Chapter 29: Best Day of My Life

WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that may not be suitable for younger audiences. If you don't want to read this, don't read the rest of the story. "We like cringe in this household." Thank you- Author

A wedding changes a lot of things. Your relationship, your friendships; it changes quite a few things. Some things are for better and some are for worse, but that's okay. Changes happen everyday.

"This is it." I whispered under my breath.

I looked down the aisle and saw my handsome prince waiting for me. I linked arms with my mom as we walked down the aisle. As soon as we got to the end, my mom slowly unlinked her arm and went to the first row where Kylee, Samara, and the rest of my family were. Roman and I lock eyes as the pastor begins his speech.

After The Long Speech

Yeah- sorry I am NOT gonna write that HUGE speech that they say. I'm good. I'm just gonna skip to the end- don't mind me. Thanks!- Author

"Daryian Oliver, do you take Roman Stutz to be your husband?"

"I do!"

"Roman Stutz, do you take Daryian Oliver to be your husband?"

"I do."

Roman put my ring on my finger and I did the same thing to him.

"You may now kiss."

Roman grabbed my waist and softly kissed me.

Kylee's Perspective:

As Roman takes my best friend to the next portion of his life, I begin to think of all of our memories. All of the happiness, the sadness, the goofiness, and how much we had been through together runs through my mind as tears roll down my face. Now he has Roman. And if Roman even DARES to do something bad I WILL BEAT HIS- I'm supposed to be nice right now. Anyways- Daryian is more happy now, and that's a good thing. His happiness is the most important thing to me and that will never change.

Back to Daryian's Perspective:

"Daryian, Roman, congrats!" Kylee said as she wrapped her arms around us.


"No?" Kylee giggled.

"UGH!" Samara ran to us and joined the group hug before we could say anything else.

"Hey, Daryian ~Stutz.~" Roman said.

"Yes, Roman ~Stutz?~"

"We should go ~that way~ and ~talk to people.~"

"Yeah, you're right. Let's leave these ~losers.~"

"Daryian," Kylee put her fists together, "just because it's your wedding- DOESN'T MEAN that I won't throw fists!"

"Yeah, I believe it. Now- BYE BYE!"

"Samara- looks like it's just you and me- what the hell! Where did she go!?" Kylee looked around then found her by the food. "SAMARA! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING!?"

"Kylee- it's food. I'm hungry-"

"Okay- you have an excuse."

"Thank you. Now let me eat."


Hours Later

Hours of dancing, talking, and just having fun had passed and it was time to put everything to an end. I wish it could last forever, but no. It's 12am and we've been here since 4pm. I'm not complaining- but everyone else is- haha.

"Hey, do you guys need any help?" Samara asked.

"Nope, I think we're good. Thanks for asking." I replied.

"Oh okay!"

"I feel like we're not gonna see you when we get to the hotel so we'll just say goodnight here." Kylee laughed.

"Yeah you probably won't see us there." Roman winked.

"Night, girls!" I waved.

"Night!" They said.

"Alright, let's go, babe." Roman declared.

At The Hotel

I'ma just warn you now- this next scene is smexy BUT cringey at the same time...-Author

"Roman- I can walk, you know?"

"I don't give a f*ck. You can't walk right now."

"I can if you put me down-"

"Let me have my moment!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry."

He opened the door to our room and pinned me to the bed. I started to unbutton his shirt with no hesitation. He quickly undressed me while I was undressing him. We were completely naked and I could see his huge cock was hard as he waited to be inside of me. He slowly leaned on top of me, bit my ear, then whispered,

"What's the magic word, love?"

"~Please, daddy~" I moaned.

He flipped me over then thrusted his huge cock inside of my channel as I started to moan with pleasure. He was thrusting me hard and started to bite my neck, leaving a mark.

"Scream my fucking name!"

"Daddy!" I screamed as I arched my back so I could take more of him.

Roman thrusted even more, making me moan like crazy.

My ass was drenched with my juice and I don't even know how many times I had cummed.

After a while, he pulled out and laid on the bed. I got on top of him and started to ride him. He started to moan, but then he flipped me on my back and put his cock in my hole. I started to scream his name. I have never screamed that loud in my entire life.

Quite a bit of time passed and we had both reached our climax.

Before we passed out, Roman put his lips against mine then said,

"I love you, Daryian Stutz."

"I love you too, Roman Stutz."