We started our long drive without Leonid.

The pain and grief started to stir in.


The chauffeur caught my attention.

He is a bit chatty and lively.

He is talking about Seward, Alaska as the best place to live.

He is very proud of how they live in Seward as he said "It's where you live in the best of the both worlds. The best mountain view and the vast Resurrection Bay. At your young age, I'm sure you will like to have a walk in hiking trails and enjoy fishing at the bay! " he chuckled.

He seemed a happy person.

"Mr. Miller, that's enough!" one of the secret military personnel said.

He was called by Leonid "Master Sergeant Mason Jones"

He has a very authoritative voice, he looks like mid fifties, pointed nose and solid facial features.

While the other is much younger, "Specialist Mikael Magnusen" his age is like in late 20s.

He's speaks in a refined manner, well built body, taller than me, broad shoulders and looks charismatic.

Those thick eyebrows, high check bones and....full lips.


What am I thinking?

Let's focus on our goal Beatrix.

Always remember, you have to be discreet.

We still have to save Lada.

I have to keep my distance to anybody.

I couldn't just trust anyone but my self.

My eyes were captured by the vast meadows and cows along the road.

I could see the slopes of the mountains.

It feels like home.

The temperature is cool but not snowing.

Few glaciers showing at the bay.

I'm reminded of Volga River in Myshkin.

Nana and I used to walk in the riverbank during autumn season.

We both love the autumn foliage and the crisp smell of leaves.

It's been almost two hours ride now.

I'm feeling tired.

And I'm drifted to sleep.

Mikael is looking at an angelic face beside him.

She is no ordinary girl.

Her facial expressions and body movements are refined and full of elegance.

Her voice is so sweet in the ears, when I heard her saying goodbye to Leonid.

Her emerald green eyes, perfect heart shaped lips, high cheek bones, long and dark lashes.

I hope Uncle Charles is wrong about Beatrix.

"Prince Mikael?" Mr. Miller called my attention.

"We are here".

The car parked in an open garage, inside the big garden.

Master Jones opened the door for him.

Beatrix is still sleeping like a baby.

Poor girl, she must have been tired from all the trauma and pain.

Mikael carefully lift up Beatrix into her arms in a bridal style.

He signaled Master Jones to not interfere him, and with "I can managed look".

And Master Jones started to walk to the front door and opened it for them.

Mr. Miller is smiling at the scene.

The Prince entered the house and moved quietly in going up the stairs to the second floor.

Until he managed to put her down in the bed successfully.

He smiled.

Beatrix felt like she's floating in the air.

Am I flying?

Am I dreaming?

Until, I felt the soft cushions and silk in my back.

Oh... my bed...this the bed that I used to have in the Palace, House of Oblonsky.


A squeaking sound of shoes on the floor awakened me.

My eyes widen..when I saw.. Mikael is on the door way and leaving.

I felt hot flashes all over my face.

Did he carries me up in here? Oh That's embarrassing!

I shouldn't have slept in the car.

How will I face him next time?

To release my tensions.

I surveyed my room.

There are four casement windows in front of my bed facing the beautiful bay and another two casement windows at the right side facing the glacier topped Mountains.

On the left side of the room, I have vanity dresser with a full bodied mirror.

And next to it is a door, surely for the shower room.

I found my hand bag on top of the dresser table and the suitcase on the floor.

The sun is setting near the bay.

It's the most marvelous sight completing my day.


A knocked on the door startled me.

I swiftly grabbed my handbag and check my pistol, good thing it's still inside.

Then, I approached the door, opened it in small portion and checked outside.

I saw a lady in uniform.

She speaks " Your Highness, I am Olivia the house keeper. Master Jones want you to be ready for dinner in 30 minutes."

I opened the door widely and responded.

"Yes, I will..Thank you!"

Then, she bow down for respect and leave.

I immediately freshen up my self.

The I untied my hair.

My natural,long, wavy and soft silver hair, cascade beautifully.

I changed my clothes into a black linen embroidered folk dress and a flat leather sandals.

Then, checked myself into the full body mirror.

I'm like a twin sister of my mother.

I inherited all of my physical features from her.

Oh I miss you Mama...

I stopped my tears from falling and suppressed it.

I decided to wear the gold necklace tonight to keep it with me.

And swiftly move from my room, going down the stairs to the parlour.

A big fireplace hearth, made from marble is such a beauty.. with two wooden couch in red velvet color is striking.

And I turned around to survey the area.

I saw a long dining table with candle holders, fruits and flowers in the center.

Olivia the house keeper and another girl is busy serving food in the table.


Master Jones and Specialist Magnusen is standing near the table.. waiting for me.

They bow down to pay respect along with the house keeper and the assistant.

"Good evening.. Your Highness" they greeted.

"Good evening!" I said in response.

Mikael approached me and ushered to my seat.

"Thank you, Specialist Magnusen!" and smiled.

"You look wonderful tonight, Your Highness." he responded.

And I choked.


He immediately took a glass with water and helped me to drink.

And I thank him in almost a whisper.

I totally felt embarrassed.

My whole face is in hot flashes.

Mikael then seated beside my me.

I'm stunned.

And we eat our dinner silently.

Olivia served us with seven meal course.

That I barely eaten everything.

I am consumed by consciousness of Mikael's presence.

He is very gentleman all throughout the dinner.

And I wanted to vanish from all these attentions given to me.

After the last course.

Mikael offered me some wine.

But I refused.

I decided to go back to my room and asked permission to retire.

And they allowed me.

I say my good night.

And started to walk up the stairs and into my room.

What happened to me?

I need to relax and release my tensions.

I decided to prepare my hot tub bath.

Mikael sense the consciousness of Beatrix while in dinner.

It makes him feel victorious.