Chapter 28 The God Dog Two Ha

A colorful ray of light instantly appeared from the god-level village building order, and then disappeared.

At this moment, three huts, one large, two small, appeared beside Ye Chen out of thin air.

When Zhao Erhei and the others saw this, they rubbed their eyes involuntarily.

They were convinced that just now, it was just a clearing, but now, suddenly three huts appeared.

It is impossible to conjure, that requires props.

This appears on the ground and cannot be done by tricks at all.

"Could it be that... Boss Ye put three huts in the package?"

"Huh? Yes, it must be the case. The package can collect items. You see, there are only three huts. It must be easy to install."

"But, what did Mr. Ye do with three huts?"

Ye Chen heard the gangsters' comments, but Ye Chen couldn't explain it, and it was unnecessary.

There are a lot of secrets in the game. If the package is not counted, this will soon be tested out, but Ye Chen will not say anything else.

Whatever is selfless, what is for humanity, and then tells the secret, it is cheating.

Ye Chen would not do this.

The reason is simple. The reborn Ye Chen knows more about people's inner greed, greed, and endless desires and hopes than anyone else.

The experience in the previous life made Ye Chen see too much ugly human nature.

Ye Chen was pretty sure that as long as he told the secrets in the game, the first territory to be occupied was Samsara Village.

Ye Chen is strong at the moment, but not strong enough to ignore 10,000, 100,000.

Even if there were a hundred people, if someone used a crossbow, Ye Chen might be killed.

Although this probability is not great.

Therefore, Ye Chen would not say.

He glanced at his own Samsara Village, to be precise, glanced at the three huts.

Ye Chen turned and walked towards Zhao Erhei and others.

"Big Brother." Zhao Erhei and others hurriedly shouted when Ye Chen came over.

Ye Chen's fierceness, it hasn't been long before, the gangsters are afraid, it is inevitable.

"You can leave now. As a reward for helping me, I will remind you to go to the new development zone in two days." Ye Chen said blankly as he looked at Zhao Erhei and the others.

When Zhao Erhei and others heard this, they were all taken aback.

The script is a bit wrong. In their minds, Ye Chen asked them to do something, and it should have planned to accept them as little brothers.

But as a result, it was not the case.

Zhao Erhei looked at Ye Chen with some suspicion. Just as he was about to speak, he shuddered abruptly, and instantly stunned his stomach when he wanted to say something.

He saw a pair of emotionless eyes, which were full of indifference to life and accustomed to death.

Zhao Erhei has a feeling that as long as he speaks, the next second is his time of death.

"Yes, big brother, let's go now." Zhao Erhei tried his best to stabilize the sudden riot of heart, swallowed heavily, and then spoke.

Ye Chen nodded, then turned and walked towards the hut.

Zhao Erhei glanced at Ye Chen's back, his face uncertain.

Originally, he made up his mind to follow Ye Chen, but now, Ye Chen doesn't accept them.

This is something that Zhao Erhei cannot accept. Anyhow, he was once the boss of the party.

However, he dared not express dissatisfaction, even a little voice.

Because Ye Chen is a murderous god, who regards human life as a stubborn, cruel and tyrannical.

He didn't want to die, so he had to leave.

In the end, Zhao Erhei left with the gangsters.

After Ye Chen returned to the hut, his mind moved.

A vortex of stars appeared out of nowhere, and then a little tiger with fiery red hair came out of it.

The moment it came out, it was taken aback, and then ran to the side of Ye Chen's trouser legs and rubbed Ye Chen's trouser legs affectionately.

Ye Chen's cold expression disappeared in an instant, leaned over and touched Yanhu's little head, and said:

"The safety is up to you. Don't run around, just do activities in Samsara Village. Don't attack people at will. Someone comes. Tell me, if anyone dares to attack you, kill him!

"Wow." Yan Hu nodded his head and let out a still naive roar.

Yanhu is a spirit beast, and the king of spirit beasts. He was born with skills and very high intelligence. Ye Chen would naturally understand what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, patted Yanhu's head, and then pressed the diamond ring on his finger.

The stars shone, the light dissipated, and the diamond-level game warehouse appeared in the house.

Ye Chen walked straight to the diamond level game cabin, opened the cabin door, and lay in.

When the game compartment was closed, Ye Chen came to the game again.

At this time, Yan Hu trot to the diamond-level game cabin, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep like a kitten.

But judging from its constantly shaking ears, it is not really sleeping, but listening to the movement outside.

Game world, reincarnation village, village chief's mansion.

A beam of light suddenly appeared in the bedroom of the village chief's mansion.

The beam of light dispersed, Ye Chen opened his eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the player, God Dog Erha, the tenth place to establish a village, and the special reward of God Dog Village as the tenth village in the wild."

Ye Chen, who heard this system announcement, was stunned.

God dog two? Damn it! How could this bastard build a village so quickly?