Chapter 20 Danger is to be killed in the cradle

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted without looking back: "Shut up! Leave here if you don't want to die!"

Hu Xiaoyue's heart is good, and Ye Chen naturally heard it.

If I change to an ordinary person, I am afraid I can't even speak, so I just ran over.

The fierce beast-level mouse is not terrifying, it is nothing more than fast movement, great strength, and thick skin.

Of course this is for Ye Chen, if it is an ordinary person, it is very dangerous.

There is only one end that can't be compared with strength and speed, basically, death, with few exceptions.

Ye Chen told Hu Xiaoyue to leave. Although his tone was a little bit worse, he wanted to tell Hu Xiaoyue not to hesitate and leave quickly.

This is also for her safety.

If Ye Chen's strength at the moment is converted into a monster race, then Ye Chen's strength at the moment is also at the beast level.

However, Ye Chen was not afraid. Let alone one, there were ten or even twenty beasts. Ye Chen was not afraid.

Because Ye Chen possesses the Killing Spear, although it is only the Killing Spear (Remnant), it is also the innate treasure!

Poke everyone to die, poke the beast to die!

However, at this moment, Ye Chen's brows were furrowed, and his face didn't look good.

Rats are social animals, generally family in nature.

But after the meteor falls, all the rats that have opened their eyes will gather together spontaneously.

This is nothing, but once their strength increases, and there are massive numbers, it will be dangerous.

Even Ye Chen, who had a sharp gun, was not sure to protect himself, let alone Hu Xiaoyue's safety.

As for running away, or avoiding the edge for now, Ye Chen had no plans.

Ye Chen didn't want to find out why these rats appeared in the hotel.

But Ye Chen knew that these mice could reach the beast level in just eight hours, and they must have obtained some treasure.

Or swallowing something good, otherwise it won't reach the level of a beast so quickly.

Moreover, there is still a group of rats reaching the level of beasts.

As plants grow wildly between heaven and earth, some magical plants with energy will also appear.

Ye Chen didn't care if he had swallowed something like this to reach the beast level.

Because it was useless to care, they were all eaten.

Ye Chen cares about treasures!

There are not many treasures that fall to the ground with a meteor, but are very powerful treasures.

More importantly, in the previous life, there was no rat demon rising in this city.

Combined with the current situation, it is not difficult to make a judgment.

These big beast-level rats must have been killed.

Even Hu Xiaoyue in Ye Chen's previous life was buried under the fangs of these big mice.

Ye Chen didn't care who killed him, but Ye Chen only took care of the treasures.

Once there was a treasure, Ye Chen didn't want to miss it.

Moreover, if these big mice were allowed to grow freely, it would be a big threat to Ye Chen, who was about to establish a territory.

Just forget about ordinary mice, and you must not stay in front of you.

Otherwise, let it develop and become a demon king, and then lead a huge group of rats, the impact on the territory is extremely devastating, to a terrifying extent.

Many territories in the previous life were wiped out by the overwhelming rats. This was still in the absence of the Demon King in the Rat Clan.

Ye Chen didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, and didn't want to use the hands of others to kill mice. The danger must be killed immediately.

"Squeak, squeak." There was a sharp and cautious rat cry.

The big mouse who got down the stairs saw Ye Chen, his scarlet eyes showed a bloodthirsty light.

Hu Xiaoyue, who had planned to speak because she was scolded by Ye Chen, was shocked again and couldn't help but stepped back and stopped.

Back again and stop again.

I tried to escape several times, wanted to run, but gave up.

Her heart was contradictory at the moment, and she wanted to escape quickly.

Those big mice were too terrifying, they bit through a leg, even the bones did not block their sharp teeth.

People in the hotel, whether in the house or in the corridor, were found by them.

Then he killed, gnawed, devoured, leaving nothing.

But Ye Chen didn't even leave, standing at the door like a rock.

Hu Xiaoyue opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, she found that Ye Chen really had no plans to leave.

After a fierce battle between heaven and man, Hu Xiaoyue gritted her teeth and stomped her foot.

Then, just stood there.

But her hand grabbed the bicycle that Ye Chen put aside.

She didn't want to die, she really didn't want to die.

But she didn't want her conscience to be condemned and had nightmares day and night.

Ye Chen rescued her once, this is the second time.

She had never thought that the most inconspicuous person in Ye Chen's class, who had the worst food and clothes, would save her, and that he saved her twice.

In her opinion, Ye Chen was also in front of her this time.

At this moment, Ye Chen dragged the sharpshooter and rushed towards him, preparing to kill Ye Chen's big mouse.

No fancy, no moves, Ye Chen simply raised his gun and stabbed.

"Puff" came.

The big mouse that rushed towards Ye Chen was pierced in an instant, and then flung away by Ye Chen.

The blood swayed into the sky instantly.

"Squeak, squeak."

The sound of a large rat came.

One after another big mice appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Ah!" Hu Xiaoyue's face suddenly stiffened, and then let out a scream