Chapter 23

My body fills will energy, practically vibrating. I jump up, ready to sprint down the stairs. I look back for a split-second and see Schlatt looming over Tubbo menacingly.

"Great," Schlatt says, adjusting the glove he'd just put on. "Quackity, hold him there?"

Quackity grins as he pins Tubbo to the spot.

"Schlatt?" Tubbo's voice quivers as he looks around nervously. The crowd mumbles in confusion. Schlatt puts his gloved hand against the stone backdrop behind Tubbo. The stone slowly begins to move fluidly, oozing through Schlatt's fingers and creating a box around Tubbo, with one side missing so we could still see him. Quackity lets go of Tubbo and stone shoots out from Tubbo's left and right and wrap around his wrists so he can't escape.

The crowd gasps and I hear Niki cry out. Schlatt drops the glove and turns to everyone. I kneel down next to the tense Tommy, button all but forgotten.

"Now, Tubbo," Schlatt booms over Tubbo's frantic questions. His voice carries easily over the crowd. "I know what you've been doing."

"What have I been doing?" Tubbo asks innocently, weakly pulling against the stone shackles.

"What have I been doing? He asks," Schlatt chuckles, pacing slightly. "YOU'VE BEEN CONSPIRING WITH- WITH THE IDIOTS, THE TYRANTS I KICKED OUT! That I kicked out of this beautiful nation! It really does explain a lot, the tunnel, the random absences… Tubbo, you walked off during this very festival!"

Tubbo stares wide eyed at the tall man before him, while Quackity giggles in the background.

"We don't take very kindly to traitors here, Tubbo." Schlatt threatens, grasping the side of the stone wall, looking in at the young boy. "You know what happens to traitors, Tubbo?"

"What?" Tubbo grimaces at the answer to come.

"Nothing good." Schlatt answers lowly, walking to the edge of the stage. "Uh, Technoblade? Can you come up to the stage?"

I look down at Techno, surprised. Why Techno? He looks around, obviously as confused as me, then makes his way up to the stage. The crowd is silent.

"Hey Techno, I need to ask a favour. Can you deal with Tubbo?" Schlatt asks sweetly, grinning at Techno. Quackity's grin fades slightly and he turns to Schlatt.

"Schlatt, we have him jailed, isn't that enough?"

"No, no," Schlatt replies, shaking his head. "No, he needs to be taken care of. Techno?"

"What you want me to get him a drink? A coat?" Techno smiles nervously, but I know he knows what Schlatt means.

"No, I want you to kill him."

"I-" Techno stammers, pulling out his crossbow and standing in front of the stone cage.

"Schlatt?" Tubbo pleads, "Techno?" Tubbo looks up at me over Techno's shoulder, concern written on his face. I nod and mouth, 'it's ok! He won't hurt you.'

"KILL THE TRAITOR!" Bellows Schlatt, pointing aggressively. He looks at Tubbo and turns away quickly, "I can't even look at him…"

Techno loads a firework into his crossbow,

"I'll make it as painless as possible." Techno assures, aiming at Tubbo. Tubbo looks back at me and I whisper, 'stay strong', even if he can't hear me.

"He won't hurt him, right?" Tommy whispers to me and I shake my head.

"Techno's on our side."

Techno lines up the shot and I prepare to jump into battle when Techno turns on Schlatt. Then the firework goes off, burring itself in Tubbo's abdomen. Tubbo's eyes widen in shock and the firework explodes in beautiful blue, white and red. Burn marks immediately snake out from the point of impact in a circle. The crowd screams in terror and Tommy jumps up, ender pearl in hand. Techno laughs insanely and starts firing fireworks at everyone, including Schlatt and Quackity and the crowd.

Tommy appears in front of Techno, punching him square in the jaw and jumps in Tubbo 'cell'. He breaks the stone shackles and supports Tubbo, who is completely unconscious, possibly dead, while he pearls them away.

I jump down the stairs, bounding through the floors to get around the back of the stage. The button was somewhere around this hill, I had made a room and everything. It was all connected to the Redstone to blow up Manburg. I throw myself around searching for a button but can't find it. WHERE IS IT?

I run around the side of the stage, to see where Tommy had gone when I witness Niki, standing at the front of the audience, yelling.


