Chapter 9


Sat in a circle in tattered uniforms, around a jukebox with no disc in it are us L'Manburgians. We sing and we laugh, and we sway in the dying light of the afternoon. Safe in the walls of L'Manburg.

"I propose something!" I slur slightly from sleep deprivation. But a brilliant thought came to me and I decide it must be acted on. I get up from being cross-legged on the floor and then get back down onto one knee, "Will you marry me? No, not just you Tubbo, but everyone. I propose a completely platonic marriage between the six of us!"

I look around at my family and grin, all fatigue gone from my limbs and my mind. I turn and pick up the things I have been fiddling with for the past ten minutes. Six rings made of twirled and plaited grass.

"I love all of you like I would love my own family and I propose that we stay together forever." As I say this, I get up and pass each person a ring. I slide the ring onto my left ring finger, like a normal wedding ring would. "I'll make proper rings at a later date, but it's just a symbol for our commitment and loyalty to this country and each other."

Everyone nods,

"For L'Manburg." Tubbo cries, standing and putting his hand in the middle of the circle.

"For L'Manburg!" Everyone echoes, following suit. Then we throw our hands to the sky and cheer loudly, for the whole of the Dream SMP to hear.

"Quick, let's take a photo before the sun goes down!" Niki declares, pointing at the van. We lined up, arms around each other and beaming, except for Fundy who was trying to look cool. Niki set the camera up and then ran up to us and swung her arm around Tommy. I was in the middle, surrounded by my favourite people, in front of the van we had tipped back onto its wheels after putting out the fires inside. The van that had started it all.

"Say CHEESE!" Jack yells and then the camera clicks, capturing all of us laughing in the golden glow of the setting sun with our rings on our fingers.

(sorry about the repeat of last chapter imma bit dumb)