Stefan flashed his smile with full of excitement.

We are both breathless.

Suddenly, the lights turned off in the ball room.

"Your Highness? Stefan? I'm frightened!" I tried to search him using my hands. I could not find him.

"Yo-ur High-ne-ss? I called out again, full of anxiety.

My body started to tremor. The horror of darkness starts to haunt me.


The the door opened.

White fairy lights started to illuminate the ball room up to the balcony.

And the light from the full moon brings magic to it.

I gasped.

The balcony...

Dusty pink roses, white roses, lavender entertwined with loosely hanging seeded eucalyptus garland all around the balcony railing, with some silver snow on it.

Colorful lanterns and candles brings warmth into the winter night.

O how lovely!

My sweatshirt just matches the dusty pink roses.


My tears starts to fall. I'm full of euphoria.

"My love... Do you like it?" Stefan approached me and reached out for my hands.

"Your Highness... everything is just.... Magical!?! I don't know what to say." I'm getting emotional.

"Hush now.. My love! You look wonderful and gorgeous... just like the roses."

I blushed.

"Were you surprised, My Love?" He asked cheerfully.

"I'm very much delighted, Your Highness.. Thank you!" then I hugged him.

Then.. the music filled the air.

A musician playing a saxophone inside the ball room.

"Oh that.." my eyes widened.

"Dance with me.. My Love." he whispered.

I nodded.

Stefan raised our arms together in waltz position then we move together in the tune of the music.

And he moved closer to my face and started singing in my ears.

I get lost in your eyes

And I feel my spirit rise

And soar like the wind.

Is it love that I am in?

I get weak in a glance

Isn't this what's called romance?

And now I know

'Cause when I'm lost I can't let go.

And he continued singing as the music playing.

Then, we halted from dancing.

He suddenly bend down on his knees and took a box from his pocket.

He broadly smiled and opened the box.

I' m speechless.

He took the ring and he said,

"My love, you are my sunshine in every winter. I couldn't imagine without you in my life. Your eyes always makes me lost in love. And I would like to be lost in love with you for eternity. Will you be my lifetime Queen?" he looks at me sternly.

My heart flutters with so much joy.

And I said " Yes! "

He stand up and put the ring in my finger.

Then, he give me a peck on my lips.

And people yelled with joy in the ball room.

I've seen Lada, Princess Sophie, King Sven, Queen Evi, Uncle Charles and Aunt Galina standing by the ball room.

And the colourful fireworks displayed above us.

I felt the eternal bliss.

I hugged Stefan so tight and do not want to let go.

When the fireworks ended the music filled the air again.

"My love, let's go inside the ball room. It's quite freezing now." Stefan ushered me inside.

And the lights turned back on.

Mr. Bergmann, Stefans valet, closed the doors of the balcony.

While other butlers served wines, dried fruits and chocolates on the table.

We are both given glasses of wine.

Then, King Sven announced for a toast "Skawl!" He approached us "Cheers to our beloved son Stefan and gorgeous Beatrix! Cheers for the abundance of love, for abundance of good health and for the abundance of prosperity!

And everyone responded in unison" Skawl! "

Everyone is delighted except one..

" How could such attention be given to her like that?!?! " she muttered while drinking her wine at the corner of the ball room.

Her heart is heavy and feeling trivial.

" My sunshine, are you ok? Aunt Galina whispered.

" I'm already tired and bored.. Aunt Galina. I wanted to rest." she said, feeling annoyed.

"Well then.. let's get rested." Galina sense that something is bothering Lada with her behavior.

They bid goodnight to the Royal family and left the ball room.

Stefan and Beatrix saw Aunt Galina and Lada left the ball room without even saying goodnight.

Beatrix called out Lada but she did not regard.

Stefan was stunned by their behavior.

"My love, maybe Lada is very tired"

Beatrix understand, even it breaks her heart.

She silently nodded.

"Do you want more wine...My love?" Stefan asked.

"Yes, thank you.. Your Highness!"

The short celebration ended and we bid goodnight.

"My love?" I awaken Beatrix but no response.

I carried her from the ball room back to our Chamber.

I lay her down and remove her shoes and sweater.

Then I tucked her in bed.

I freshen up myself and changed to my sleeping wear.

When Beatrix rise up from bed then rushed to the lavatory and puke.

"My love... are you alright? Do you like to freshen up?"

She muttered her words and incomprehensible.

Then she nodded.

I prepared the hot bath for her. Then, help her seated and remove her clothes.

Then carried her to the bath tub.

Beatrix is a bit stupor.

And so, I decided to join her in the tub to help her.

I scrubbed her body with the body sponge when she suddenly hugged me and started to smothered me with kisses.

"My..lo-ve.." I said in breathless manner.

I carried her to the shower to rinse.

And she's awaken from intoxication.

"Your Highness..." she blushed.

I took two towels and give the other to her.

"Thank you.. Your Highness!"

Then, we change clothes.

Beatrix seated in the dresser to blow dry her hair.

Stefan went out of the room and ordered some tea.

Then, he returned with Mr. Karlsson, one of the butler, bringing some pots of tea.

"Mr. Karlsson, just leave the tea on the table. Thank you!" Stefan ordered.

"My love, are you ready for the tea?"

"Oh.. Thank you, Your Highness!" and she took a sip.

"My love, starting today.. Please stop calling me, Your Highness. You will be my wife soon. I would love to hear you calling me, with some other endearment" he said earnestly.

"Alright do you want me to call you? My sweetheart? My sweetie? My heart? My life? My everything? She giggled.

Stefan laughs boisterously.

Beatrix approached me and seated in my lap.

And she whispered "I love the way, you laugh My King!" then she laughed.

And we enjoyed our tea.

"It's time to sleep now, My Love. Tomorrow will be a busy day for the New Year's Eve. And... I will assign Elsa to you as your Lady's maid to attend to you all the time."

"But.. My King.." she complained.

"I am not used to have a Lady's maid. I can manage myself" she added.

"My love, I hope you understand. I wanted somebody, be near you at all times. Specially, when I'm not around. I wanted to be sure that you are well taken cared of" he insisted.

Then, Beatrix started to yawn.

I carried Beatrix to bed and we cuddled into sleep.