Chapter 26: Let the Weekend Begin

WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that may not be suitable for younger audiences. If you don't want to read this, don't read the rest of the story. "We like cringe in this household." Thank you- Author 

4 hours of torture. Well, not really. Roman having his hand on my thigh and me kissing his neck every once in awhile isn't torture. The only torture was Kylee and Samara calling us every 10 seconds! That was torture. 

"Hey, love?" Roman squeezed my thigh. 


"We're here." 

"Oh, nice!" 

My phone started ringing and when I looked at it, I saw the name "Dumbass." I quickly put my phone on silent and placed it faced down so Roman wouldn't see the name. 

"Daryian, I f*cking swear if that is Kylee or Samara AGAIN, someone is going to die tonight." 

"Well- someone is dying tonight." 

"That person might be you." 


"You didn't let me finish."

"Well- FINISH-" 

"You're gonna die when I give you this dick tonight." 

"Yes, daddy!" 

"WHAT THE FUCK-" Kylee hollered.

I looked at my phone and I had accidently accepted the call. 

"I- MY POOR EARS!" Samara cried. 

"Kylee- Samara- YOU HEARD NOTHING!" Roman screamed. 

"Mhm." Kylee said. 

"YAS DADDYYYYY!" Samara mimicked. "Reminder to self,-" Kylee declared, "never, EVER, go into Roman and Daryian's room at night. Actually, scratch that- AT ALL!"  

"She's got a point though-" Samara whispered. 

"Daryian-" Roman looked at me. 

"Already on it." I ended the call. "3, 2,  and 1." 

          🤦‍♀️🙎‍♂️🤦🏼‍♀️The Three Musketeers 


Samara the Weeb- WHO DOES THAT!?




2 people are typing...

"Daryian- you better do something-" 

Before he could finish, I powered off my phone then declared,"IT'S SILENT! IT'S A MIRACLE!" 


He moved his hand higher up my thigh and then I leaned over and softly kissed his neck. After a few minutes, he pulled into the hotel parking lot. 

"C'mon love. Let's go!" Roman squeezed my thigh again then opened his door. 

"Okay, babe!" 

He opened up the trunk and grabbed both of our bags. 

"HOES! YOU LEFT US ON DELIVERED!" Samara screamed.

"Well, duh! You were blowing up my phone!" I exclaimed. 

"For real! I have to kill someone this weekend!" Roman declared.

"Ok- WAIT, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Kylee squealed. 

"He has to kill me over the weekend." I smiled.

"Uh- OH- okay." Kylee nervously laughed. 

"LET'S GO IN, SHALL WE?" Samara ran to the door. 

"Okay, well that works!" 

A Few Hours Later

"Daryian, love, you need to get up. It's 8pm and I'm fucking hungry." 

"Go get food then!" 

"Are you that tired?!" 

"Yeah- I'm extremely tired." 

He sighed, "Okay, I'm gonna text the girls and see if they want to go get food with me. Do you want anything?" 

"No, I'm good." 

"Alright, I'll be back soon. I love you!" 

"I love you, too!" 

As I heard the door close, I slowly rolled to my side and grabbed the water that was on the bedside table. When I was done, I rolled back over and slowly fell asleep. 

Ten O'clock 

"Babe, I'm back!" 

Roman's Pov:

I walked in and he was fast asleep on the bed. I put my things down and rolled next to him. 


"Hm?" Daryian said, half asleep. 

"I just wanted to make sure you're not dead. You should go back to sleep-" 

Daryian rolled on top of me, pinned me to the bed, then put his lips on mine.

"Love~" I exclaimed, "you should go back to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." 

"Babe, I don't want sleep. ~I want you.~" 

"Thank God, I want you too." 

He started to undress me and when he was done, I did the same thing to him. Daryian slowly worked his way down until he got to my cock. He started to suck it and after awhile, he came back up. I flipped him and thrusted my dick inside of him.

Back to Daryian's Perspective: 

All I wanted was him, and nothing but him. I didn't care that I was tired. I wanted him more than anything. After he was done, he kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, 

"We'll continue this tomorrow, my love. You need to rest."

Before he layed back on the bed, I whispered in his ear,

"Alright, daddy." I winked. 

I pushed him on the bed and he put his arms around me. Shortly after, we fell asleep.