Chapter 8 The God-level Village Building Order Against the Sky

It was the system announcement again, and the system announcement that sounded three times in a row, the entire predicament was boiling instantly.

"Fuck, who can tell me, is this Ye Chen's real name!"

"Who knows if it's the real name, but this guy is awesome enough, how long is this? The system announcements are all because of him..."

"Brother Ye Chen, please bring me. The Lun Family will warm the bed."

"Ye Chen, privately message me, what is a village building order, how can I get a village building order, thank you very much!"

"Fuck! Boss Ye Chen, don't be so selfish, just talk directly on the World Channel, just 100 credits, after you say, we will each give you 100 credits!"

"How about 100, at least 10,000, Ye Chen, tell me quickly, as long as you say, I will transfer you 10,000 credits immediately!"

Ye Chen naturally saw the content on the World Channel.

One by one say 100 credits, 1,000 credits, or even ten thousand or one hundred thousand credits. Such content has begun to refresh.

People want to know the news about the village building order.

After all, the real world has changed dramatically, and the prehistoric games are so different. Everyone wants to know the news, whether it is about prehistoric games or the real world.

Being able to be announced again and again by the system, everyone understands a little bit.

Ye Chen has information they don't know, and they all want to know the content of this information.

This also includes those who get the game warehouse, enter the game ahead of time, can watch Pangu Kaitian, and get complacent practice.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen chose to ignore it.

Ye Chen is not the savior of the world, let alone a bad guy. How could he tell others what the village building order was for, or how to get the village building order.

Not to mention, in this, nine out of ten people are really liars, they are all people wearing white wolves with empty gloves.

Ye Chen couldn't even say.

The world channel was messing up, Ye Chen turned off the friend function at will, and did not plan to add any friends.

At this moment, three lights and shadows appeared beside Ye Chen.

The light dissipated, and two men and a woman appeared immediately.

A gray-haired old man, a middle-aged man, and a young girl.

After the three appeared, they were at a loss for a while, and then they saw Ye Chen, and bowed and bowed and said, "Meet the lord."

The predecessor is that the game is good, and the degree of realism is 100%.

However, if you really regard this as a game, you will suffer a lot.

At least for now, except for some dead houses, only Ye Chen will take these so-called NPCs in the Primordial World seriously.

Because Ye Chen knew that the NPCs in Honghuang were real people, not virtualized by the system.

"You are here." Ye Chen glanced at the three of them and said softly.

"Yes, lord." The three responded in unison.

The three of them were the initial characters presented by the system after the village was established to assist Ye Chen in building the territory.

No matter who it is, as long as the village is established, three people will be given away by the system.

It's just that the village building order has a grade. The higher the grade, the higher the grade of the three people given by the system.

For subordinates, players can easily view their information.

In an instant, the information of the three of them appeared in Ye Chen's sight.

"Zhao Heng: SSS-level (God-level village building order enhances the qualifications of the residents of the territory)

Loyalty: 90

Politics: 92

Force: 52

Root: 68

Spirit: 82"

"Zhao Meng (SSS level)

Occupation: General

Loyalty: 90

Force: 93

Politics: 20

Roots: 82

Spirit: 81. "

"Zhao Yu (SSS level)

Occupation: Senior Physician

Loyalty: 90

Force: 40

Politics: 50

Root bone: 90

Spirit: 91. "

Seeing this, Ye Chen's eyes shrank sharply.

Because of the rank of the three of them, because of the attributes of the three of them, and even more because of the god-level building village order!

The attributes of the three of them are not inferior to some historical figures, especially Zhao Meng, whose strength reached 93 points.

You must know that only historical players will have more than 90 attribute points.

And Zhao Meng unexpectedly reached 93 points.

Of course, I'm only talking about attributes here. Compared with famous generals in history, Zhao Meng's difference is not only attribute points, but also skills, art of war, etc., various factors.

And Zhao Yu is not bad. He is still a senior physician even if his two attributes reach 90.

Ye Chen looked at the attributes of the three of them, looked at them and looked at them, and he was very happy.

Of course, what Ye Chen is more enjoyable is that the god-level village building order is against the sky.

It can actually improve the qualifications of the residents of the territory, and it is two levels!

What this means, at this moment, apart from the system, I am afraid that only Ye Chen himself knows.

In each territory, the refugees are refreshed every day, and they are the foundation of the territory.

Farming, logging, mining, fish farming, shipbuilding, breeding, animal training, etc. are all inseparable from the refugees.

More importantly, soldiers in the army must also be selected from among them.

The newly refreshed refugees generally have D-level qualifications, and most of them are F-level, or even worse.

This also determines the initial capability of the soldier, which is very weak.

And Ye Chen's territory used God-level village building orders, no matter what level of refugees, they can be promoted to two levels when they enter.

This is the advantage, and it is a big advantage.

Whether it is construction or the army, the key factor is still people.

Everyone else is Grade F or Grade D. When Ye Chen is here, Grade C is the worst, even Grade B will appear.

Others sent ten pawns, and Ye Chen only needed one to sweep others' pawns.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt even better