"YEAH! I DID!" Schlatt yells back, still on the stage. To my surprise and immense disappointment Fundy stood on the right of Schlatt, where Tubbo once had. "I DID NIKI!"

"YOU MONSTER! AFTER ALL HE DID FOR YOU!" Niki has angry tears running down her cheeks.

"You've been a thorn in my side ever since I got here!" Schlatt roared, looking down at her with poison in his voice.

"I don't even want to be here!" Niki cries, staring straight back up at him, blonde hair whipping around with every agitated movement.

"Then go!" Schlatt rumbles, "Get out of here before I make you!"

I jumped out of my hiding spot, if Schlatt was going to kill someone it had to be me. I block off Niki from Schlatt and look up at him.

"Wilbur Soot!' Schlatt cries, leaning forward and looking down on me with contempt. "What are you-"

"If you're going to kill anyone, kill me!" I say, resigning to my place as sacrifice. "I volunteer-"

"No," Schlatt interrupts my speech, not even looking at me anymore. "I'm done with that stuff. Like, do I really look like a bad guy?"

"Kind of."

Techno stands behind me, shield up, ready. Uneasiness settles in me and I look back up.

"Shut up Technoblade." Schlatt spits.

"Well, it looked like you were about to kill Niki…" I trail off, trying to justify my irrational actions.

"No-" Schlatt stops mid-sentence, thinking, "Actually I might kill Niki. Tubbo hand me my- oh fuck, that's right I had him executed." Schlatt looks around angrily and I turn to Niki.

"Run." I hiss at her, then turn to the nearest person, who happened to be Punz and punch him in the face. Niki runs and Schlatt yells at her back, ordering everyone to shoot her down. I run in the direction of Pogtopia while Techno covers me with his far superior weapons and armour, all the while Schlatt cackles over Quackity worrying about whether they had gone too far.


I burst into the door on my own, Niki and Techno somewhere behind me. I hear mummers echoing up the stairs and go down. Tommy sits next to Tubbo down the other side of the ravine, eyes closed and head against the wall. Tubbo sits next to him, staring blankly with a torn shirt and multiple bandages wrapped around his torso.

"Tubbo!" I shout, sprinting over to the pair. "You're alive!"

"Hey Wilbur." Tubbo croaks, wincing at the slight movement of talking. "Tommy patched me up."

"I used the last healing potion." Tommy says, looking over at me. I nod and hold Tubbo's hand gently.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Will," Tommy says, jolting upwards. "Did you blow it up?"

"No," My expression hardens, "I couldn't find it."

"What, the button?" Tommy asks disbelieving, "How did you-"

"I don't know, ok?" I snap, looking down, "It just wasn't there."

Tommy sighs and leans his head back on the wall. As we sit there, Techno strolls down the stairs, leading a panting Niki. She looks around in wonder,

"Welcome to Pogtopia!" I call, getting up and grinning at Niki. She grins back,

"It's wonderful."

I hear movement behind me and turn around to see Tommy, stood up straight with his fists clenched.

"You bastard." He growls, staring at Techno. I step back, giving the two a wide birth so I don't get caught in the crossfire. "You nearly killed Tubbo!"

Techno walks calmly up to Tommy and unflinchingly looks at him.

"Yeah, I had too." Techno replies, looking imperceptibly shameful.

"What do you mean?" Tommy shouts, stepping closer. "You're supposed to be on our side!"

"I am on your side!" Techno rumbles, "What was I supposed to do? Let 20 guys jump me?"

"You could've taken them!"

"How? I'm not that powerful!"


I'd been watching the argument, harsh words going back and forth, and got bored of it. I decide to push my way in the middle of the pair and face my back to Techno.

"You know what, this is perfect Tommy!" I cry happily, hands together like I am praying. "You want to know why?"

"Why?" Tommy asks, still enraged.

"No one's on our side! This proves it! Everyone just does what they're told! Techno's not on our side, he's just here for chaos. Techno are you here for chaos?" I turn my attention to my brother behind my, grinning down at him.

"Well I guess, but-"

"See! Which is totally respectable, you've been very clear you're only here for anarchy!" I step back so I'm no longer in the middle of them. I barely notice my hands shaking or Tommy's eyes on my crazy grin, "And you know what? I forgive Techno!"

