A NEW Horizon (R18)

The eight hours of flight comes to an end as the Captain announced our arrival in Stockholm Skavsta Airport.

Stefan awakened me with little kisses from my neck up to my cheeks.

And it feels like heaven! And he snuggled closer next to me.

I felt burning sensation inside me.

Then he whispered "Good morning My Love... We're here in Stockholm. We will stay for two days in The Lady Hamilton Hotel. You will surely enjoy it here." then he sniffed my hair.

"You smell like a new blossomed rose, My Love" he flashed his flirtatious smile.

"Your Highness... You are most well versed with such heart-melting words. You're always warming my heart and soul... Good morning! I smiled cheerfully while looking at him in the eyes, and hot flashes all over my face.

Then a flight attendant named Julie approached us..

" Your Highness! Please ready yourselves. The military escorts and the chauffeur is already waiting for you outside" she said with a teasing smile, then bow down for respect.

"Yes! Thank you for your service. We will be ready in fifteen minutes" Stefan responded.

Then the crew left us alone.

He immediately disengage from our snuggle and helped me to sit.

"Are you ready..My love?"

"Yes, Your Highness.. Thank you!" I responded.

We freshened up ourselves then we started to collect our things.

The flight attendants helped us with our suitcase and we disembark the plane.

We are welcomed by military personnel and a chauffeur.

A Daimler Limousine was parked and ready for us to ride.

The chauffeur helped the flight crew with the suitcase and load it inside the limo.

"Welcome to Stockholm.. Your Highness! So, you see... It is dark and freezing winter. Snow is all over the place Your Highness..." the chauffeur said while he helped us to get inside the car.

"That's ok Ludvig... I believed Princess Beatrix is used to snowy winter. And as for me, I could managed it even if its quite different from the winter weather in Seward. Anyway, we will be staying here for two days only" Stefan said.

"Yes, we do have winter snow Your highness! But Myshkin is not that freezing during Winter, there are times we have it cool weather - 12 degrees celsius! " Beatrix said in guileless manner.

And Stefan started to move closer to me and wrapped me in his arms.

" O it's cold. I'm freezing..." Stefan said teasingly....while hugging me.

Our car stopped at the outside beauty of a Victorian structure, The Lady Hamilton Hotel.

Then, we swiftly go out from the car and entered the receiving area.

While the chauffeur carried our suitcase.

I surveyed the lobby... antiques and ornaments are everywhere, too many vintage collections of items displayed.

Then, the front desk receptionist helped us and given us the key.

A room attendant is being called to help us with our suitcase and lead us to our room.

When we reached our room doors, the room attendant opened it with the key and lead us inside.

I'm very much surprised by the antique decors and painted walls.

The room is very beautiful! showing contrasting colors of black and white and an eight light crystal chandelier shows its mesmerising lights.

It has some window glasses, a sofa and coffee table and a big cosy double bed.

My heart is delighted by the welcoming gift of champagne and chocolate on the table!

We surveyed the whole area... It has a full working kitchen too! Everything on the room displayed authenticity and very homey. It exudes my expectation of the inside of a room.

We settled in and started to freshen up ourselves to be ready for our meal.

Meals are served in a buffet, and very substantial. There are different kinds of meats, fruits,cheese, hams, waffles, coffees and desserts.

We are fully satiated!

And people are staring at us...

"Your Highness... Why are they looking at us?"

I asked.

Stefan smiled.

"That's because you are so beautiful.. My Love.." the Stefan kissed my hands.

No, I do not believe so, I think they recognised Stefan as the son of King Sven Magnusen.

I started to feel anxious of the constant staring of their eyes.

And some silently took our photos.

"Your Highness! It's better for us to be back in our room to take a short rest."

Then we moved quickly and returned to our room.

As soon as we entered...

Stefan pulled me into bed!

I can't help but squealed.

He layed me down on the bed and help me took off some layers of my clothes.

And I'm feeling the heat of my face.

" I love looking at you when you are blushing My Love.." he whispered in my ears.. touching his warm lips to it.

I could feel Stefan's toned body on top of me.

Then.. he slowly removed his coat and other layers of clothes and left his sweater and jeans.

He took off my leather cowboy boots and removed his shoes too.

Then he started to hugged me tight and kissing my neck and following the outline of my jaw and until he reached my lips.

He gently sucked my lower lip and I gasped, his tongue carefully touched mine and play around. While his hands playfully touching my neck.

And I started to put my arms around his neck and playing with his hair. All my senses fired up! Feeling the heaven on earth, filled with love.

"My Love... Please tell me if I need to stop." Stefan asked full of love.

I look closely in his eyes... showing his souls desire.

O how could I say no?

My body is shaking willingly to dive deeper into the sea of sensuality.

I silently surrendered my body and soul.

Letting Stefan lead the journey to carnality.

He started to undress my clothes and I tried to reciprocate his actions by helping him.

As he successfully removed my jeans and shirt.. He suddenly stopped.. he swiftly go to the en suite bathroom and prepared a hot tub.

Then he approached me and started to carry me to the hot bathe. And he quickly undress in front of me.

My eyes cherished each curves and outline of his body, feeling hotter inside the tub.

Then, shared the tub with me.

He slowly massaging my toes and feet and gently moving his hands to my thighs and moving up to my inner thigh. I moaned and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes My Love.. look at me." Stefan muttered.

I opened my eyes.. his too close.

And he let me touched his body.

Then he moved and carried me to the shower.

And started to rinse our soapy bodies.


A loud knocking on the door, then sudden commotion outside distracted us.

Stefan smooches me for the last time before he took two towels and give one for me.

"My love... quickly dressed up! It looks like we have some visitors." Stefan said feeling saddened.

I nodded and followed.