I decided to freshen up and ready myself to bed.

Beatrix is now sleeping soundly.

I lay down beside her and focused to sleep.

My heart is aching when I saw her earlier inside the Vattern Gallery.

"My love.. in every dawn... there's always hope and tomorrow" I whispered in her ears.

I cuddle her in bed and I doze off.

The Banquet Hall is full of visitors.

Noblemen and noble women in their lavish and luxurious attires.

The music filled the air and some dances on the floor.

Abundance of wine and food being served by the butlers.

What is this celebration all about?

I tried to search familiar faces on the hall.

When I saw Princess Lada on top of the grand staircase in her red Princess ball dress.

A voice in back called out my name.

Uncle Charles!?!

Then, the maidservant called out knocking on the door.

"Your Highness.. Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes".

I'm awakened from the nightmare.

I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the door "Yes, we're coming in fifteen minutes, Thank you!" I responded.

Beatrix just awakened by my voice and rise up.

I swiftly approached her in bed.

"Good morning My Love.. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, Your Highness... But you have a lot of explanation to do!" she said sternly.

"My love... Don't worry too much about what you have heard last night. I have talked to my father about Uncle Charles proposition and they respect my decisions. You are far more important than any power in this world. I will be talking to Leonid later. I'll send someone to Oblonsky to have an investigation. My intuition told me that there's something off about the Heiress, Uncle Charles found."

" Thank you.. Your Highness.. I love you more than anything else!" she said in teary eyes." Oh I love you too.. My love! Let's better be ready for breakfast, we do not want them to wait. "

She nodded.

We immediately freshen up and changed clothes.

We arrived at the Pillared Hall.

And we're surprised by the guest on the dining table.

Uncle Charles, Mikael and Princess Lada.

Beatrix is shocked by the visitors who are waiting on the table specially Lada.

She was stunned.

Why Lada is here? She was abducted by the rebels last time we were together!

I rushed to approached her.

"O My God Lada?!?! I thank God that you are alive! I have been praying for your safety. I don't have any chance to find you since I haven't meet Uncle Charles."

Uncle Charles cleared his throat and said

"May I know who is this young lady?"

Stefan approached Beatrix and whispered "My love... Please take a seat."

He ushered me next to his seat.

"Your Majesty! Please meet Beatrix my betrothed."

Everyone in the dining table was stunned by Stefans announcement, including me.

I haven't thought that this will be happening.

But I'm very much delighted that I saw Lada again and alive!

I hold Stefans hand and squeeze it.

" Stefan, my beloved nephew. How could this be happening? Where is Beatrix coming from?" he asked with so much curiosity.

"Uncle Charles, she is the Last Heiress of Oblonsky!" I responded sincerely.

"You are talking non sense Stefan! Lada is the Heiress. I already completed my investigation."

I gasped, feeling incredible on Uncle Charles claims.

"Is there any valid proof that you could offer to support the completion of the investigation Uncle Charles?!?!" Stefan is feeling snappy and nervous.

King Sven cleared his throat and said "Please everyone, calm down...let's all eat first!" He signal the butlers to served us the food.

Three meal course is served and we eat peacefully.

After the meal, Uncle Charles stated his proposal again on Royal Intermarriage and his plans.

I couldn't hold my self and temperament.

And I interrupted" I'm sorry to interrupt you.. Your Majesty.. But Lada is my best friend from Myshkin. She was abducted by the rebels on our way to Moscow Music Festival. Nana Irina died protecting us. We have been very discreet about my identity for decades to keep me safe! How does this investigation be authentic and successful?"

" And who are you to interrupt me and your behavior is such a disgrace!?!" Uncle Charles stated with annoyance.

King Sven interrupted "Please let's all be civil about this. Charles, let's go to the Hall of State, we will talk about your proposal" he said in calm manner.

The Royalties leaved us behind.

And I started to talk to Lada.

"Lada, what had happened to you? I thought that I lost you. What did the rebels had done to you?" I asked with full of compassion.

She is silent and looks totally different. I could feel her fear.

Mikael responded "Your Highness, she's a bit timid about the the events that had happened to her" while looking at Lada earnestly.

"Oh Lada..." I reached out for her hand and squeeze them. "I'm so sorry that this had happened to you. I know you missed Aunt Galina. She was devastated when she had known about your abduction. I'm sure, she will be happy if she will see you again." I said cheerfully.

Her eyes widened and spark with happiness.

"Amelia?!?! Is that you? Oh my god! You looked gorgeous. I never thought that... You are Amelia and Beatrix?" I'm so glad to see you again! She rushed on my side and hugged me.

"Please Amelia... I want to see Aunt Galina" she added.

"Don't worry Lada... Mikael will help us about Aunt Galina.. Will you? I look at Mikael sternly.

" No worries Your Highness.. I will do my best to contact your Aunt Galina. " Mikael said with assurance.

Lada disengaged and returned to her seat.

" Oh Thank you Mikael!" Lada said it with joy.

"Let's have some tea.. and coffee.. Please!" I called out to the butler.

Stefan is always amazed by Beatrix character. How she will fight like a lion against all her predators and tamed like a rabbit.

We enjoyed our teas and coffees with a hearty conversation. While King Sven, Queen Evi and King Charles were inside the Hall of State having a closed conversation.

Stefan and Mikael left us as they were busy contacting people.

Lada and I had a great moment together.