"What the- I don't!" Tommy splutters, looking at me as if I've grown another head. "He tried to kill Tubbo!"

"I was surrounded!' Techno spits.

"You can FLY!"

I wave off the argument, not wanting to hear the same thing again.

"Look, I forgive him! He knows what's he's doing!"

Silence engulfs the group and I breathe deeply.

"Manburg's safe for today." I breathe, throwing my thoughts to the world.

"Wait," Niki gulped, I spin to her. "You were going to…"

"Oh, yes," I step past Techno towards her, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'll fill you in. I was going to blow up Manburg. In a gigantic fireball." I smile sweetly at her and then look back at Techno and Tommy, sizing each other up. I slink over behind Techno, whispering over his shoulder.

"Ooo, look! Tommy's mad at you." I whisper evilly. Tommy glares at Techno, not budging under the King's gaze.

"You hurt my Tubbo…" Tommy mutters. Before Techno can answer, I run over to Tubbo, kneeling next to him.

"What about you Tubbo? Tell Tommy how you feel, how much you hate Techno for permanently scarring you. I want to see them fight."

"Ooo, I would quite like to see them fight…" Tubbo hums, "Here have this!"

Tubbo passes Tommy a small knife from next to him, grinning at Tommy. Tommy takes it, looking down with pity. Tubbo looks at me and I nod over to Techno.

"Oh right, uh, screw you Techno!" Tubbo says weakly, being mean was never a strong suit of his.

"Sound a bit more enthusiastic," I mutter and Tubbo looks around at everyone.

"Well, really, I'm still in shock, you did just shoot me." Tubbo, ironically, looks at Techno apologetically.

"EXACTLY!" Tommy shouts, stepping behind Tubbo. He continues to yell at Techno while I walk over to the end of the ravine. There's a pit, not too deep and not to large. I had carved it out slightly to make a cool room in it but there was something else it could be used for.

"Come here!" I call and everyone trots over. I instruct Techno and Tommy to get in the pit to fight it out while Niki helps Tubbo over. Tommy grimaces but looks ready to fight Techno. Techno folds his cape gently and places it on the edge of the pit. They both stand in opposite corners and I sit on the edge closer to Tommy.

"C'mon Tommy." I say into his ear. "Throw the first punch, think of what he did to Tubbo."

"I'm not doing this for Will." Tommy says, addressing Techno. I pull back, grin fading. "You betrayed us."

"Look, we can settle this with our fists but win or lose it stays in the pit." Tommy nods and Techno gets into a fighting position.

"You sure you want to do this?" Techno asks, cracking his knuckles.

"Yes." Tommy answers through gritted teeth. "That mask can hide your face Techno, but it can't hide your fear."

Techno rips off the mask, throwing it to the ground.

"Do I look scared to you?"

Tommy yells and swings his fist at Techno. He's dodged easily and hit in the shoulder by Techno's fist. Tommy wobbles back but doesn't fall. They circle each other for a second then Tommy runs in. He feigns punching Techno again but then kicks him in the side, under his blocking arm. Techno grins evilly, panting lightly. While Tommy recovers from the kick, Techno shoulder barges Tommy in the chest. Tommy hits the wall behind him, gasping in pain. Falling to his knees and clutching his chest. Techno backs off, it's obvious he's going easy; he doesn't want to hurt Tommy.

Tommy wobbles to his feet, putting up his hands again and breathing hard. He spits on the ground then pulls out the knife Tubbo gave him goes for a slash, slightly delayed by pain and fatigue. Techno, this time completely expecting it, catches the fist in his hand, forces the knife out and throws it away. Techno's knee crashes into Tommy's stomach, winding him then he throws him to the ground. Tommy lays there, coughing and groaning, reaching for the knife. Techno kicks it away and Tommy holds his abdomen and calls out feebly,

"You betrayed us..."

"It stays in the pit." Techno answers, picking up his mask and dusting off his fancy white shirt. I offer my hand to help Techno out of the pit and he takes it. Once he's out of the pit I say what's on my mind.

"I'm going to blow up Manburg." I say and he nods. This didn't affect his plan for anarchy, if anything it helped him. "I'm going to need a few Withers."

Withers were ginormous beats of destruction, with three skulls that shot balls of demise. It was perfect for my plan.

"Oh, have I got some ideas for you…"