Entrance exam

(First off allow me to apologise my previous chapter was extremely half assed and I wanted to try something in it it also didn't help that I wasn't feeling great. That chapter has been deleted and I'm skip straight to the entrance exam again I'm sorry)

It had been three years since Kaguya had come out to her family and she was now 16. She hadn't had any relationships yet but over the years she spent sparing and hanging out with Rumi she would feel a weird sensation inside herself whenever she was near, it was as if she had fallen for her.

Obviously she would not open up about these feelings to Rumi yet as Kaguya does not know if that is how she truly feels. She had talked to her sister kyoka and her parents and they all told her the same thing that it sounded like love. Her parents were a bit distressed about their daughter's first love being ten years older then her but they grew to accept it.

Today was the day of the entrance exams and Kaguya and kyoka were approaching the huge crowd of people. Kaguya was dressed in rather casual white jeans, white converse and and black top while kyoka was in a black tracksuit.

"Don't you think you should've wore something more practical" kyoka asked looking at Kaguya's casual clothing.

"Why should I?, I can move just as well in this as I could in a tracksuit" Kaguya replied.

"I don't know I just thought that it might be a little restrictive in those" kyoka said pointing at Kaguya's skinny jeans.

"I'm fine" Kaguya replied.

Looking at the crowd of people Kaguya could see all the people from canon, she could also see Izuku the so called protagonist but.

'Seriously I don't understand why he was the protagonist as this series all he does cry' Kaguya thought to herself.

"Okay start....what's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights.. run run, the die has been cast you know!" Present mic shouted.

After hearing what he said most of the examinees ran through he gates as fast as they could leave only a confused Izuku and pretty calm, relaxed Kaguya who was slowly making he way through the gates.

But as soon as she did her body started changing elongating and growing scales. After the process was completed what was left in her place was a mile long pure white serpent with three eye two purple eyes and one red eye with ripple and nine tomoe on her head just above her other eyes.

The examinees seeing the giant serpent were horrified and there legs gave way out of fear.

With the examiners the situation was much better they were all to shocked to even breath, looking at the spectacle before them on the screens was just to amazing. It was simple to much for a teenager to do yet one had done it.

After transforming Kaguya had been using her snake for to destroy as many one and two pointers as she could leaving one destruction in her wake the ground could not take her weight and would crack underneath her leave a clear trail, the buildings that Kaguya brushed against would collapse from her sheer might even from something as gentle as a love tap. And the ground after she had thrust forward to devour a robot there was only craters left.

The other examinees had all left to different areas of the testing ground already lest they accidentally get crushed by a building or hit by one of Kaguya's attacks but although they were far away they could still feel the ground quake.

That was when the zero pointer arrived. It's size just shy of Kaguya's just not as intimidating to the examinees, sure if they had not seen Kaguya it would have scared them a lot but not now.

"I wander how she'll deal with the zero pointer it's almost her size it should be quite the challenge" Nezu thought sitting forward in his chair the other examiners also looking forward to Kaguya's next move.

"I'm not sure Nezu even though I can't see her personally I can tell that she's been holding back likely to not hurt the others" all might said to Nezu he didn't know why but even just looking at Kaguya through the screen gave him a real feeling of danger.

"Hmmm is that so I guess we'll just have to wait and s-" Nezu was cut off by what he saw on screen. Kaguya had wrapped herself around the zero pointer like a python and crushed its body easily with her powerful muscles after doing so she unwrapped herself from the scrap metal an coiled herself up.

"Well i suppose you were right after all" Nezu said with a big grin. 'this person will be an incredibly powerful hero in the future they may even rival All might if brought up and trained properly' Nezu thought.

After its was announced that the exam was over Kaguya transformed back to her normal state and found kyoka at the gate waiting for her.

"Did you really have to go overboard like that couldn't you have used some of your other abilities" Kyoka asked with a complicated look on her face, she's happy that Kaguya did well and clearly had fun doing going by her small smile but now she got a worse score then what she could have.

"I'm sorry it was just to tempting, and seeing the faces they made, made it worth it I'll make it up to you what do you want?" Kaguya replied trying to hide her smile.

"Hmm I'd like a new guitar please" kyoka says with a playful smile. To that Kaguya can only smile wryly.

When they got home they told their parents all about what happened at the exam and especially what Kaguya did to which her parents laughed. Kaguya also told Rumi over the phone and they spent the night talking to each other which they do occasionally.

About a week later they received two letters of acceptance telling them that both land kyoka had been accepted into UA and were in class 1A together it also stated their points kyoka got 37 (completely made up number) and Kaguya got 153 with 1 rescue point. Kaguya is exactly sure how she got that one point but what does it matter now.

The time for the start of the new school year had come and tomorrow Kaguya would be going to her first day at UA for the real start of the canon story where all the hidden players start making their moves.


Again I'm sorry for my previous chapter I knew pretty much after I wrote it that it was just a half assed pile of well crap I hope this slightly makes up for it at least I also deleted the chapter so to new readers they won't know it ever happened but those who do Yh I know I fucked up.