Valentines Day

Luke's POV

no matter how many times I look at her, she looks like Monica. She may be Monica because they also have the same blood type. As far as I know, Monica has no twins.

"Luke, why are you staring at me?" Trixy's complaint

We are partners in the distribution of relief goods in the village assigned to us by sir ian.

I just smiled at her and helped distribute relief goods.

I am very grateful to sir ian and he helped me to be with Trixy. I need to get to know her.

"Brother Luke, are you sister Trixy's boyfriend?" the boy asked

Trixy was surprised by what the child said so she immediately explained.

"If you're not sister Trixy's boyfriend, can I date her?" he asked again

Is he serious? He's still young but he already knows how to flirt.

"Oh boy, he has a wife and a child so get out of here," I said angrily to him and Trixy immediately punched me in the arm.

"Luke, that's just a child, don't make the child cry!" Trixy

"Trixy, do you have a teddy bear?" I asked her

she thought first and shook her head.

"No, I don't have a teddy bear at home, why did you ask?" Trixy

maybe she threw away the teddy bear I gave her before, she wanted to forget me.

"Nothing, I just asked if you had it" I just said

Trixy's POV

He suspects me again, I know he won't stop until he knows what he wants to know. So it's better if I don't tell him I have a teddy bear at home.

We just finished the activity and we left immediately to go back to school to report to sir ian.

I remember I also gave meals to the kids but I was with a guy and we looked happy. I just can't remember his face clearly because until now my memory still does not return.

Even Troy I don't remember that I used to marry him as well as Helena.

"Trixy, are you ok?" Luke

I didn't realize that I was stunned at where I stood. In the depths of what I was thinking earlier, he was still waiting for me to walk.

When we went back to school students were coming to the booths. I forgot today is Valentine's Day.

"Happy Valentines Day Trixy" Luke greeted me and handed me a paper bag.

I don't know where the paper bag he was holding came from because I didn't notice anything he was carrying before.

"Happy Valentines Day too" I greeted him as well

I don't have a gift for him because I don't know it's Valentine's today.

I looked at the gift he gave me. a teddy bear.

So did he ask about the teddy bear earlier because he would give it to me? Hmmm ... is he flirting with me?

"Trixy don't think I'm flirting, I just want us to be friends" he defended

I haven't even asked but he's already explaining? Hmm! he is obvious.

"sister Trixy!" My classmates greeted me and immediately gave me flowers and chocolates. Most of them were men, I also noticed that someone also gave a letter and chocolates to Luke. Looks like a lot of people like him too.

We accepted what they gave us. Luke and I had nothing to give them so we just hugged them.

"sister Trixy, are you going to the party tonight?" My classmate asked that I didn't know the name


I didn't know we had an event. Our professors said nothing.

"yes sister Trixy, so sir Ian will send us home early because the event will start at 5 pm" he added

"We can meet the people from the other course! There are many handsome people there" said the person who gave me flowers

"Please come to the party later so we can vote for you as queen and king of the night," said, my male classmate

Argh! It's annoying! Why can't I remember their names and only know them by their faces?

"You can count on me, Trixy and I are going" Luke announced

I immediately shook my head at them. Troy won't let me go. I also promised Helena that I would put her to sleep later.

"sister Trixy, come on! What a waste of the prize, it's ten thousand"

hayst I need to say goodbye first. Hopefully Troy will allow me, I don't need ten thousand, but for my classmates, I'll try to go.

Monica's POV

"Ms. Villareal and Mr. Ramos, I will expect you at the party. Otherwise, I will drop you on my subject" Sir Cruz threatened us and left us at the faculty.

"oh, Monica did you hear what sir Cruz said? we should win!" Lorence said to me

I don't want to go because I'm shy but Lorence is not shy. We are too old for that. He didn't finish school right away because he just wanted to have fun so he repeated the study.

"I don't want to! It's better to repeat the subject than to go" I protested

"Monica! I'll tell my cousin to pass you up to the finals" Lorence

he's weird.

"Lorence don't include your cousin in what you're doing"

"Eh! You should go later! Promise you won't regret it" Lorence

What else can I do? I'm sure he won't stop asking questions until I agree with what he wants.

"All right! But buy me something to wear" I told him so he scratched his head so hard

"Monica, you're the richest of the two of us, why should I spend on what you're going to wear?" Lorence

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you want me to go or not?"

"Hays! All right, I'll just borrow money! Because I lost my credit card" he growled

"I'll see you later, just come to my house later" I teased him

his eyes immediately widened.

"Monica, you buy what you're going to wear and then I'll give you money, your house is far from the mall!" He complained again

"Don't you want to?"

"All right see you later," he said sadly