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The Untagged (Part 02)

"Oh, nonna! He kills the guards and breaks out of the room," The Slave dealer shouts, punching the glass window the dismay was clearly visible on his face, his most profitable merchandise is on the run now killing a bunch of his men.

He strolls Aggressively, Kicks the man on the monitors "fuck off" and picks up his microphone.

"All of you basterds listen with your ass open. Extremely valuable merchandise is trying to escape, capture him Immediately, If any one of you son of a bitches let him escape even by mistake I will make sure to made you regret the day when your father decided to fuck your bitch mother," The Slave dealer gives order by yelling on the radio.

"Don't worried Boss, we got this" The Guard's Captain said on the radio.

"And you better did," The Slave dealer said on the radio.

He throws off the microphone and hits his head "How can this happen?" he said in distress.

In the mids of all this commotion nobleman stands with a malicious smirk like he's planning something, he's just waiting for the right moment to hammer it and that moment is now when the slave dealer was in most distress.

"Mister Dealer, that boy just used urja that's mean he's definitely an Altar no matter how many guards you send they cannot be his match," Nobleman said.

"So what are you suggesting? then, is there any other way" The Slave dealer asked?

"Simple, G1131h0998" Noble Man called the name of his slave bodyguard, People with C Tag, has no name they consider lowest of the low they have no status and have a serial code on their tag which also conceded as their name.

The man appears out of nowhere with the C-tag under his left eyes "Yes, master" He said.

"This is my bodyguard. He is an Altar as well, he can capture that boy with ease, but..." Nobleman said with a malicious scowl.

"You son of a bitch, if you have him all this time then why didn't you used him from the beginning, you waited for this moment I know what you are after," The slave-dealer thought.

"You have to give me a little discount for helping you," Nobleman said.

"I thought you said that you bastard," Salve dealer thought.

The nobleman perfectly hits the nail on the slave-dealers head he has no choice but to accept his deal, better lose 10 than 100.

"Ah! I have no choice but to agree with this motherfucker" Salve dealer thought holding his head.

"Fine, if you help me capture that boy I will give you 10% discounts," The Slave dealer offers the discount.

Noble disagree with his offer and refusal by shaking his head left to right with a chick sound from his tongue "50%," he said.

"What! Are you serious, Don't you even know who much he cost me?" The Slave dealer yells by the sudden shock.

"No matter how much he cost, you don't even get the penny if he escapes," Nobleman said, taking complete advantage of his condition.

The slave-dealer clenched his teeth with fury "This bastard" he thought, and offer another offer "20% "He said offering him.

Nobleman still disagrees and turn the deaf ears "50," he said stubbornly hard-set on it.

"30," the Slave dealer offer a 30% discount to him.

But still, Nobleman refused "50," he said.

The slave-dealer was a typical miser, who to love money but never spend much he never makes a deal that makes him lose money but this time its different the boy is far more valuable than any other merchandise he ever sells, he can't just let him escape perhaps the nobleman was also aware of this fact that why he didn't budeg.

"Awwwww! 40 you bastard! If you don't want then get the hell out here I'm not going down a single percent anymore" The slave-dealer Yelled out offing him the final offer.

"40% Deal," Nobleman arggers.

Soon after he offers a 40% discount slave dealer starts regretting his decision and starts crushing the nobleman "What the hell did I just do, What the hell...I will get you for this, you bastard" he thought.


Boy running in the corridor with the knife in his left hand keeping his guard, just after 100 meters apx away from him a squadron of 10 guards with guns in their hands waiting for him.

"He is coming to this way men, shoot him down the moment you slight him but only used taser bullets to make sure you don't kill him," Guard's squad captain orders his men.

"He is here, Captain," suddenly someone in the squad said.

"Here he comes! Get ready," Guard's squad captain orders his men, all of them get in potions making a human barricade that completely blocks the way.

The boy came in their sight.

"Fire!" The Guard's squad captain Yells out.

They fire the bullets keeping in mind, not to kill him, they caught the boy unexpectedly but the boy knows their's some danger ahead, he has a sharp instinct but something inside telling him not to be afraid he has no fear and rushed straight towards them.

Unexpectedly the strange phenomena that occur before with the beast, occur again, he saw the world start moving slowly, the bullets that aimed at him slowly levitating in the air like butterflies in a flower garden, he did think about it much he simply know this is not the time and immediately dogged the bullets.

"What! he dodged," Guard's squad captain thought, "don't stop! Keep shooting!" Guard's squad captain said to his men.

Suddenly the boy moves his right hand to his back and takes out the handgun from his back, that he picked from the guards he killed earlier.

"Shit he has a handgun,"

"Everyone takes cover, He has a... (Bang)"

Boy shot him before he even finishes, bullets hit straight in his forehead between his eyes, it was not coincident that he was the first to get a shot, the boy knows he was the leader his instinct tells so.

"Oh no! He killed the captain! He has a gun!" some guard said, in a panic.

"What we do now"

By Killing their leader he creat a sudden panic in their group and In a battle when you start panicking then it means you are already dead just as same as here other guards did know what to do their captain is dead and they can't kill the boy but he can kill them.


Boy shoots down another two guards turning their panic into terror.

The guards were terrified by the boy and start using the real bullets but the boy has already closed the distance they are in his range now.

He shot at the first guard in front while stabbing the second guard knee and shots at him right after, the other two guards try to maintain some distains he immediately pull out the knife from the second guard's vest and nailed their foot on the ground, and shot them.

The remaining four guards quickly retreat shooting in panic "Die you motherfucker!" boy simply dodged with ease and try to shoot them in return, but he was all out of bullets he throws the gun and picked up the knives nearby.

He can feel the mysterious energy surging in his body he was absolutely calm with no fear what so ever, his instant is even sharp then a dagger as if he has a pair of eyes back of his head, He charged with knives in both of his hands and cold gaze in his eyes raining absolute terror in his enemies soul.


In front of the main gate, the Nobleman bodyguard stands awaiting the boy, holding a sword in his hands with his eyes closed.

Suddenly he opens his eyes with the wave of energy cast out of his body, "So you kill them all, boy" he said.

The boy arrives covered in blood knives in his hands and a cold gaze in his eyes.