
5 years later~

Author's pov*

''Taehae, Taehyan you two don't touch anything see Eomma is working right? so can you both go to the living room and play?'' you talk to your 4 years old kids. Both of them nods and run like tom and jerry.

Your Son Taehyan is 5 seconds older than Taehae, he is one of the blessed smartest kids just like his father and uncles with a sexy brain, understanding, respectful kid, Daddy and Mommy's prince. This kid everyone wants and you go him.

And Taehae younger one, with naughty ass, demanding just like her father, clumsy, sensitive, creative. with a cute boxy smile as like her brother and father.

After an hour of drawing the sketches, you count the pieces but one of the selected sketches is missing, a groan escape from your lips, you grab your hairs back and started searching.

being a popular fashion designer isn't easy and mother of twins it's just ah! getting international, expensive, rare orders just make you exhausted even Gucci and other brand's CEOs got exhausted to get a single minute to have meetings with you. Your company is holding by you and your 2 sister-in-law's yes Jennie, Jisoo both of them move here because they miss their man as well. But at the end of the day, your family make you flutter and brush your stress.

A horn sound eco through the mashion, means your baby bear is back.

Taehyung walks on the hall and removes his while removing shoes when he saw his little wife's shoes were there, he smiles a little, he gestured towards the living room and saw his princess crying mess and his prince scolding her while holding pice of paper.

''I told you no to touch thos-'' the father cut his son's sentence ''what happened sweethearts?'' the smaller one run to him and hug his legs ''hy hy why are you crying'' he bed down and smoothly rub his thumb on her small cheeks.

''Appa *sob* O-Oppa *sob* scold me'' the younger one talk with her angelic voice, he giggles and raise his eyebrow ''why?'' he playfully asks his son, Taehyan signs and show the pice of paper it's sketch but it's coloured with crayons ''Eomma is going to freak out'' Taehyung sign loudly and take the pice of paper and scan it ''it's not good princess taking things without permission and your Oppa scold you for your own good only'' the father talks to his daughter in a low voice.

''Eomma will scold me because I don't stop her'' his son pout with teary eyes. ''fine fine I will see'' both the young kids jump in joy ''but ......you two have to good kids and sleep early after dinner OKAY!'' both nod and continue playing.

Taehyung's pov*

This isn't going to be easy, my angle can bear everything but if anything happens to her sketches, she just freaks out.

still, I can remember when both kids were 2 years old, I jokingly draw on her sketch, she freaks out and for 1 week she sleeps on the kid's room.

I sign and fold the paper put it on a drawer, I took a warm shower and wore my PJ, slowly I walk her 'workroom' where she works at home, she makes this room because she wanna give much time to our kids.

I knock her door and hear a lazy voice speak ''come in'' when I walk inside her workroom, the scenario like this...

In every corner small pieces of clothes, half done dresses and at the end of the room, I saw my angle back, she is glare at the wall which is fully covered with sketches

when I reach towards her back I hear her murmur ''again it's 11 how?'' slowly I back hug her, she flinches for a second and then clam down. ''Tae~'' she breath ''Honey take rest I will help you later''


''amm what happened why both of your's face is pale?'' Angle asks out of sudden, accidentally I choke my noodles. Currently, we are at the dining table and both of my silly kids aren't eating properly. she helps me to drink water ''t-thanks honey'' I smile.

She nods and we all started to talk about our day, talking about our day on the dining table is just like our daily stuff, we let out our words in front of our love ones.

After finishing, we all walk towards the hall which means in front of our bedroom, while walk I clear my throat ''actually the sketch, Taehae.....'' '' TAEHAE YOU!'' She yells ''mommy I'm sorry'' both of the kids yell and run towards their bedroom To save their ass.

I back hug her and trap her, not letting her catch them ''Taehyung let go, I have to teach them-'' she moan yes I kiss her sweet spot ''Tae stop'' she loses her body and her finger fall on my chest.

yes right move Taehyunh, I kiss her on the right spot ''Baby I want you'' I whisper on her ear and she closes her eyes and nod.

plan successful, if we want our wife not to get mad at your kids, so just secudicate her and that's it. then make love~

PERFECT everything.