Chapter 4: Some Things Need to Change



"Mmm- morning, Kylee."

"Hold on what time is it, 10am!? THATS EARLY!!!"

"Oh my God, haha. Oh- My mom texted me.


M♡M- I need you to come home, I need to go shopping.

Me- Ok. I'm on my way.

"Kylee, I gotta go. My mom needs me home."

"Okay. Text me later!"

"I will. Bye."


At Home

"Bye! I'll be back in an hour or so!" Mom yelled while walking out the door.

"Okay! So, approximately 3 to 4 hours."

"Daryian, I will ground you right now."

"No, I'm good!"

"Haha. Bye!"


"Dayday, can you help me?" my little brother asked.

"Yeah, with what?"

"I'm hungry."

"Me too!" my younger sister screamed.

"Okay, okay I'll make you guys some food."

"Thanks brother!"

Kids! *buzz buzz* Huh- Roman?


❤Crush❤- Hey, wanna hang out later?

Me- If you want to deal with kids lol

❤Crush❤- Lol ok. Need me to come over there?

Me- If u wanna hangout yeah lol

❤Crush❤- I'll be over in a few

Me- Ok see ya then

"Hunter! Chloe! Your food is done!"

"Thank you!" Chloe and Hunter cheered as they grabbed their plates and headed to the table.

30 Minutes Later

*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*

"Roman is calling? Hello?"

"I'm outside. Can you come open the door?"

"Yeah haha. Be there in a sec!" *opens door* "Well, hello stranger!"

"Oh, shush! Just let me in!"

"Ok, stranger."

"How did my nickname go from jerk to stranger?!"

"I don't know. Just come inside!"


"This is my woNdErfUl house and those are the two demons that live here."


"Chloe, you are more of a demon than both of you combined."


"Eh, go ahead."

"Damn, Daryian!"




"What did I do?!"

"You're being mean to your siblings!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"FINE! I don't want to fight so we will go with, I'm kind of being mean to them."

"Good enough!"

"C'mon. Let's go to my room."

This boy is going to be the death of me, literally, the death of me. I could be KILLED by Kylee.

"And, here we are."

"I'm tired. I'm just gonna- *jumps on bed* lay here."

"Alright. Scoot over."

"Why should I do that?"


"Daryian, I'm tired. YOU CAN LAY DOWN ON THE COUCH!"


Crap, that sounded so bad.

"I- I mean, I want to lay down with you?"

"Uh- alright. Whatever."

Oh my God! I need to stop doing that!

"If you're gonna lay down with me, then go to sleep, dork!"

"Okay, jerk."

2 Hours Later

"Roman, Daryian, hey guys. Wake up!"

"M-mom?" Roman yawned.

"*yawn* Oh, hi Alyssa."

"C'mon, Roman. You have practice today."

"Oh crap. I forgot about that. Cya tomorrow, dork."

"Yeah, Cya tomorrow."

Roman and I sleeping next to each other made me realize something. Some may say breaking up with you girlfriend, but right now, I think it's good. After all, why would a straight girl want to continue dating a gay guy? I need to break up with her. Oh no, the tears are already coming.