One week

Trixy's POV

"Monica is gone, go ahead Trixy tell us the plan!" Bun

"shhh! don't be loud, maybe someone will hear you. this celebration is for farewell and birthday, so it should be fun" Trixy

"huh? why is this the last time they'll meet? who's leaving? where are they going? or maybe they'll split up?" ren

I shook.

"Not like that, because Clio and timothy will return to the state to start their career and they will bring luke to try modeling. Luke will continue his study there as far as I know"

"is that serious Trixy? luke will be gone for a long time? how's their love story?" bun

I could see the sadness on their faces. I am also sad because they are so far away from each other. I feel sadder because I will be away from the person I love. We will remain single until Monica gets married. so they helped luke apply to the agency.

"so it's a sad birthday party, isn't it?" sis yen