Chapter One: "New" World

A throbbing pain came to my head. 'Ugh, my head hurts like the very definition of hell,' I rised up out a tube. Tumbling out, my frail body slammed into the cold ground. 'Metal surely didn't help.' Grabbing hold of the "tube", I pulled myself upwards and examined the room. 'Where am I? and what is all this,' in the corner of my eye, I saw a cane. dropping to the ground, I crawled over to it. It was hard, seeing as the room was barely light, as if this was an emergency generator being used. Finally reaching the cane, I pulled and placed my weight on it, and slowly began to walk. Going over to the instruments, I stared at 'em. 'Cryosleep?' it said boldly on the, barely operative, screen. Moving the sticks, pushing buttons, a rear door roared open, before sparks flew from the computer, and the power came off. Trudging to the door with my cane, it was just a dark room. Going forward, I lightly kicked something. Leaning over and picking it up, I flicked the switch on it, 'A flashlight! Lucky me!' The ceiling shook. Walking on, the room turned into a hallway, long, dark, and mysterious. Wanting to find a way out, I saw a map mounted on a side wall. Looking at it, I could see that continuing down this hallway should lead to a door out of here. After five minutes of walking, I grew tired. Sitting down to catch my breathe, I heard movement, 'Who's there!' my arm began to shake crazily with the light. Hearing the sound once more, coming hurriedly towards me, I struggle to get up. Before my very eyes, a massive spider like creature towered over me. Swinging my cane at it to keep at bay, I scotched backwards on my butt, right before it stole my cane. 'Hey look man,' my voice cracked under pressure, 'I don't like you, so you should bug off ya know!'

It roared at me.

'Not a fan of puns? Neither am I! How about we jus-' then, a sudden surge of adrenaline pumped in me. Rushing onto my feet, the creature went in to bite me, but I narrowly avoided it. Making a made dash for it, I refused to turn. Making it to the door, I put the light in my mouth, squeezed my fingers in the cracks of it, and started to pry it open. 'C'mon, c'mon, come on!'

something dropped from the ceiling and behind me.

'Please!' I began to cry. afriad of what was behind me, and yet, I don't know why. Hot air puffed against the hair of my neck. With a sudden gust of strength, I swung the doors wide open, and stared at the stairs infront of me. Turning to face the creature, it was gone. 'Phew' I wiped the sweat from my brows, and started my descent up the staircase beyond. After what felt forever, I could see light. Running, sprinting, dashing like crazed dog, I burst through another door to be greeted by...nothing. All around me, as far as I could see, was a desolate land. Sand, everywhere. 'Where the hell am I?' In the distance I heard a loud holler. Turning, I saw a large worm hybrid with a centipede going under and above the sand. 'Is it creating tunnels? Guess I'll call it a tunnel'r' Off on the side of the creature, was a singular vehicle, driving fast to keep up with it. Wanting to aviod trouble, I thought to hide, but they came straight to me. Getting out the car, I stood. A tall man, missing an arm, replaced by whay seemed like a robotic arm, he took off his cowboy hat. His left eye was fake, and his hair gone.

'What are you doing alone out here mister?'

I pointed at myself.

He looked sternly at me, 'Are you stupid?'

'Well I am...confused,' I scratched my forehead.

The man laughed, 'Sure seems it boy,' he slapped my shoulder.

'Seriously though, where am I? and what are those things?'

He stared at me, 'What's your name boy?'

I looked up at the man, he was roughly same height as me. I could assume I was roughly twenty. He looked, maybe thirty, thirty-five.

'Well, spit it out.'

I froze, and slowly cranked my head back at him, 'What is my name?'