at him.

He looked at Caleb and then back at her, he couldn't decide who he feared more at the moment, so he did exactly as she said and went through the portal before closing it.

"You should have gone with your friends, pretty girl." Caleb said in a deep voice.

Anna shouted in anger and ran at him; she hit him squarely on the jaw before he could react. Caleb got launched away from her and hit a concrete fence with so much force that it cracked. Anna down at her hands and smiled. *Well of strength.* Thanks Nate.

Caleb was also showing a smile of his own. "This is going to be fun." He lunged at her, swinging his axe madly. She crouched down to avoid the swing and lunged herself at his mid-section to push him back but Caleb stood his ground and hammered his fist into her back.

Anna shrieked and crashed into the ground, she rolled away just as his axe hit the ground with a loud thump. Anna hit Caleb in the groin on her way up, he doubled over and she followed up with a devastating uppercut. She watched as he crashed against the fence once again, further dementing it.

Excitement ran through her veins and a sudden thought occurred to her. *I am enjoying this!* She extracted the axe Caleb had left on the ground; it looked heavy but was surprisingly light hands in her hands. She charged at him with it but she did not get to use it, Caleb batted the axe away almost casually and grabbed her before hitting her against the wall, which decided it had enough as Anna broke through it into the side.

Pain radiated through her back and skull but she ignored it quickly and put up a shield to stop an advancing Caleb but it was not of much use as Caleb broke through the shield with a strong punch from his glowing fist. The next punch went right at her gut, knocking all the air from her lungs. She had no time to react as he smashed his fist into the side of her head.

Spots danced around her vision, the excitement she felt before was gone, only fear was in its place now. This was not a fight she could win. Anna decided to do the most reasonable thing; to run. As if he could sense her thoughts, Caleb raised a foot and stamped down on her leg. There was sickening crunch of bone and she screamed loudly in pain. In a flurry of pain and panic, she focused her will into her hands and fired a beam straight at his face; Caleb gave a loud grunt and fell backwards.

Anna struggled to stand up with one foot and the other was dangling uselessly, there was no way she could run on it. So she tried to fly instead, she floated in the air but she could not go any further.

"Come on." She shouted in frustration and gritted her teeth, she went up a little higher, and hope began to fill her as she ascended more than twelve feet in the air. Suddenly, a hand wrapped itself around her damaged leg. She looked down in terror to see Caleb in the air with her, grinning with a half burnt face. He swung her around and started to spin in the air while holding tight to her leg.

They continued to spin until Anna began to fell dizzy and then he let her go. She let out a wail of terror as she soared in the air with no control of her body. She closed her eyes and crashed to the ground.

There was a lot of noise before the pain. She weakly opened her eyes. Her vision was spinning hard and there air around her seemed heavy to breathe in.

There was a sudden gasp from her right, she slowly groaned and looked, and it was two girls about her age staring down at her. There was a heavy crash to her left; she didn't need to look to know who it was

"Get out of here." she said to them but they continued to look her in fear. "Now." She shouted and that seemed to bring them back to reality because they bolted away from her. Anna groaned and limped to her feet, putting herself between Caleb and the girls. Her broken leg protested but she ignored it.

Caleb reached her and looked at her with a foreign look on his face. "I am impressed, most veteran willers won't even be breathing after a beating like that."

Anna responded by spitting blood at his feet, the vicious smile came back to his face and with speed that belayed his size; he moved and punched her straight in the gut. She flew away from him and crashed in front of a car, cracking the windshield.

Caleb began to focus his will into his hands. The beam he was readying was strong and bright. Anna's eyes widened, he was going to finish her off, if that light touched her, she was as good as dead.

Instead of panicking, she waited until he was ready to fire the beam and rolled away from the top of the car at the last second.

The beam split the car into two clean halves. Without thinking, she grabbed one half of the car and threw it at him with the remaining of her strength. He wasn't expecting it, the half of the car hit him with full force and he fell backwards.

Anna silently prayed that he won't be getting up but it was in vain. Caleb stood up again, looking almost unscathed. Her heart plummeted, if that couldn't put him down, there was nothing else that she could do that would.

She didn't think this was how she was going to die, after going through life as a pathetic nobody, she finally got a second chance at life and this was how it was going to end? She could almost hear Benny's cruel voice her head. "This is what you get, you useless bitch."

Caleb advanced towards her and once again, anger replaced her fear, anger at her miserable life. Something hummed in her ears and it took her a second to realize that her hands were glowing bright and hot. She took a look at the advancing Caleb and for no reason the answer came to her, she stretched both her glowing hands as far apart as she could and clapped hard.

The effect was cataclysmic; it was like thunder struck right in front of her. She was flung backwards violently, all the glass of cars and windows around them shattered. Then the night became silent. She opened her eyes and saw that her surroundings were in complete shambles. Caleb was pinned to a wall without his head and long pieces of metal protruding all over his body.

She did it, she couldn't believe that she won and yet the evidence was before her. She felt like she should do something but her mind was quickly shutting off with exhaustion.

"Anna! Anna!!" A familiar voice called out, bringing her back.

"I'm here." She replied with a croak.

Nate's face into view with concern on his voice, he didn't look to be in better shape than her. "Are you okay?"

She could not move half of her body so the question seemed odd to her. "You idiot, you should have taught me how to fly."

He looked at her dumbstruck for a few seconds before he laughed and Anna joined him. "Do I want to know how you accomplished this?  It looks like a bomb went off in here."

"I have a good teacher." She replied with a smile.

There was a flash of light and Brian appeared in front of them, he came back. "Thank God you guys are okay, we were all freaking out and --" Anna didn't hear anything he said next as she gave in to her exhaustion and darkness enveloped her.