Battle trial

A/N sorry for taking so long between chapters ive been really busy and I mostly spend my free time reading light novels and webnovels like nanomancer reborn, kumo desu ga Nani ka? And overlord I'll try to upload more but no promises.


Today after arriving at school and going through all the normal classes that you would expect to find at a school, Kaguya and kyoka had lunch together with the other girls in their class in the canteen an extremely large room full of loud students.

Obviously Kaguya was struggling to enjoy her meal when surrounded by such noise so she did what she always does in these situations zones outs, completely blocking off her sense of sound.

"So you and Kaguya seem to be good friends did you know each other in middle school?" Mono questioned kyoka. (I'll be honest I forgot if Japan has junior high or not. cos I'm from the uk we don't have the same school system like elementary>middle>junior>high ours is just primary school secondary school college and maybe universities if you want sorry I went on a rant)

"No we're sisters" kyoka replied shocking the girls sitting at their table.

"Sisters!? But you look nothing alike!" Mina exclaimed as everyone else nodded.

"Kaguya was adopted when she was 3 from an orphanage" kyoka said stunning the other girls, they never thought some someone so refined and beautiful would have been in an orphan they all thought she came from a high class family like she was the daughter of a CEO of a rich company.

After feeling all the girls on her table look at her Kaguya decided to listen in on what they were talking about.

"I can't believe it so Kaguya really is your sister?" Toru asked.

Hearing that Kaguya raised an eyebrow about how they got on to this topic these are people that she has know for only a little more then a day but they are already trying to find out so much about her 'is this how teenage girls are if so I definitely prefer Rumi' thought Kaguya.

After lunch ended and everyone went back to class most of the students seemed to be overflowing with excitement when....


"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" Shouted all might as he took a pose with every step he took.

The class was full chatter about how awesome all might was the only person who didn't participate is Kaguya who sat at the back with her usual bored expression.

"I teach hero basic training, it is a subject where you train in different ways to lear the basics of being a hero, you'll take the most units of this subject!.. let's get right into it! this is what we'll be doing today.... COMBAT TRAINING!!!" All might explain before shouting the last two words while pulling another pose.

"Combat!!" Exclaimed Bakugo with an evil grin.

"And to go with that are these!" All might says as shelves start coming out of the walls with numbered cases on them.

"Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started." All might explains as the students get even more excited.

"After you change, gather in ground beta" all might said.

About half an hour later every one starts coming out of the tunnel entrance/exit to ground beta in the new costumes from izuku in his weird fanboy costume to kyoka with her normal outfit. But the costumes getting the most looks was of course Kaguya with white almost knee length boots, a black one piece skin tight suit that reveals her cleavage and with shoulderless sleeves and white tomoe around her chest and thighs with lines on her neck, collarbone and down her legs, over all of this she wears a white cloak with a red rim with tomoe lining the left side and large sleeves. (I was trying to think of the word for her cloak think in this picture in the paragraph comments but I just went with cloak.)

When everyone saw Kaguya they were stunned by her beauty, yes she was beautiful before but now she's showing it obviously the boys were looking somewhere else with all might turning his gaze away.

"Ehem all right with all of you in you costumes I can say that you are all looking like fine heros. That's great everyone, you all look cool! Now shall we begin?"

After everyone had calmed down all might began explaining what they would be doing today.

"Now it's time to begin combat training!"

"Sir!" Iida called out with his hand raised. "This is the battle centre from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?"

"No, we're going to move ahead two steps....." All might continued to explain all that they would be doing in this battle trial and how it helps them prepare for the future.

When he was finished he presented a yellow box and said "teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots"

As everyone was going to pick their lots it eventually got to Kaguya's turn when to picked her ball out and looked at the letter she signed in relief that she wasn't with anyone too annoying, she was placed on team i with Toru replacing Ojiro.

While watching izuku's 'fight' Kaguya was extremely disappointed while training to inherit one for all izuku didn't take any martial arts lessons or fighting lessons and that was evident his lousy moves, over extended arms when punching 'he wants to be the successor to all might when he hasn't even taken a single martial arts lesson to improve his technique, sure quirks make you powerful but if you have technique as well you could be unstoppable it's disappointing.' Kaguya thought with her usual expressionless face.

After the first match finished and the four students returned, momo went on to explain everything they did wrong but what surprised everyone's as that Kaguya started to speak when all might stopped momo.

"Midoriya you have want to be a hero most of you life yes? If that's true why have you not trained in a single martial art or any sort of combat orientated sport?" Kaguya asked as her majestic monotonous voice sounded out in the now silent room.

Izuku's face paled as he looked like he just wanted to find a hole to crawl into cry. All might sensing the atmosphere quickly changed the topic onto the next battle.

"Ehem right let's move onto the next battle..... and it's going to be hero team b verses villains team i"

While everyone was watching the screens intensely Kaguya and Toru had arrived at the bomb, Toru wanted to make up a plan when Kaguya walked up to the bomb and opened a portal beneath it taking the bomb to serenity which is now filled with many beautiful and mystical creatures.

When all might and everyone else saw the bomb disappear they were completely shocked their fellow classmate/student had just opened a portal to who knows where and sent the 'bomb' through, poor Toru was even more shocked the sounds she heard coming from that portal it was as if it was connected to another world.

Although they didn't get time to stay shocked as team b started making their move as well with shoji using his arms to sense where they were and Todoroki starting to freeze the building but just as he started the ice that he had formed started to take the form of large pythons and wrap around both shoto and shoji. (This is taken from the fake that Kaguya has has full control over all elements as a goddess like she did in naruto but I'm not sure if she would have been able to to something like this even if she did train with all the modern jutsus and stuff please don't hate me it's a fanfic)

'What is this! How can someone take over my ice!?' Shoto shouted is his mind when he suddenly spotted Kaguya's upper body fazing through the wall in front of him.

"Did you do this?" Shoto asked still shocked that someone could steal control of his ice.

Meanwhile in the observation room everyone was standing there, mouths agape at the situation unfolding in front of them. 'That young lady, Kaguya otsutsuki, she's powerful the way she carries herself and her instant response to Shoto's move even though she shouldn't have been able to see it, in the entrance exam i thought her quirk was a transformation type but she seems to have many more abilities opening portals, stealing control over someone else's ice effortlessly, fazing through walls what else is she hiding' all might thought while looking at Kaguya on the screen with an inquisitive gaze.

"All right match end, Kaguya please bring the bomb back through a portal if you can" all might called out over the intercom.

When they returned everyone started bombarding Kaguya with questions about her abilities from "is ice the only element you can use/ take over" to "where did the portal go" that second one started popping up after Toru told everyone what she heard from the portal.

"All right everyone calm down, can any tell me what team I did right?" All might asked instantly momo shot her hand up. "Yes miss yaoyoruzu"

"Kaguya by using a portal to move the bomb to a safer place stoped the hero's from being able to secure the bomb and also effectively turned shoto's ice against them thus capturing the hero's." Momo explained.

"Thank you miss Yaoyorozu" all might said "now we'll move on to the next match"

After saying that the rest of the battle trial went as it did in canon only with ojiro taking the purple haired perverts place on a team with momo.

"Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries other than young Midoriya, either! You guys took this on seriously! You all did a good job for your first training!" All might stated with a thumbs up. "Well then, I must review the results with young Midoriya. Change and return... TO THE CLASSROOM!!" All might shouted while running off.