The danger

When Zane helped Darington out of the water then Darington went to check out final teacher.

Darington saw one of the teachers at the coridor. He was big and blue with black lining. On his hood was a symbol of the tiger.

Aaron told Darington:" Be careful! He is one of the sternest trucks ever. If he gets you then there is nothing what you can do. I heard that he is Nyla's father but no one of them says that it's true or not." Darington listened to him and that made him not to go to the teacher.

The fear took over and then he turned around and drove away. Aaron tried to call him back but no awail. Darington was already far from him.

Delaney was just the outside with one of her friends. Her friend was a gardener of the academy. She was a human who got very short dark hair and grey eyes.

Then Darington rolled beside Delaney. She asked:" How's going?" Darington said that he met all of the teachers. The gardener said:" It's good that you know who Max is. He is headmaster's brother so he may call himself the best truck teacher. That's going on with Nyla too." Delaney told Darington that the gardener's name is Lily. Darington introtused himself to Lily.

When Darington went inside then he crashed into...Max! Darington thought that he is in trouble but Max didn't noticed the collation and said:" So you're the new student?" Darington nogged and said:" Yes i'm new." Max then told him:" It's very bad that you're the new one here. When you capable of stunts then you can be in compitasion." Darington liked those and asked about it. Max chuckled and said:" The Compitasion of Tricks are yeary compitasion for the students. The winner will past this academy. But that is only for those who are the best. So bye!" Then he leaved. Darington thought that he will be winner of this year.

"I want to compite in the compitasion," he told his siblings. That shocked both of them. "Sorry," Donovon said:" but that's not good. We all are older then you and more capable of the stunts what we do." Delaney nogged.

Darington was upset by that.