Oh I love the smell of her!

Her sweet scents of flower reminds me of Mainau Island in spring which burst colors inside my heart.

Being near her, light up fire in the cold winter nights and igniting every senses in my veins.

And the air of frost sends shivers into my soul.

O God! Please unite our hearts with the same song of melody.

"My Lady? What are you thinking?.. I whispered near her ears.

And carefully caress her beautiful face..our eyes meet..she looks at me with so much affection.

Then she said, "Your highness... I couldn't promise you a song of perfect bliss.. but only I could offer you my love and eternity."

"My Lady... your sweet response blooms roses in the winter frost. My soul is awakened and my heart is singing with so much joy!"

I touched her neck with my finger tips..down to her shoulders, arms until her hand. I felt her shivered. Then.. I raised her right hand and touched it to my lips. Then slowly kissing from her hand ...to her arms.. to her shoulders and to her nape. Our faces ..so close.. breathing in one harmony..and my lips touches hers.. slowly.. carefully.. tasting the mellow dew drop of Jasmine tea.

She moved her body ...more closely.

And I carried her..to lay her down in bed while we savor the kiss of bliss. The warmth of her body in my arms, keeps my blood flowing wildly.


A loud knocked on the door... startled us!

That feeling from heaven and dragged down to the ground of disgruntled.

We are both breathless.

I kissed her forehead and whispered "We still have more time together, My Love" then started to move away. I walked with a heavy heart and opened the door.

"Your Highness! I'm sorry if I interrupted your rest." Jillian voice is shaky.

"Yes, Jillian..what's wrong?"

"Your highness..we have a visitor. King Charles is in the parlour.. waiting for you." she responded.

"I see..I will be there in ten minutes..Thank you!"

Then, she bow down and left.

What is it this time Uncle Charles!

I checked Beatrix in the bed, she had fallen asleep and I do not want to interrupt her.

Then, I immediately changed to a more courtly attire.

Uncle Charles will not be happy if he will see me in my comfy clothes.

I closed and locked the doors, to keep her safe.

I walked through the courtyard and went inside the house.

And saw.. Uncle Charles..

He is with a young girl beside him.

Then, Mikael and Master Seargent Jones on the other side of the parlour room.

She looked of the same age as Princes Beatrix.

I'm not feeling good about this.

"Hello, my dearest nephew Stefan! Glad to see you again." He grinned.

"Nice to see you too..Uncle Charles! Please have a seat." I responded politely.

"Olivia..." I called out.

"Please serve us some drinks..and give Uncle Charles his favorite coffee."

"And she is..?"

"Ah Yes! Stefan, I would like you to meet Lada..the Heiress of Oblonsky! he proudly announced.

I looked at her sternly.

She is frightened.

And she doesn't look like a noblewoman.

"Pleased to meet you Princess.." I reached to shake hands but she did not comply and put my hands back down.

"I'm just curious Uncle Charles..what made you think that Lada is the Heiress?" I asked annoyingly.

"Was your investigation completed?" I added.

He responded "I have been in Oblonsky for a month to work with the authorities.

They had been into this searched for decades. Until they have found out that one of maidservant is alive and one child is missing in the House of Oblonsky. And recently, a group of rebels told the authorities that the Nanny told them about the Heiress and abducted Lada and they asked for a sum of money in exchange of her life." he stated.

"Does she have any markings or any proof to give to support the claims of the rebels? " I curiously asked.

"That is unnecessary! I believe she's the Heiress that was lost for a long time." he said with finality.

"We will be staying here for two days for a tour. I would like Princess Lada to enjoy Seward." he added.

This is not happening! How could they believe the rebels quickly without any proofs? It's insanity!

I do not want Beatrix to be hurt and sad from this hoax!

I will protect her with my life.

"Please excuse me Uncle and Princess Lada..please enjoy your coffee. I just need to talked with Mikael."

Uncle Charles nodded.

I approached Mikael and bring him outside the courtyard.

I burst out immediately in anger.

"What is this all about younger brother? You knew well that Princess Beatrix is here! Why you did not stopped Uncle Charles? I do not bother ..if he believes on the hoax created by those rebels and authorities..I do not want them here in my house! They will hurt Beatrix more than she is... and I do not want that to happen! You have to find ways for them to leave as soon as possible. That's an order!"

"But Your Highness! You knew well Uncle Charles.. if he said it..it's final!" Mikael said with tension.

"I see..you have to be discreet about Beatrix. If Uncle Charles asked about her. You tell him that she returned to Myshkin with Leonid and if he asked about me, you tell him..I have an urgent matter to attend to. I'll bring her somewhere else. And in our absence, you have to be their guide around Seward. When you go back to the parlour, please secretly tell Olivia to meet me in the conservatory room immediately." I said it in an authoritative voice.

"I will..Your Highness!" he bow down and leave.

I swiftly run to the conservatory room.

And saw.. Beatrix just awakened.

I approached her and hugged her.

Then whispered "My love, please be ready.. we are leaving.. right now! Collect all your things.

"But why...Your Highness?" she responded.

"I will explain to you later..My love".

She's confused.

"Just trust me..this is for the best." I assured her.

She followed my request and I collected my things as well.

Olivia arrived and I have given her my orders and left us.

We are all packed.

Peter readied Stygian and Winter for our short trip.

I have given the instructions to Peter about our things.

He will drive our things to our destination after we leave.

We will be meeting him at the Bird Ridge.