Stefan's night was restless.

Sleeping in the couch alone, thinking about the damsel in my room.

That feeling... of her soft porcelain skin in my arms when I caught her before the floor.

And her reaction when she's awake... is priceless!

I truely wanted to smooch her.


I do not want to be advantageous of her vulnerability.

And... I'm still dopey.

We surely have more days together.

And more days to become acquainted with.

I find her very interesting.

And I nod off.

Mikael arrived early in the house.

He woke me up from the couch.

I'm startled.

I slowly get up and brushed my hair with my fingers.

"Younger brother, why in hell! we have a girl visitor in my room without my knowledge?" I said in a calm and controlled voice.

"This is my house and nobody asked my permission?!?" I added.

Mikael flashed a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry Stefan... It's just that.. I couldn't..

So, you see Uncle Charles..given me an order to take her from the Port of Anchorage and keep her safe until the investigation on the House of Oblonsky be completed...Uncle Charles thinks that she's an imposter, claiming as the Last Heiress." he explained.

"That's insanity! It's been decades that the House of Oblonsky diminished. How could this be happening? We all know that all of them were killed even the maidservants? "

I exclaimed.

"I will be communicating with Uncle Charles soon. Hence, the investigation is still in progress, we do our best to accommodate her ...the best that we can." I added.

Mikael nodded in response.

I called the house keeper to serve breakfast.

And called Lilian to relay a message to Beatrix to freshen up.

And the latter bow down in respect and followed.

We settled in the dining table and talking.


The shattered vase caught our attention.

My Goodness! that's my precious collected vase from Soufflenheim..

Mikael knows how they are valuable to me than anybody else.

I suppressed my feeling of repugnance.

Then, Mikael approached Beatrix to ushered her in her seat.

We completed our breakfast when Beatrix appeal to have a tour around Seward.

I called Olivia to have the hostler ready two horses for a ride today.

I walked outside in the courtyard where the horses are readied by Peter.

"Your highness! Stygian is ready for you to ride" he cheerfully said.

"Thank you Peter!"

Then... I saw Beatrix approached Winter, feeding and caressing her.

She acts like a genuine royalty.

"She's Winter." I told her while I regard her posture and attire.

She turned around and I asked while looking at her delicate feet.

"Aren't you not changing your footwear?"

"No, I don't mind wearing my sandals" Beatrix answered.

And I asked her again "Aren't you not cold? Please wear something"...his eyes surveyed my outfit...then continued .."WARM".

Then she said...

"I'm sorry...just give me a minute!".

And she run back inside the house.

While waiting for her... I called out Olivia to ready our camping bag and lunch boxes.

Then Peter approached me and asked "Do you want to feed Stygian.. Your Highness?"

I nodded.

While feeding my horse and caressing him.

I heard footsteps coming from my back.

I turned around and see her standing in the courtyard.

She looks like Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty.

"You look stunning My Lady! Are you ready?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes, I am.. Your Highness! " she bow down.

I approached her and whispered in her ears "You don't have to bow down..My Lady! Next time you do will be in my bed." Then I took her right hand and kissed it as respect.

I smiled flirtatiously while looking at her red face.

"I love seeing you blushing..My Lady!" I added.

She grabbed her hands and advanced, approaching Winter.

Peter helped her cinching up and settled.

She graciously steadied herself on top of the mare.

I put up the camping bag and our lunch boxes in the inside the saddle bags and quickly ride into my horse and slowly moving ahead.

While she followed through.

We started our journey.

Then, I stopped..prompted her to halt.

"My Lady! we are very lucky to have beautiful weather today. It's perfect for a hike." I exclaimed.

" Your highness, we have our horses with us. Why are we hiking? she annoyingly said.

"Ah yes My Lady..indeed! You will see later" I flashed my teasing grin.

It would be a great joy to have more time with her in the wilderness.

I gently put inward pressure or a foot cue to Stygian to increase his speed.

And Beatrix followed.

How did she managed to learn horse back riding? I'm impressed!

We arrived at the entrance of Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park.

A few houses of natives are inside the rainforest.

The rainforest is composed of Setka Spruce and Mountain Hemlock.

Mikael and I, used to hike the trail for 6-8 hours.

Starting from the valley floor, up to the top of the trail.

Thus, we need to leave our horses due to the difficult trails ahead.

I have decided to meet Oscar, a long time friend and a native.

I stopped in front of his house and so as Beatrix.

She's a little bit confused.